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The literature regarding self-other comparisons suggests that self-enhancing perceptions are prevalent, including forms of “illusion” such as excessively positive self-evaluation, unrealistic optimism, and exaggerated perceptions of control. Concepts from optimal distinctiveness theory served as the basis for two experiments examining whether illusion functions similarly when the context of evaluation involves a relationship. In both experiments participants rated themselves, the best friend, and the average other—or their own romantic relationships, the best friend's relationship, and the relationship of the average other–using scales measuring positivity of evaluation, optimism regarding the future, and perceptions of control. In both experiments, participants exhibited centrality-based differentiation, rating targets more favorably to the degree that the target was more central to their social identity. Patterns of differentiation differed for the two contexts: In the individual context, participants differentiated themselves and their friends from the average other. In the relationship context, participants differentiated their own relationships from the relationships of friends and average others. Also, participants rated individuals as more controllable than relationships. Participants in Experiment 2 provided information regarding potential predictors of illusion. Analyses of these data suggest that favorable centrality-based differentiation may be partially accounted for by impression management, global self-esteem (particularly in the individual context), and commitment level (particularly in the relationship context).  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis, derived from terror management theory, that mortality salience would increase intergroup bias between minimal groups. After assignment to groups, participants wrote about death or a neutral topic, and rated the personality characteristics of the ingroup and outgroup. Results supported the hypothesis.  相似文献   
We conducted three experiments to explore distinct memory processes involved in remembering places in spatial environments. The results of all three experiments demonstrated the viability of the process-dissociation procedure for studying spatial cognition; that procedure yielded separate measures of the role of familiarity (implicit memory) and conscious recollection (explicit memory) in recognizing scenes along a previously viewed route of travel. Those measures were not affected by whether the participants viewed videotapes or also physically walked the route of travel. Increasing the delay between encoding and retrieval led to comparable effects for familiarity and conscious recollection (Experiment 1). In contrast, the adverse consequences of dividing attention during encoding were specific to conscious recollection; familiarity estimates were unaffected (Experiments 2 and 3). Overall, the results reinforced the viability of process dissociation as a vehicle for exploring diverse memory processes underlying place recognition.  相似文献   
Adult attachment classification is traditionally based on qualitative coding of participants' discourse about their attachment history. Word count‐based analyses have proven useful for assessing emotional states from narrative. To expand the understanding of how language is used in emotion regulation processes related to attachment, the authors assess 102 college‐aged adults' language on the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Autonomous adults use more emotion words and, in particular, negative emotion words. Preoccupied adults use more anger words. Disorganized adults use more experientially connected language and more death/dying words, but also use more second‐person pronouns when discussing loss. Language use during the AAI explains variability in self‐reported emotional distress above and beyond attachment classifications. Results are discussed in terms of their relevance to emotion and attachment.  相似文献   
We examine the influence of individuals’ propensity to morally disengage on a broad range of unethical organizational behaviors. First, we develop a parsimonious, adult‐oriented, valid, and reliable measure of an individual's propensity to morally disengage, and demonstrate the relationship between it and a number of theoretically relevant constructs in its nomological network. Then, in 4 additional studies spanning laboratory and field settings, we demonstrate the power of the propensity to moral disengage to predict multiple types of unethical organizational behavior. In these studies we demonstrate that the propensity to morally disengage predicts several outcomes (self‐reported unethical behavior, a decision to commit fraud, a self‐serving decision in the workplace, and supervisor‐ and coworker‐reported unethical work behaviors) beyond other established individual difference antecedents of unethical organizational behavior, as well as the most closely related extant measure of the construct. We conclude that scholars and practitioners seeking to understand a broad range of undesirable workplace behaviors can benefit from taking an individual's propensity to morally disengage into account. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
In this provocative book, Nye argues that feminist attempts to spin coherent theories from the threads of the various philosophies of man fail as the patriarchal assumptions of each theory resist and undermine every effort. Nevertheless, she claims, although the threads cannot be woven into a coherent tapestry, as dedicated feminist Arachnes meticulously separate strand from strand, “the mechanisms of oppression are finally understood” and the patriarchal tapestries begin to unravel.  相似文献   
This essay proposes a possible direction for feminist epistemology—an embodied rationality that defines the process of knowing as a dialogue with particulars or the “things themselves.” On the grounds that modem reality is marked by abstract projects of homo mensura, I argue that the task of postmodernism is to ground cognition in the world by breaking the habit of looking at the world, as if from a distance, and by ceasing to think about the world as if it were composed of a collection of objects-in-general.  相似文献   
Much contemporary family therapy theory and practice takes into account clients' cognitive constructions of their family problems. Recent calls for therapists to elicit and work with clients' causal explanations and narratives parallel accumulating evidence in the social-clinical literature about the predictive importance of attributions in family relationships. In this article, we introduce the Constructions of Problems Scale (CPS), provide preliminary evidence of its reliability and validity, and suggest ways in which it can be used clinically to reveal new areas for questioning and to generate new ideas. The CPS is a brief questionnaire that can be used to create a profile of each individual family member's private constructions. To complete the CPS, each family member writes a free-form narrative of the presenting problem and then rates his or her perceptions of the contributing causes. The CPS profiles can be used to compare the perspectives of different family members and to assess cognitive constructions at different points in treatment. We discuss its potential for these and other clinical uses.  相似文献   
Training multiculturally competent counselors has become a timely topic, but what underlying philosophical assumptions shape this issue? The multicultural movement has indeed contributed to our greater and much needed understanding and appreciation of the real differences among racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. The current focus on the influence of the cultural background of the individual, however, need not be at the expense of the equally important influences of individual differences and human universal tenets. The new decade for multi-culturalism calls for balance. This article attempts to redefine multicultural counseling using an Afrocentric, holistic, optimal theory that views individuals as unique manifestations of spirit, thus sharing a common core. From this perspective, all counseling is multicultural. Multicultural counseling competencies are then reconceptualized as fundamental counseling skills achieved through self-knowledge and a shift in worldview. As the counselor brings into conscious awareness the various aspects of himself or herself, he or she becomes aware of the universal interconnectedness and interdependence of all life. With this new holistic worldview, the differences among people take on a new meaning. This article explores the consequences of an alternate worldview on the way we conceptualize multiculturalism. The implications of this redefinition of multicultural counseling for training, practice, and research are explored. El entrenamiento de consejeros multiculturalmente competentes ha llegado a ser un tema oportuno¿ pero cuáles son las asunciones filosóficas que dan forma a este asunto? El movimiento multicultural sí ha contribuido a nuestro entendimiento y a la apreciación de las diferencias verdaderas entre grupos raciales, étnicos, y culturales. Sin embargo, el enfoque general de la influencia de la historia cultural del individuo no tiene que ser a costa de las influencias igualmente importantes de diferencias indiviudales y credos humanos universales. La nueva decada de multiculturalismo exige un balance. Este articulo intenta redefinir la consejería multicultural utilizando un teoria afrocéntrica, holística, y óptima que ve a los individuos como manifestaciones únicas del espíritu, compartiendo una esencia común. Desde está perspectiva, toda la consejería es multicultural. Se reconceptualizan las competencias de consejería multicultural como talentos fundamentales de consejería adquiridos por un auto-conocimiento y un cambio de visión universal. Mientras el consejero lleva varios aspectos de sí mismo al consciente, él o ella se da cuenta de la interconexión e interdependencia universal de todos los seres. Con esta nueva visión universal holística, las diferencias entre la gente llega a tener un significado nuevo. Este articulo explora las consecuencias de una visión universal alternativa de como conceptualizamos el multiculturalismo. Se investigan las implicaciones de esta redifinición de consejería multicultural en entrenamiento, práctica, e investigación.  相似文献   
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