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An experiment of McLean, D. E. Broadbent, and M. H. P. Broadbent (1983) using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) was replicated. A series of letters in one of 5 colors was presented, and the subject was asked to identify the letter that appeared in a designated color. There were several innovations in our procedure, the most important of which was the use of a response menu. After each trial, the subject was presented with 7 candidate letters from which to choose his/her response. In three experimental conditions, the target, the letter following the target, and all letters other than the target were, respectively, eliminated from the menu. In other conditions, the stimulus list was manipulated by repeating items in the series, repeating the color of successive items, or even eliminating the target color. By means of these manipulations, we were able to determine more precisely the information that subjects had obtained from the presentation of the stimulus series. Although we replicated the results of McLean et al. (1983), the more extensive information that our procedure produced was incompatible with the serial filter model that McLean et al. had used to describe their data. Overall, our results were more compatible with a parallel-processing account. Furthermore, intrusion errors are apparently not only a pereptual phenomenon but a memory problem as well.  相似文献   
We report a series of picture naming experiments in which target pictures were primed by briefly presented masked words. Experiment 1 demonstrates that the prior presentation of the same word prime (e.g.,rose-rose) facilitates picture naming independently of the target’s name frequency. In Experiment 2, primes that were homophones of picture targets (e.g.,rows-rose) also produced facilitatory effects compared with unrelated controls, but priming was significantly larger for targets with low-frequency names relative to targets with high-frequency names. In Experiment 3, primes that were higher frequency homophones of picture targets produced facilitatory effects compared with identical primes. These results are discussed in relation to different accounts of the effects of masked priming in current models of picture naming.  相似文献   
字频在直接和间接记忆测验中的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李娟  林仲贤 《心理科学》1998,21(3):196-200
本研究通过3×2×2混合设计实验,比较了字频在即刻和第5天两种施测时间下的两类记忆测验中的不同作用。本研究支持了词汇通达搜索模型对宇频作用机制的分析及传输适当认知程序观点对实验性分离现象的解释,并发现外显记忆与内隐记忆都会发生遗忘,但原因可能并不相同,而且字频影响两类记忆的遗忘进程。  相似文献   
A main prediction from the zoom lens model for visual attention is that performance is an inverse function of the size of the attended area. The “attention shift paradigm” developed by Sperling and Reeves (1980) was adapted here to study predictions from the zoom lens model. In two experiments two lists of items were simultaneously presented using the rapid serial visual presentation technique. Subjects were to report the first item he/she was able to identify in the series that did not include the target (the letter T) after he/she saw the target. In one condition, subjects knew in which list the target would appear; in another condition, they did not have this knowledge, having to attend to both positions in order to detect the target. The zoom lens model predicts an interaction between this variable and the distance separating the two positions where the lists are presented. In both experiments, this interaction was observed. The results are also discussed as a solution to the apparently contradictory results with regard to the analog movement model.  相似文献   
Two experiments, one using the masked priming technique combined with very brief prime exposures and the other using a new technique, the induction technique, were run in order to investigate the role of syllabic structure in speech production. Experiment 1 (masked priming) showed no effect when primes shared only the abstract syllabic structure without the phonological content, whereas the same picture stimuli produced a syllabic priming effect in Ferrand, Segui, and Grainger (1996, Experiment 4) when primes corresponded to full syllables. In contrast, the results of Experiment 2 (induction) showed that picture naming latencies were significantly faster when subjects had first read aloud a set of words with the same syllabic structure than when these words did not share the syllabic structure with the picture target. This result was also observed when the set was composed of nonwords. These results demonstrate that the abstract syllabic structure (independently of its phonological content) plays an important role in speech production depending on the task used.  相似文献   
A high-level language program to obtain the bootstrap-corrected asymptotic distribution-free (ADF) test statistic proposed by Yung and Bentler (1994) is reviewed. The program uses the Gauss-Newton algorithm, first to obtain the ADF test statistic from the raw data, and second, to achieve the corrected test statistic from 500 independent bootstrap samples. A generator of nonnormal random samples was also implemented, according to the algorithms of Fleishman (1978) and Vale and Maurelli (1983), which permits the realization of Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the open nature of the program facilitates the inclusion of new procedures as well as the possibility of increased control of the procedures, variables, and equations.  相似文献   
The derivation of the conclusion Anna is bigger than Mary from the premises Anna is bigger than Paul and Mary is smaller than Paul is considered an instance of transitive deduction. For a non-verbal presentation, the premise statements were here transformed into a multiple operant discrimination task. Adult subjects were trained with overlapping pairs of a six-member stimulus series (A+B–, A+C–, C+D–, D+E–, E+F–; +: choice rewarded, choice penalized). A computer game-type presentation that hid the actual problem structure from the subjects was employed. The effects of varying the presentation style of the task on the objective performance and the structure awareness of subjects were investigated. A first experiment used random polygons as stimuli and the relations between them were only signalled by the above reinforcement allocations. In a second experiment the stimuli were cartoon figures additionally involved in a dominance hierarchy that was suggested graphically. A third experiment used named items that were related through visible size differences in addition to the reinforcement allocations but was otherwise like an experiment using an abstract format reported by Werner et al. (1992). In all experiments a similar proportion of subjects responded transitively when subsequently tested with the pairs BD, BE and CE by preferentially choosing stimulus B or C. Each subject subsequently filled in a questionnaire, completed a stimulus ordering exercise, and was interviewed to find out whether they were explicitly aware of the stimulus hierarchy underlying each of the tasks. Although the proportion of subjects revealing an explicit transitive responding increased together with the concreteness of the stimuli and their relations across the experiments, the objective performance in terms of choice accuracy did not vary. The accuracy performance on tests could be accurately simulated with a modification of a simple conditioning model. It is concluded that an implicit mode of processing may underlie many instances of transitive responding in humans even when explicit task understanding is reported.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to explore the representation and processing of inflectional morphology in Spanish. Experiment 1 compared the access time for words from the same base morpheme contrasted by the surface frequency of the masculine and feminine form, i.e., masculine-dominant items and feminine-dominant items. The results showed a surface frequency effect in both types of items. Experiment 2 compared the access time for masculine words having the same surface frequency but differing in their summed frequency (masculine plus feminine forms), the results showing no significant effect of this parameter. Finally, experiment 3 compared the access time for words from the same stem and contrasting by the surface frequencies for the singular and plural forms, i.e., singular-dominant and plural-dominant words. A clear frequency effect was observed for the singular-dominant words but not for plural-dominant ones. These results suggest that gender information is stored in the corresponding lexical entry and accessed from the full word form whereas the information about number is accessed from the stem corresponding to the singular form.  相似文献   
In a 2 × 2 design, 85 subjects were asked to estimate the size of angles (direct influence) that were either 90 or 85°, after being confronted with incorrect judgements of a majority (88 per cent) or a minority (12 per cent) of people estimating the angles at 50°. Additionally, pre- and post-test measures were used to establish indirect influence on subjects' judgements pertaining to acute angles (i.e. on the estimation of the length of lines constituting the angles, and on the imaginary weight of figures represented by these angles). Overall, little direct influence is observed. This may partly be due to the introduction of a denial of the credibility of the source in all conditions. In fact, some evidence of direct influence is only found in the majority–85° angles condition. An instance of indirect influence (on the estimation of length of lines) appeared as the result of a majority stance when the angles in the experimental phase were 90°. When these angles were 85°, indirect minority influence (on the estimation of weight of figures) was observed. These effects had been predicted on the basis of the hypothesis stating that indirect majority influence would be possible when subjects expected consensus on the correct response (in the 90° angles condition), without being able to reach consensus at the manifest level (because of the denial and the restriction imposed by the clear shape of 90° angles). Indirect minority influence was hypothesized to be stronger in a situation that allows for diverse responses (i.e. for 85° angles).  相似文献   
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