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We have investigated the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the weight bias internalization scale (WBIS) in overweight and obese patients who were attending weight loss programs. Participants were 386 overweight and obese patients admitted in two medical centers specializing in the treatment of obesity. All the patients were administered the WBIS, and measures of binge eating, depression, self-esteem, and body dissatisfaction. Confirmatory factor analysis failed to confirm the fit of the original 11-item unidimensional model. Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis indicated that 9 items included in the original measure (the items 1 and 9 were excluded because low item-total correlations) formed a reliable unidimensional measure of internalized weight bias (WBIS-9). The WBIS-9 was significantly correlated with convergent measures and was able to categorize individuals with different severity levels of depression (sensitivity of 0.72 and specificity of 0.70). The WBIS-9 may be useful in clinical practice to discriminate patients with more severe psychopathology, comorbid disordered eating patterns, and risk for poor outcomes.  相似文献   
Depressive symptoms and hopelessness as mediators of the daily hassles–suicidal ideation link in low‐income African American women exposed to intimate partner violence (= 100) were investigated. As hypothesized, daily hassles, depressive symptoms, and hopelessness were each significantly and positively associated with suicidal ideation. Moreover, the relation between daily hassles and suicidal ideation was, in part, accounted for by depressive symptoms and hopelessness. This study demonstrates the importance of assessing for the presence of these risk factors when determining the likelihood that an abused African American woman will consider suicide. The findings further highlight the value of designing and implementing interventions that target the reduction in depressive symptoms and hopelessness in abused African American women exposed to daily hassles to reduce their suicide risk.  相似文献   
Individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) are at an increased risk of Suicidal ideation, attempts, and death. Moreover, a strong association exists between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and suicidal ideation among individuals with BD. Yet growing evidence suggests that existential well‐being (EWB) may be a protective factor against suicidality. In this study, adult BD patients (= 112) provided data on CSA, religious well‐being (RWB; spiritual life in relation to God), EWB (purpose/meaning in life), and suicidal ideation. Participants were between 19 and 65 years of age. The majority was female and described their race/ethnicity as African American. Results indicated that CSA was negatively associated with EWB and was not related to RWB. Further, EWB mediated the association between CSA and suicidal ideation, whereas RWB did not. Having meaning/purpose in life may serve as a protective factor against suicidal ideation among individuals with BD who experienced CSA, whereas having a relationship/belief in God may not serve the same function.  相似文献   
This study examined the relations among perfectionism dimensions, resilience, and distress. Participants were 413 undergraduate students. All 3 of Hewitt and Flett's (2004) dimensions of perfectionism were associated with greater reports of depression and anxiety; however, only socially prescribed perfectionism was significantly associated with resilience. Results indicated that resilience partially mediated the relations between socially prescribed perfectionism and distress. Implications for counselors in the prevention, assessment, and treatment of depression and anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   
The negative impacts of excessive and problematic video game playing on both children and adults are attracting increasing concern. Based on self‐determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2000), this study hypothesized that the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are positively associated with purpose in life, which in turn acts as a protective factor against problem video game playing among Chinese young adult players. Through a questionnaire survey with a sample of 165 Chinese adults aged between 18 and 30 years (mean age = 22.7 years), we found that perceived autonomy, competence, relatedness, and purpose in life were all negatively correlated with problem game playing. The demographic and psychological factors explained 38% of the variances of problem game playing. Specifically, gender, perceived relatedness, and purpose in life emerged as the three most salient predictors of problem game playing among the Chinese young adults. The mediating role of purpose in life was evidenced and it was found that purpose in life mediated the influences of the psychological needs proposed by SDT on problem game playing. Moreover, young men were significantly more susceptible to problem game playing than their female counterparts. To conclude, psychological needs and purpose in life influenced Chinese young adults’ vulnerability to problem game playing directly or indirectly. Intervention programs that encourage social involvement and voluntary work, as well as counseling service that helps clients to search for life purpose, are suggested for intervening in problem game playing among Chinese young adults.  相似文献   
Journal of Child and Family Studies - In order to accurately identify youth at risk for suicide, it remains crucial to explore the interplay of risk factors that predict suicidal behavior. Thus,...  相似文献   
The college years are marked by social changes and behavioral experimentation which may increase risk of suicidal ideation. We propose a novel pathway for the development of suicidal thoughts between two established suicide risk factors, loneliness and drug use, which have not been examined in a nonclinical sample. Data were collected from 207 undergraduate drug‐using students at a large southeastern university. As hypothesized, suicidal ideation was positively correlated with both loneliness (r = .40) and drug use (r = .29). After controlling for several demographic variables, social desirability, and anxiety sensitivity, drug use was tested as a potential mediator in the loneliness–suicidal ideation link using a single‐mediator model. Results indicated a significant indirect (mediated) effect of loneliness on suicidal ideation via drug use (ab = 0.09, 95% CI: 0.02–0.18), suggesting that loneliness may contribute to suicidal ideation through increased drug use among college students. Identification of and intervention with students reporting loneliness and drug use may be a promising suicide prevention strategy on college campuses.  相似文献   
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