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The effect of retrieval enactment on memory for nouns (objects) or verbal phrases describing simple actions (e.g., “lift the box”) was addressed in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the type of object involved in the actions was manipulated, with three different types of object being used (body parts, laboratory-related objects, and external objects). In Experiment 2, the integration between the verb-noun pairs was manipulated (well-integrated vs. poorly integrated). Results from both experiments showed that whereas encoding enactment (motor encoding and verbal test) substantially improved the memory performance compared with a verbal condition (verbal encoding and verbal test), retrieval enactment (verbal encoding and motor test) had no major impact on the number of recalled nouns or phrases. Moreover, there was no additional effect of dual enactment (motor encoding and motor test). The overall pattern of the results suggests that there is a fundamental difference between motor processing at encoding and motor processing at retrieval, and the lack of encoding specificity advantage for the motor modality contradicts the view that encoding enactment of verbal commands results in storage of motor representations.  相似文献   
Outcome was predicted from pre-treatment characteristics for 62 patients with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder with agoraphobia of moderate to severe magnitude who were treated with 16 sessions of behavioural therapy. Two approaches to the task of prediction was compared: (i) predicting class membership as clinically significantly improved at post-test and at 1-year follow-up on a composite score; and (ii) predicting individual change from the same variable. Agoraphobic severity was found to be a significant predictor of clinically significant improvement at both post-treatment and follow-up. It was also found to be a significant predictor of change at post-treatment, but not at follow-up. Instead the duration of the disorder was found to be a significant predictor of change at follow-up. Perceived treatment credibility, motivation, anxious cluster personality disorder or trait anxiety were not identified as significant predictors of outcome.  相似文献   
Vestergren, P., Rönnlund, M., Nyberg, L. & Nilsson, L.‐G. (2012). Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of the Cognitive Dysfunction Questionnaire: Instrument refinement and measurement invariance across age and sex. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 390–400. The study adopted Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to investigate the factorial structure and reduce the number of items of the Cognitive Dysfunction Questionnaire (CDQ). The analyses were based on data for a total of 1,115 participants from population based samples (mean age: 63.0 ± 14.5 years, range: 25–95) randomly split into a refinement (N = 569) and a cross‐validation (N = 546) sample. Equivalence of the measurement and structural portions of the refined model was demonstrated across the refinement and cross‐validation samples. Among competing models the best fitting and parsimonious model had a hierarchical factor structure with five first‐order and one second‐order general factor. For the final version of the CDQ, 20 items within five domains were selected (Procedural actions, Semantic word knowledge, Face recognition, Temporal orientation, and Spatial navigation). Internal consistency reliabilities were adequate for the total scale and for the subscales. Multigroup CFAs indicated measurement invariance across age and sex up to the scalar level. Finally, higher levels of cognitive dysfunction as reflected by CDQ scores were predicted by advancing age, fewer years of education, and with deficits in general cognitive functioning as reflected by scores on the Mini‐Mental State Examination. In conclusion, the CDQ appears to be psychometrically sound and shows the expected relationships with variables known to be associated with cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Future studies should apply it among clinical groups to further test its usefulness.  相似文献   
The present study examined the influences of marital status on different episodic and semantic memory tasks. A total of 1882 adult men and women participated in a longitudinal project (Betula) on memory, health and aging. The participants were grouped into two age cohorts, 35-60 and 65-85, and studied over a period of 5 years. Episodic memory tasks concerned recognition and recall, whereas semantic memory tasks concerned knowledge and fluency. The results showed, after controlling for education, some diseases, chronological age and leisure activity as covariates, that there were significant differences between married and single individuals in episodic memory, but not in semantic memory. Married people showed significantly better memory performances than singles in both subsystems of episodic memory, that is, recall and recognition. Also, the rate of decline in episodic memory was significantly larger for singles and widowed than other groups over the 5-year time period in both age groups. The findings demonstrate that the positive relation found between marriage and health can be extended to the relation between marriage and cognitive performance. This effect might be explained by the role played by cognitive stimulation in memory and cognition.  相似文献   
Relatively little is known about the efficacy of clinically inexperienced student therapists carrying out cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) under supervision during a professional, psychologist training program. The current study evaluated this by collecting pre- and posttreatment data on 591 consecutive patients receiving treatment at the Psychotherapy Clinic of the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Sweden, over an 8-year period. The patients had mainly anxiety disorders or depression with a mean duration of 15 years, and received individual CBT for a mean of 18 sessions. They improved significantly on both general measures (Beck Anxiety Inventory [BAI], Beck Depression Inventory [BDI], and Quality of Life Inventory [QOLI]) and disorder-specific self-report scales. The proportions of recovered patients on the BAI (63%) and the BDI (60%) were higher than those of a comparison effectiveness study. On the specific self-report scales the current sample improved as much as the samples in extant efficacy trials. We conclude that clinically inexperienced student therapists who receive supervision from experienced supervisors can achieve treatment effects that are on a par with those of experienced licensed psychotherapists.  相似文献   
The present study aimed at comparing participants with and without self reported musculoskeletal pain in a normal population with regard to performance on a range of tests for episodic memory, semantic memory, and other cognitive functions and to see if expected differences interacted with age. The results showed that participants with pain performed worse on a range of tasks as compared to participants without pain, and that these differences occurred regardless of age. The most robust effects of pain were displayed on tests for vocabulary and construction ability as these were the only effects that remained significant after controlling for years of education and reported depression in separate analyses. When depression and education were controlled for in the same analysis, even these effects were eliminated, suggesting interplay between pain, depressive status, and educational level in the negative effects on cognitive functioning.  相似文献   
This study reports the effect of an affect-focused intervention program, the Affect School, on stress, psychological symptoms, cognitive functioning and neural activity. Fifty employees in social service and education, with high levels of chronic stress, were randomly divided into a treatment (N=27) and control (N=23) group. Complete sets of data were available in 20 participants in the treatment group and 17 in the control group. The Perceived Stress Questionnaire assessed stress and the Symptom Check List-90 psychological symptoms before and after treatment. Episodic-memory functioning under focused and divided attention conditions was also assessed. Prior and after the Affect School, seven participants in the treatment group were studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during episodic memory processing. After the Affect School there was a reduction in stress and psychological symptoms for the treatment group but not in the control group. The controls showed a reduction in episodic memory functioning whereas the performance of the treatment group remained intact. The fMRI scanning indicated a qualitative change in the neural network subserving episodic memory. These preliminary results suggest that the Affect School is effective on individuals with high stress.  相似文献   
Differences in recall patterns between subject-performed tasks (SPTs) and verbal materials have been interpreted in terms of SPTs being nonstrategic or automatically encoded. In a series of three experiments, we tested this notion by comparing free recall of SPTs and sentences in conditions of'(1) nondivided versus divided attention for organizable items, (2) organizable versus nonorganizable items, and (3) nondivided versus divided attention for nonorganizable items. It was found that recall of both SPTs and sentences decreased in conditions of divided attention. A decrease in recall was also observed for both types of material when nonorganizable as compared to organizable materials were used. In addition, the degree of clustering was higher for SPTs than for sentences. These data suggest that there is a strategic component involved in the encoding of SPTs. We propose that the action elements of SPTs (e.g., motor features, shape, texture) are automatically encoded, whereas the verbal component is strategically encoded. It is emphasized that organization is an encoding strategy critical to SPT recall.  相似文献   
The relationship between gender and memory has been largely neglected by research, despite occasional studies reporting gender differences in episodic memory performance. The present study examined potential gender differences in episodic memory, semantic memory, primary memory, and priming. Five hundred thirty women and 470 men, randomly sampled from the city of Umeå, Sweden, 35–80 years of age, participated in the study. There were no differences between men and women with regard to age or education, or on a measure of global intellectual functioning. As has been demonstrated previously, men outperformed women on a visuospatial task and women outperformed men on tests of verbal fluency. In addition, the results demonstrated that women consistently performed at a higher level than did men on the episodic memory tasks, although there were no differences between men and women on the tasks assessing semantic memory, primary memory, or priming. The women’s higher level of performance on the episodic memory tasks could not be fully explained by their higher verbal ability.  相似文献   
Phobias have been subject to more research by behavior therapists than any other psychiatric disorder. In 1975 Marks described more than 20 different techniques that have been developed for or used in the treatment of phobias.The technique to be described in this paper—fading—was first used by Barlow and Agras (1973) as an alternative to aversive techniques for homosexuals. Originally the technique was designed to change the stimulus control of sexual responsiveness by introducing or “fading in” heterosexual stimuli during periods of sexual arousal elicted by homosexual stimuli.One purpose of the single-case studies presented here was to explore the possibility of achieving a similar result with phobic clients. In other words, the aim was to create a state of calmness and positive sensations in the client and then to gradually “fade in” phobic stimuli. The hypothesis was that the stimulus control of anxiety exerted by the phobic stimuli would decrease and finally be extinguished due to the antagonistic effects of observing and imagining positive scenes.A second purpose of this application of fading was to develop a technique for reducing phobic anxiety which could give more control to the client than is the case in, for example, systematic desensitization.  相似文献   
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