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Inhibitory functions are key mechanisms underlying age related decline (Park & Gutchess, 2000 Park, D. C. and Gutchess, A. H. 2000. “Cognitive aging and everyday life”. In Cognitive aging: A primer, Edited by: Park, D. and Schwartz, N. Hove, , UK: Psychology Press.  [Google Scholar], in: Cognitive aging: A primer. Hove: Psychology Press), yet few studies have investigated their impact on everyday tasks involving action as well as cognition. Using an everyday-based go/no-go task we devised a motor analogy of traditional neuropsychological tests to investigate in 134 older (aged 60–88) and 133 younger adults (aged 20–59) the ability to inhibit a prepotent motor response during an ongoing action. Older adults produced more inhibition failures as expected, but more strikingly inhibitory errors were not all or none; even when the inappropriate response was successfully inhibited, difficulties controlling ongoing movements emerged from as young as people in their 40s. The ability to inhibit therefore does not ensure control of ongoing tasks, and traditional cognitive tests may be unable to detect such difficulties. Furthermore, performance did not covary with education or action speed. Implications for neuropsychological theory and assessing/enhancing functional ability are discussed.  相似文献   
There have been diverse arguments regarding the factors that could have an impact on individuals’ attitudes toward a specific ad, brand, or product. However, there is still no overall agreement pertaining to these issues because many circumstantial factors, including personal characteristics of targeted audience members and product diversity, can affect attitudes and receptivity to an advertisement. Through the 3 × 3 experimental method, an investigation seeking for the possible interplay between levels of creativity (i.e., low, medium, and high) inherent in advertisements and individuals’ professional roles as consumers, advertisers, or ad agency professionals was conducted. The results indicated that the variables (i.e., creativity levels, diversity of roles among targeted audience members) affected individuals’ attitudes toward ads, as well as advertised brands and products. In addition, an interaction effect between two variables on attitudes toward an ad was detected. In general, advertising creativity level was more important than roles of targeted audience members on their attitudes toward brands and products seen in ads.  相似文献   
The psychoanalytic situation provides many opportunities for people to observe their analysts closely. These observations are inevitably woven into the fabric of patients’ transference experience. Because the observations can be uncomfortable for the analyst, there is a constant temptation to ignore or deny the plausibility of patients’ perceptions. They can be, and often are, quickly reinterpreted as derivatives of sexual or aggressive urges. Psychoanalytic drive theory, with its emphasis on impulse rather than observation as the force behind transference experience, can encourage counter‐transferential disclaimers and lead to blind spots. Some technical suggestions are offered to avoid this tendency and are based on a relational understanding of the nature of transference.  相似文献   
A discussion is developed of Lynne Layton's argument regarding the eclipsing of empathic links among individuals and collective identifications within contemporary American culture. In this discussion I raise questions about the rhetorical strategies of this essay, about the analysis of power and of the social climate. I want to engage Layton in a closer consideration of the role of subversion and dissent, the status of developmental processes in a changing culture, the nature and reach of empathy, the role of psychoanalysis as a practice and a theory, and the role of therapeutic process in building opposition and dissent and in creating strong empathic forms of alliance to counter the dominant culture, including the culture of work.  相似文献   
In this commentary on Almond’s (this issue) paper, in which he asks us to consider ways in which his personality/history/psychodynamics played a significant role in his younger women patients becoming pregnant, the author questions Almond’s premise that we can know what “real-life effects” we have on our patients, when so much that occurs in psychoanalysis happens in mutually unconscious and procedural realms. In addition, the author critiques Almond’s archaic and reductive conceptions of gender and sexuality, which feel particularly problematic as they interpenetrate with his fantasies of his impact and pivotal role in their pregnancies.  相似文献   
Analytic child therapy techniques developed as modifications of techniques from adult psychoanalysis. Child therapy continues to be regarded as an adaptation of adult analysis and to give a central place to the methods and conditions of adult analysis, such as interpretation, in its understanding of how therapy heals. I propose that child therapy is not a modified form of therapy and that the essential processes of therapy are fully present in child therapy. In fact, they often may be seen more clearly there than in adult therapy. I suggest two interrelated processes as the essential ones in all analytic therapy. The first is play. I examine several interrelated aspects of play, specifically as they occur in child therapy. These include the emergence and integration of dissociated self‐states, symbolization, and recognition. The second process I propose as essential in analytic therapy is the renegotiation of self—other relationships through action. This renegotiation is what can help patients become able to play in therapy when they have difficulty doing so. Since I suggest that action is at the heart of analytic therapy, I go on to consider the role of talking in an action therapy. Finally, I explore the dimensions of mutuality in the relationship between child and therapist, including mutual influence and regulation, mutual recognition, and mutual regression. The intersubjective nature of psychotherapy, which is increasingly appreciated in adult analytic therapy but not in child therapy, provides a fertile context for the evolution of play and for the productive renegotiation of self—other relationships.  相似文献   
Octave equivalence occurs when an observer judges notes separated by a doubling in frequency perceptually similar. The octave appears to form the basis of pitch change in all human cultures and thus may be of biological origin. Previously, we developed a nonverbal operant conditioning test of octave generalization and transfer in humans. The results of this testing showed that humans with and without musical training perceive the octave relationship between pitches. Our goal in the current study was to determine whether black-capped chickadees, a North American songbird, perceive octave equivalence. We chose these chickadees because of their reliance on pitch in assessing conspecific vocalizations, our strong background knowledge on their pitch height perception (log-linear perception of frequency), and the phylogenetic disparity between them and humans. Compared to humans, songbirds are highly skilled at using pitch height perception to classify pitches into ranges, independent of the octave. Our results suggest that chickadees used that skill, rather than octave equivalence, to transfer the note-range discrimination from one octave to the next. In contrast, there is evidence that at least some mammals, including humans, do perceive octave equivalence.  相似文献   
Two studies on the relations between various styles of defense and the power or validity of self-reports on objective personality questionnaires. The power of individual items on the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control scale to discriminate between subjects defined as internals or externals by a median-cut procedure using the total score was not affected by the presence Or absence of a projective defensive style. However, the presence of repressive tendencies did appear to restrict item power. Prediction from two achievement scales taken from Gough's California Psychological Inventory was not influenced by level of repression, was affected somewhat adversely by a projective style, and was most clearly contaminated by a rationalizing defense. It was proposed that the differential effects of defensive styles upon the validity of personality tests depended upon the convergence or divergence of the cognitive operations involved in the type of defense and in the type of personality measure.  相似文献   
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