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指南是依据流行病学和大规模随机临床试验的最佳证据而修订的.指南的要点是:从110/75mmHg开始,人群血压水平与心血管病发生危险呈连续相关;正常高值血压(120~139mmHg/80~89mmHg)应改善生活方式以预防高血压发生;2002年调查我国有1.6亿高血压患者,但知晓率、治疗年和控制率很低;降低高血压患者的血压水平是预防脑卒中及心脏事件的根本.  相似文献   
一批多年从事家庭教育研究的专家集体撰写的《给孩子的心灵甘露--社会主义荣辱观教育家长读本》是一本对少年儿童进行荣辱观教育的很有价值的书.该书不仅对少年儿童的健康成长犹如"心灵甘露",而且也为家长和教育工作者提供了教子育人的义方.这本书不仅着眼于荣辱观教育,而且着眼于人的科学文化素养和思想道德素质的提高,让孩子"有一个志向,报效祖国;有一颗爱心,能行善举;有一双慧眼,分辨美丑;有一种能力,收获成功".就其涉及的教育理念、教育内容、教育形式和方法等广博的知识来看,堪称"家教小百科".正因为如此,它出版后立即受到人们的欢迎,成为孩子喜读、父母必读、教育工作者青睐的佳作.  相似文献   
记者在本刊2005年第一期上发过一篇《记中国无神论者与美国基督教徒的一次对话》,其中提到,在大多数中国人的心目中,美国是一个标榜民主和  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— Integrating emotional cues from different senses is critical for adaptive behavior. Much of the evidence on cross-modal perception of emotions has come from studies of vision and audition. This research has shown that an emotion signaled by one sense modulates how the same emotion is perceived in another sense, especially when the input to the latter sense is ambiguous. We tested whether olfaction causes similar sensory modulation of emotion perception. In two experiments, the chemosignal of fearful sweat biased women toward interpreting ambiguous expressions as more fearful, but had no effect when the facial emotion was more discernible. Our findings provide direct behavioral evidence that social chemosignals can communicate emotions and demonstrate that fear-related chemosignals modulate humans' visual emotion perception in an emotion-specific way—an effect that has been hitherto unsuspected.  相似文献   
熟练维-汉双语者第二语言的概念表征的特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以母语为维吾尔语,第二语言为汉语的的维吾尔族大学生为被试,使用语言内和语言间启动条件下的真假字判断任务,通过3个实验探讨了熟练的维汉双语者的第二语言的语义表征的特点,即他们的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的还是独立存储的。结果发现,实验1语言内启动条件下,即启动刺激(维语)和目标刺激(维语)之间具有语义联想关系时,产生了显著的启动效应。实验2(启动刺激为维语,目标刺激为汉语)和实验3(启动刺激为汉语,目标刺激为维语)的跨语言启动条件下,都产生了显著的启动效应,说明被试的第二语言的语义表征是共同存储的。这些结果表明:被试的第二语言的概念表征是同第一语言的概念表征共同存储的,支持了共同存储理论。  相似文献   
This study examined HIV/AIDS‐related stigma among Chinese service providers by comparing their personal attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS with their perception of social norms related to people living with HIV/AIDS. We randomly selected three provincial hospitals, four city/prefecture hospitals, 10 county hospitals, 18 township health clinics, and 54 village clinics from Yunnan, China. Doctors and nurses were randomly sampled proportionally to the doctor–nurse ratio of each hospital or clinic. Lab technicians were over‐sampled in order to include an adequate representation in the analysis. A total of 1,101 service providers participated in a voluntary, anonymous survey where demographic characteristics, individual attitude and perceived social norms toward people living with HIV/AIDS, discrimination intent at work, general prejudicial attitude and knowledge on HIV/AIDS were measured. A majority of the sample demonstrated a similarity between their personal views and what they thought most people in society believe. Multiple logistic regressions revealed that participants who were younger or reported personal contact with people living with HIV/AIDS were significantly more likely to report personal attitudes toward the population that were more liberal than their perceived social norms. Holding a more liberal personal attitude toward people living with HIV/AIDS than perceived social norms was significantly and negatively related to the level of discrimination intent at work, perceived discrimination at interpersonal level and the level of general prejudicial attitude toward people living with HIV/AIDS. Results underscored the importance of understanding social norms and personal attitudes in studying HIV‐related stigma and called for the incorporation of existing human capital into future HIV stigma reduction programs.  相似文献   
陈雯  马聪  李杰  沈模卫 《应用心理学》2009,15(3):195-200,244
采用相对新近性判断范式(judgments of relative recency),通过三个实验探讨了工作记忆中时序信息和空间信息的存储方式及其关系。实验一比较了有无空间线索两种条件下时序信息的记忆绩效,结果发现,有无空间线索并不影响对时序信.E-的记忆。实验二和实验三通过控制刺激呈现的视野范围和减少呈现位置的不确定性来利化空间线索,结果表明,时序信息的记忆绩效也不受空间线索的影响。由此推论,工作记忆中的时序信息和空间信息是分离编码存储的,加入空间线索并不能提高时序信息的记忆绩效。  相似文献   
温暖  金瑜 《心理科学》2007,30(4):944-947
本研究旨在探讨斯坦福-比奈智力量表第四版的特色,以期把握世界上最优秀的个别智力测验的发展趋向。通过对斯坦福-比奈智力量表第四版的翻译、修改工作,依据144名被试的测试数据,量表的理论结构,并对分测验的特点作了详尽的分析。研究中共获得了五点关于编制和使用个别智力测验的启示。  相似文献   
情绪状态对学生创造性的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
研究了情绪状态对学生创造性影响的问题。被试为上海师范大学第三附属中学初二的学生 2 2 0名 ,其中男生 10 4人 ,女生 116人 ,年龄 13~ 14岁。由于国外已有研究的结果并不统一 ,研究的方法也缺乏生态化效度 ,因此本文试图通过教学现场实验 ,运用实际教学情境中的刺激来诱发学生愉快—难过情绪 ,以探索在教学情境中学生情绪状态对其创造性影响状况。研究结果表明 ,学生在愉快情绪状态下的创造性总体发挥水平显著高于难过情绪状态 (t=2 0 2 5 ,p =0 0 4 5 ) ,且主要体现在流畅性和变通性两个方面  相似文献   
政治、经济和科学技术的急剧变化与发展对工作的性质产生了重大的影响.本文以工作性质的变迁为背景,结合文献深入探讨了工作分析诸工具的特点和效能,并就工作分析工具的选择问题提出了考虑信息的最终用途、考虑选定方法的成本效益、确保信息的可靠性与可接受性、定期回顾与适时更新以及综合应用与扬长避短等5项建议.  相似文献   
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