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学校危险和保护因素与初中生偏差行为的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
学校危险因素和保护因素对初中生的偏差行为有重要影响.本研究以1739名初中学生为被试,考察了学校危险因素和保护因素及其与青少年偏差行为的关系.结果表明:(1)学校危险因素和保护因素分别与初中生偏差行为有显著的正相关和负相关;(2)学校危险因素得分随年级升高而增长,保护因素得分随年级升高而降低;(3)“偏差行为榜样”、“教师的支持”、“知觉到积极期望”是对初中生偏差行为有重要影响的三个学校环境因素.  相似文献   
以居住在北京小月河地区的304名“蚁族”为被试,采用公正世界信念问卷、积极消极情感问卷和生活满意度问卷,考察了一般公正世界信念、个人公正世界信念以及幸福感之间的关系,结果表明:(1)“蚁族”的生活满意度偏低,但其情绪状态仍然乐观,积极情感体验较高,且具有较高水平的公正世界信念;(2)公正世界信念对幸福感有显著的正向预测作用,公正世界信念水平越高的“蚁族”越幸福;(3)个人公正世界信念在一般公正世界信念和幸福感间起中介作用,即越相信世界是公正的“蚁族”更倾向于相信自己已经或即将受到的对待是公正的,最终提升幸福感。  相似文献   
模糊规避是指在相同奖赏的情况下,决策者会力图规避从主观上判断具有模糊概率的事件而偏好具有相同精确概率的事件。本研究使用同时评价、单独评价的研究范式从随机事件和自然事件两个领域来探讨模糊规避的形成机制。研究结果表明,当风险事件和模糊事件同时评价时,个体倾向于模糊规避;当风险事件和模糊事件单独评价时,模糊规避会消失。  相似文献   
本文考证于阗僧人法藏入宋,应是使臣身份。于阗的战乱及亡国,促成法藏留居兖州。兴隆塔地宫出土的金棺纹样,包含了诸多于阗因素,是宋代佛教考古的重大发现。兴隆塔是中原人民与新疆人民友好交往的纪念碑式建筑。  相似文献   
清代著名回族学者蒋湘南不是穆斯林,但是通过将蒋湘南思想的核心观念和伊斯兰教汉文经典(汉塔布)的相关文字作比较,可以看出,伊斯兰哲学对于蒋湘南的思想,有着根本性的影响,是蒋湘南思想建构的基础资源.伊斯兰哲学对中国思想的影响,需要重视.  相似文献   
Relevance Theory (RT) argues that human language comprehension processes tend to maximize “relevance,” and postulates that there is a relevance-based procedure that a hearer follows when trying to understand an utterance. Despite being highly influential, RT has been criticized for its failure to explain how speaker-related information, either the speaker’s abilities or her/his preferences, is incorporated into the hearer’s inferential, pragmatic process. An alternative proposal is that speaker-related information gains prominence due to representation of the speaker within higher level goal-directed schemata. Yet the goal-based account is still unable to explain clearly how cross-domain information, for example linguistic meaning and speaker-related knowledge, is integrated within a modular system. On the basis of RT’s cognitive requirements, together with contemporary cognitive theory, we argue that this integration is realized by utilizing working memory and that there exist conversational constraints with which the constructed utterance interpretation should be consistent. We illustrate our arguments with a computational implementation of the proposed processes within a general cognitive architecture.

Abbreviations: ACT-R Adaptive Control of Thought - RationalCOGENT Cognitive Objects within a Graphical ENvironmenTCS/SS Contention Scheduling/Supervisory SystemRBCP Relevance-Based Comprehension ProcedureRT Relevance Theory  相似文献   


In a randomized study with longitudinal data on a mediator and outcome, estimating the direct effect of treatment on the outcome at a particular time requires adjusting for confounding of the association between the outcome and all preceding instances of the mediator. When the confounders are themselves affected by treatment, standard regression adjustment is prone to severe bias. In contrast, G-estimation requires less stringent assumptions than path analysis using SEM to unbiasedly estimate the direct effect even in linear settings. In this article, we propose a G-estimation method to estimate the controlled direct effect of treatment on the outcome, by adapting existing G-estimation methods for time-varying treatments without mediators. The proposed method can accommodate continuous and noncontinuous mediators, and requires no models for the confounders. Unbiased estimation only requires correctly specifying a mean model for either the mediator or the outcome. The method is further extended to settings where the mediator or outcome, or both, are latent, and generalizes existing methods for single measurement occasions of the mediator and outcome to longitudinal data on the mediator and outcome. The methods are utilized to assess the effects of an intervention on physical activity that is possibly mediated by motivation to exercise in a randomized study.  相似文献   
赵缊 《管子学刊》2005,(4):73-76,101
“民”字初意为神视,并非奴隶,由此方可理解何为民本。先秦血缘政治决定其政体形式带有民族特色,以此观“礼”其法律文化特征不言自明。春秋民本思潮的高扬,为后来战国改革法治提供了立法重要的借鉴参照系,从而使得地缘政治——中央与郡县制对立统一的新政体模式得以确立,自此中国历史上明确的国家形态、体制得以矗立。  相似文献   
<正>由中国无神论学会、中国社会科学院科学与无神论研究中心与新疆社会科学院、新疆师范大学联合主办的中国无神论2010年年会暨科学无神论的理论与实践研讨会于6月25-27日在神话般的乌鲁木齐昆仑宾馆举行。除主办单位之外,与会的还  相似文献   
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