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Cognitive models of clinical disorders conceptualise cognitive and behavioural safety-seeking behaviours as central to symptom persistence because they prevent disconfirmation of key maintaining beliefs. Despite growing evidence of the role of negative beliefs about intrusive memories in depression, it remains unclear why such beliefs persist. Accordingly, we examined whether safety behaviours in response to unhelpful beliefs about intrusive memories might play a role in their maintenance. Eighteen high dysphoric (i.e., BDI-II12) individuals who reported an intrusive negative autobiographical memory in the past week completed a battery of measures about their memory, associated negative beliefs and safety behaviours adopted in response to their beliefs. The most commonly endorsed beliefs reflected themes of wanting to control memories (e.g., ‘I should be able to rid my mind of this memory’) and self-deprecation about experiencing them (e.g., ‘Because I can’t control this memory, I am a weak person’). The beliefs prompted a range of safety behaviours, with cognitive distraction being the most common. The findings demonstrate that safety behaviours are common in response to maladaptive beliefs about intrusive memories. Treatment developments in this area are needed, and should incorporate strategies to challenge beliefs about memories, reduce the use of safety behaviours, and promote processing of intrusive memories.  相似文献   
Older adults’ negative beliefs about ageing are related to their health and functioning, but little is known about how perceptions of ageing (POA) relate to frailty status. This study aimed to explore the relationship between POA and frailty. Secondary analysis of data used were from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Waves 2 and 5. A POA score was based on participants’ responses to 12 statements using a five-point Likert scale at baseline, and a Frailty Index (FI) score was calculated for each participant for both waves. Multiple linear regression models were conducted to assess the relationship between POA and frailty cross-sectionally and longitudinally in models controlled for age, gender, depression symptoms, and socioeconomic status. Older adults with more negative POA had greater frailty (β = .12, p < .001). Negative POA predicted greater frailty 6 years later (β = .03, p < .05). Future work regarding the mechanisms of this relationship is needed to identify ways of intervening to improve health.  相似文献   
We examined measurement invariance and age-related robustness of a short 15-item Big Five Inventory (BFI-S) of personality dimensions, which is well suited for applications in large-scale multidisciplinary surveys. The BFI-S was assessed in three different interviewing conditions: computer-assisted or paper-assisted face-to-face interviewing, computer-assisted telephone interviewing, and a self-administered questionnaire. Randomized probability samples from a large-scale German panel survey and a related probability telephone study were used in order to test method effects on self-report measures of personality characteristics across early, middle, and late adulthood. Exploratory structural equation modeling was used in order to test for measurement invariance of the five-factor model of personality trait domains across different assessment methods. For the short inventory, findings suggest strong robustness of self-report measures of personality dimensions among young and middle-aged adults. In old age, telephone interviewing was associated with greater distortions in reliable personality assessment. It is concluded that the greater mental workload of telephone interviewing limits the reliability of self-report personality assessment. Face-to-face surveys and self-administrated questionnaire completion are clearly better suited than phone surveys when personality traits in age-heterogeneous samples are assessed.  相似文献   
The rates of problem behavior maintained by different reinforcers were evaluated across 3 preference assessment formats (i.e., paired stimulus, multiple-stimulus without replacement, and free operant). The experimenter administered each assessment format 5 times in a random order for 7 children with developmental disabilities whose problem behavior was maintained by attention, tangible items, or escape. Results demonstrated different effects related to the occurrence of problem behavior, suggesting an interaction between function of problem behavior and assessment format. Implications for practitioners are discussed with respect to assessing preferences of individuals with developmental disabilities who exhibit problem behavior.  相似文献   
The results of studies performed by the authors show that time measurements of proprioceptive muscular reflexes (triceps surae and tibialis posterior reflexes) may be considered a valuable addition to methods of topical diagnosis of radicular disturbances in the lumbosacral region. The reflexes were tested in twenty normal subjects. There were found an intraindividual constancy of the respective reflex time with a maximum deviation of 2 ms as well as a lateral variability up to 1.3 ms. Radicular compressions resulted in an increase in reflex time by 2 to 66 ms or failure of the reflex potential to be recorded. The pathological cases were compared with clinical and neurological studies, positive myelographies using radiopaque substances, and results of surgical operations. Compared with the results of surgical operations, changes in reflex time indicated damage to the reflex arc in ninety percent of the cases.  相似文献   
Using exposure-based treatment for fear of heights, we tested two different manipulations, namely administering blocks of exposure trials on an expanding spaced schedule and varying the nature of the exposure, both of which have been shown to reduce return of fear [Rowe, M. K., & Craske, M. G. (1998a). Effects of an expanding-spaced versus massed exposure schedule on fear reduction and return of fear. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 701-718; Rowe, M. K., & Craske, M. G. (1998b). Effects of varied-stimulus exposure training on fear reduction and return of fear. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 719-734.]. The samples for these two studies included 23 and 34 undergraduates, respectively. Fear was assessed before, immediately after and one month after treatment using self-report and physiological measures. Study hypotheses were not strongly supported, but the manipulations did lead to different responses during treatment. The data suggest that physiological habituation is not necessary for fear reduction. Expanding spaced treatment may have increased generalization, and those in the constant and varied conditions responded to different aspects of the exposure. Reasons for the failure to replicate previous research and ideas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Parafoveal semantic processing of emotional visual scenes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors investigated whether emotional pictorial stimuli are especially likely to be processed in parafoveal vision. Pairs of emotional and neutral visual scenes were presented parafoveally (2.1 degrees or 2.5 degrees of visual angle from a central fixation point) for 150-3,000 ms, followed by an immediate recognition test (500-ms delay). Results indicated that (a) the first fixation was more likely to be placed onto the emotional than the neutral scene; (b) recognition sensitivity (A') was generally higher for the emotional than for the neutral scene when the scenes were paired, but there were no differences when presented individually; and (c) the superior sensitivity for emotional scenes survived changes in size, color, and spatial orientation, but not in meaning. The data suggest that semantic analysis of emotional scenes can begin in parafoveal vision in advance of foveal fixation.  相似文献   
Knowledge-based programs (KBPs) are a powerful notion for expressing action policies in which branching conditions refer to implicit knowledge and call for a deliberation task at execution time. However, branching conditions in KBPs cannot refer to possibly erroneous beliefs or to graded belief, such as “if my belief that φ holds is high then do some action α else perform some sensing action β”. The purpose of this paper is to build a framework where such programs can be expressed. In this paper we focus on the execution of such a program (a companion paper investigates issues relevant to the off-line evaluation and construction of such programs). We define a simple graded version of doxastic logic KD45 as the basis for the definition of belief-based programs. Then we study the way the agent’s belief state is maintained when executing such programs, which calls for revising belief states by observations (possibly unreliable or imprecise) and progressing belief states by physical actions (which may have normal as well as exceptional effects). * A premliminary and shorter version of this paper in the Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-04), pp. 368–372 (Laverny and Lang 2004).  相似文献   
This study investigated the concurrent validity of the DSM-IV scales Anxiety Problems and Affective Problems of the Youth Self-Report (YSR) in a community sample of Dutch young adolescents aged 10-12 years. We first examined the extent to which the YSR/DSM-IV scales reflect symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety disorders and DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder, assessed with the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS). Second, we examined whether the association between the YSR/DSM-IV scales and the RCADS scales was stronger than the association between the empirically derived YSR narrow-band scales Anxious/Depressed and Withdrawn and the same RCADS scales. Results showed that the YSR/DSM-IV scale Affective Problems had a stronger association with symptoms of DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder than the YSR narrow-band scales Withdrawn and Anxious/Depressed. However, the YSR/DSM-IV scale Anxiety Problems had a weaker association with symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety disorders, compared to the YSR narrow-band scale Anxious/Depressed. It was concluded that the construction of the DSM-IV scales improved the correspondence with DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder, but not with DSM-IV anxiety disorders.  相似文献   
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