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Body dissatisfaction, its risk factors and association with depressed mood have been well investigated in the West. However, more studies are needed to examine further the relation between body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms and the factors influencing body dissatisfaction in non-Western cultures. The present study examined in a sample of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents the relation between body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms, and the relation of maternal appraisal of their adolescent's figure to the adolescent's body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms. We obtained information from 379 boys and 254 girls about their body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms. Their mothers provided information about their appraisal of their adolescent's body shape and size compared to ideal. Body dissatisfaction was related to depressive symptoms in girls (B = 2.58, p <.01), but not in boys (B = -0.08, p >.10). Negative maternal appraisal did not have direct effects on adolescents' depressive symptoms (B = 0.14, p =.75), but the association between negative maternal appraisal and body dissatisfaction was significantly stronger in adolescents whose ideal was smaller than they perceived themselves to be (B = 0.32, p <.01) than those whose ideal was larger than their own perception (B = 0.14, p < .01). Our findings suggest that maternal appraisal had indirect effects on mood, acting through adolescents' body dissatisfaction, and that body dissatisfaction may be a sex-specific risk factor for depression. This study points to the need for testing and adapting programs to reduce body dissatisfaction particularly in girls at risk for depression, and to raise mothers' awareness of the link between their negative appraisals and their adolescents' body dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   
Target velocity effects on manual interception kinematics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Participants generated manual interception movements toward a target cursor that moved across a computer screen. The target reached its peak velocity either during the first third, at the midpoint, or during the last third of the movement. In Experiment 1 the view of the target was available for either the first 316, 633, 950, or 1267 ms, after which it disappeared. Results showed that for all viewing conditions, the timing of the interception velocity was related to the temporal properties of the target's trajectory. In Experiment 2, when the portion of the target trajectory that was viewed was reversed (such that participants did not see the first 316, 633, 950, or 1267 ms of the trajectory, but instead saw only the later portions of the trajectory), there was no clear relationship between the target trajectory and the timing of the aiming trajectory. These results suggest that participants use visual information early in the target's trajectory to form a representation of the target motion that is used to facilitate manual interception.  相似文献   
Intensive interviews and self-report questionnaires were used to investigate parental, peer, and teacher influences on the prosocial and antisocial behaviors of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. Students came from 5 academically different high schools. Results indicated that perceived parental influence was positively associated with frequency of prosocial behavior and negatively associated with frequency of delinquent behavior. Students with good relationships with their parents and peers showed lower frequencies of antisocial behaviors than did students with bad relationships. Adolescents in different identity statuses (achievement, moratorium, foreclosure, diffusion; E. H. Erikson, 1968) showed different patterns of prosocial and antisocial behaviors. For example, adolescents in the identity achievement group exhibited high frequencies of prosocial behaviors and low frequencies of antisocial behaviors, but those in the identity moratorium group exhibited quite high frequencies of both prosocial and antisocial behaviors.  相似文献   
Although a large body of research has accumulated concerning the relationship between nonseasonal depression and personality, comparatively few studies have examined the relationship between seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and personality. This study compared dimensional aspects of personality in patients diagnosed with SAD (N = 60), nonseasonal depression (N = 273), and nonclinical controls (N = 297) using the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP-BQ; Livesley & Jackson, in press). Analysis by ANCOVA indicated that significant between-group differences occurred in several of the 18 DAPP-BQ dimensions, with patients with SAD exhibiting personality psychopathology that was intermediate between the nonclinical sample and patients with nonseasonal depression. The results demonstrated that the traits associated with seasonal and nonseasonal depression differ in degree, not kind.  相似文献   
A sample of 996 Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong provided information about their suicide ideation. Their depressive symptoms were measured by the Chinese Beck Depression Inventory (C-BDI), and a broad range of stressors were also assessed as potential predictors to level of suicide ideation. The stressors and C-BDI scores predicted 33% of the variance in suicide ideation. In boys, most of the prediction was attributable to C-BDI scores, suggesting that depression mediated the effects of stressors. In girls, C-BDI scores, perceptions of low parental caring, and high conflict with parents had additive effects in predicting level of suicide ideation. This study contributes needed information about a non-Western population and highlights gender differences.  相似文献   
As Hong Kong develops into a knowledge-based economy, there is a strong increase in demand for highly educated and highly skilled workers. At the same time, many other countries are also experiencing shortages of highly-skilled workers as the development of hi-tech and information technology sectors have become an international trend. In this article, we study the changes in demand and supply of highly-skilled workers in Hong Kong and analyse the role that natural population growth, immigration, emigration, and return migration play in relation to the supply of highly-skilled workers. We also give an account of the policy responses of the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in its attempt to attract highly-skilled professionals as well as the challenges facing Hong Kong in the light of keen international competition.  相似文献   
Prior research in Western countries (mostly the US, Canada and northern Europe) indicates that mothers' representations are associated with mother–infant interaction quality and their child's attachment security later in the first year. Fewer studies, however, have evaluated whether these associations hold for mother–infant dyads in other countries, such as Brazil and Portugal. Although these countries share a similar language and culture, they differ on societal dimensions that may affect parenting attitudes and mother–infant relationships, such as economic stress, social organisation, social policy, and the availability of services for young families. In this longitudinal study, we followed two independent samples of Brazilian and Portuguese mother–infant dyads from the perinatal period to 12 months post-partum. We assessed mothers' perinatal representations using semi-structured interviews in the first 48 hours after the infant's birth, and evaluated the associations of these representations with mother interaction quality at 9 months and infant attachment at 12 months. Results were similar in each country, corroborating prior research in single Western countries: Mothers with more positive perinatal representations were more sensitive to their infants during free play at 9 months and were more likely to have infants classified as securely attached at 12 months.  相似文献   
The general cognitive behaviour therapy postulates that bulimic symptoms are maintained by a characteristic set of overvalued thoughts about the personal implications of body shape and weight. Research shows that there is both a close relationship and specific interaction between thoughts and behaviours that help to maintain the overvalued thoughts. This theoretical proposition concerning the role of behaviours in the maintenance of psychological problems is commonly accepted and empirically validated. To ensure a sustainable therapeutic change in the treatment of bulimia nervosa, therapists may need to initially target these overvalued thoughts about the personal implications of body shape and weight; and then to work on the behaviours that help to maintain the bulimic symptoms. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the conceptual and practical issues underpinning a therapeutic focus that reflects an integrated clinical approach in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. This integrated approach includes the assessment and disputation of the overvalued thoughts that are causal to bulimia nervosa, and various strategies that facilitate the change in those behaviours that help to maintain the bulimic conditions. Using a case example, this paper also discusses the cognitive behaviour conceptualization in the maintenance of bulimia nervosa.  相似文献   
In the current research, the authors investigate the influence of intergroup status and social categorizations on retributive justice judgments, that is, the extent to which observers perceive punishment as fair. Building on social identity theory and the model of subjective group dynamics, it is predicted that when the ingroup has higher status than the outgroup, people are relatively less concerned about punishment of an outgroup offender than when the ingroup has lower status than the outgroup. Two experiments revealed that participants are more punitive towards an ingroup than an outgroup offender when ingroup status is high but not when ingroup status is low. Furthermore, in correspondence with our line of reasoning, this finding emerged because participants were less punitive towards outgroup offenders when ingroup status is high than when ingroup status was low. It is concluded that the perceived fairness of punishment depends on the offender's social categorization and intergroup status. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The current study tests an implication of the Associative-Propositional Evaluation model of implicit and explicit attitude measures in Hong Kong's intergroup context. We argued that the Implicit Association Test taps associative intergroup evaluations that are not necessarily consistent with the propositional implications of one's social identification inclusiveness and need for closure. In contrast, explicit intergroup attitude measures tap propositional evaluations resulting from validating the inferences drawn from pertinent propositional information in the evaluation context. Thus, explicit intergroup attitude should be consistent with the propositional implications of social identification inclusiveness and need for closure. We tested and found support for these hypotheses in a study of Hong Kong adolescents' ( N  = 65) perception of Hong Kong people and Mainland Chinese.  相似文献   
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