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Self-construal has been identified as a potential means to explain cultural differences in social anxiety. Yet, research findings suggest that self-construal is an individual difference as much as a cultural difference. We tested for mediation and moderation regarding self-construal, social anxiety, and other primary individual difference constructs. Our results indicated that the relation of extraversion and neuroticism to social anxiety was partially mediated by independent self-construal. In addition, the relationship between social anxiety and interdependent self-construal was moderated by neuroticism. These results suggest that personality traits play an important role in the relationship between social anxiety and self-construal. Clinical interventions that consider the interplay between self-construal and personality may be helpful in decreasing social anxiety.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have found that hallucinatory experiences occur in the general population. But to date, few studies have been conducted to compare clinical and nonclinical groups across a broad array of clinical symptoms that may co-occur with hallucinations. Likewise, hallucination-like experiences are measured as a multidimensional construct, with clinical and subclinical components related to vivid daydreams, intrusive thoughts, perceptual disturbance, and clinical hallucinatory experiences. Nevertheless, these individual subcomponents have not been examined across a broad spectrum of clinically disordered and nonclinical groups. The goal of the present study was to analyze the differences and similarities in the distribution of responses to hallucination-like experience in clinical and nonclinical populations and to determine the relation of these hallucination-like experiences with various clinical symptoms. These groups included patients with schizophrenia, non-psychotic clinically disordered patients, and a group of individuals with no psychiatric diagnoses. The results revealed that hallucination-like experiences are related to various clinical symptoms across diverse groups of individuals. Regression analysis found that the Psychoticism dimension of the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) was the most important predictor of hallucination-like experiences. Additionally, increased auditory and visual hallucination was the only subcomponent that differentiated schizophrenic patients from other groups. This distribution of responses in the dimensions of hallucination-like experiences suggests that not all the dimensions are characteristic of people hearing voices. Vivid daydreams, intrusive thoughts, and auditory distortions and visual perceptual distortions may represent a state of general vulnerability that does not denote a specific risk for clinical hallucinations. Overall, these results support the notion that hallucination-like experiences are closer to a quasi-continuum approach and that total scores on these scales explain a state of vulnerability to general perceptual disturbance.  相似文献   
We investigated whether functional brain networks are different in coloured-hearing synaesthetes compared with non-synaesthetes. Based on resting state electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, graph-theoretical analysis was applied to functional connectivity data obtained from different frequency bands (theta, alpha1, alpha2, and beta) of 12 coloured-hearing synaesthetes and 13 non-synaesthetes. The analysis of functional connectivity was based on estimated intra-cerebral sources of brain activation using standardized low-resolution electrical tomography. These intra-cerebral sources of brain activity were subjected to graph-theoretical analysis yielding measures representing small-world network characteristics (cluster coefficients and path length). In addition, brain regions with strong interconnections were identified (so-called hubs), and the interconnectedness of these hubs were quantified using degree as a measure of connectedness. Our analysis was guided by the two-stage model proposed by Hubbard and Ramachandran (2005). In this model, the parietal lobe is thought to play a pivotal role in binding together the synaesthetic perceptions (hyperbinding). In addition, we hypothesized that the auditory cortex and the fusiform gyrus would qualify as strong hubs in synaesthetes. Although synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes demonstrated a similar small-world network topology, the parietal lobe turned out to be a stronger hub in synaesthetes than in non-synaesthetes supporting the two-stage model. The auditory cortex was also identified as a strong hub in these coloured-hearing synaesthetes (for the alpha2 band). Thus, our a priori hypotheses receive strong support. Several additional hubs (for which no a priori hypothesis has been formulated) were found to be different in terms of the degree measure in synaesthetes, with synaesthetes demonstrating stronger degree measures indicating stronger interconnectedness. These hubs were found in brain areas known to be involved in controlling memory processes (alpha1: hippocampus and retrosplenial area), executive functions (alpha1 and alpha2: ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; theta: inferior frontal cortex), and the generation of perceptions (theta: extrastriate cortex; beta: subcentral area). Taken together this graph-theoretical analysis of the resting state EEG supports the two-stage model in demonstrating that the left-sided parietal lobe is a strong hub region, which is stronger functionally interconnected in synaesthetes than in non-synaesthetes. The right-sided auditory cortex is also a strong hub supporting the idea that coloured-hearing synaesthetes demonstrate a specific auditory cortex. A further important point is that these hub regions are even differently operating at rest supporting the idea that these hub characteristics are predetermining factors of coloured-hearing synaesthesia.  相似文献   
Evaluative conditioning (EC) is the change in liking due to the paring of an affectively meaningful and a neutral stimulus. Starting with the exemplary question of why we like the iPhone, this article provides an overview of past and present research and gives an outlook to future research on this topic. We outline four different theoretical EC accounts and discuss how each account is consistent with current empirical evidence.  相似文献   
2型糖尿病的发病率日益增加,已成为影响人类健康的主要疾病之一。糖尿病的高糖、高脂状态可使活性氧化物产生增多,造成氧化应激;氧化应激与糖尿病的发生与发展密切相关,通过联合补充抗氧化微量营养素VitE、VitC、Zn及Se,以及多选用含抗氧化物食品,可有效地降低氧化应激,从而阻止或延缓糖尿病病情的进展。  相似文献   
Shelby L. Langer 《Sex roles》2010,63(3-4):178-183
Interest in emotional expression is long-standing. Given well-established gender differences in expressivity, it is surprising that researchers have not consistently examined gender as a potential moderator of outcome in the context of experimental disclosure studies. This article comments on Range and Jenkins’ (2010) research recommendations in light of the suggestion that males evidence greater benefit of disclosure than females and three gender theories: gender schema theory, social role theory, and gender socialization theory. Further avenues for research are also presented, including the examination of gender differences in subjective, expressive and physiologic indicators of emotion during disclosure. Such data could elucidate mechanisms by which persons of different genders or persons with different schemata/ social roles/ socialization histories differ on pre/ post disclosure outcomes.  相似文献   
“医学仁爱”是医学道德性质判断的一个常见命题,然而,基于对现实的思考,从个体自爱与爱他人的关系、医学对社会成员的选择性帮助是常态、人类的利他行为表达有诸多影响因素等方面论述了医学仁爱的条件性,又以医学人力资源的有限性、医学科学知识和技术能力的局限性、共情及其两面性、其他医疗资源的稀缺性等角度论证了医学仁爱的有限性。限于医学仁爱的条件性与有限性,需要进行医学德性隐喻祛魅、理解医学道德的有限性,且只有在全社会、医疗卫生系统和公众之间构建和施行其系统的道德行为准则,才能使医学回归其职业德性要求。  相似文献   
Langer MS  Bülthoff HH 《Perception》2000,29(6):649-660
The human visual system has a remarkable ability to interpret smooth patterns of light on a surface in terms of 3-D surface geometry. Classical studies of shape-from-shading perception have assumed that surface irradiance varies with the angle between the local surface normal and a collimated light source. This model holds, for example, on a sunny day. One common situation in which this model fails to hold, however, is under diffuse lighting such as on a cloudy day. Here we report on the first psychophysical experiments that address shape-from-shading under a uniform diffuse-lighting condition. Our hypothesis was that shape perception can be explained with a perceptual model that "dark means deep". We tested this hypothesis by comparing performance in a depth-discrimination task to performance in a brightness-discrimination task, using identical stimuli. We found a significant correlation between responses in the two tasks, supporting a dark-means-deep model. However, overall performance in the depth-discrimination task was superior to that predicted by a dark-means-deep model. This implies that humans use a more accurate model than dark-means-deep to perceive shape-from-shading under diffuse lighting.  相似文献   
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