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Mental accounting is the set of cognitive operations used by individuals and households to organize, evaluate, and keep track of financial activities. Mental accounting proposes that people utilize a set of cognitive labels to evaluate their financial activities, each of which is associated with different preferences to consume (Levav & McGraw, 2009; Kahneman & Tversky 1984; Thaler 1985, 1990). Mental accounting researchers have shown that windfall gains are spent more readily and frivolously than ordinary income. Consumers prefer to spend their windfall gains on hedonic consumptions but spend their ordinary incomes on utilitarian consumptions. Levav and McGraw (2009) suggested that emotional accounting, including people’s feelings about money, also influences consumer choices. When people have negative feelings toward windfall, they opt to make utilitarian expenditures. However, the process of how cognitive (windfall or ordinary income) and affective (positive or negative emotion) tags interact in consumer behavior was not explored. This study proposes that both cognitive tag and affective tags in mental accounting affect consumer decision making. The objective of this study is to explore the interactive effect of cognitive and affective tags in mental accounting on consumer decision through four studies. In studies 1a and 1b, the effect of cognitive and affective tags in mental accounting on consumer decision making behavior was measured. Study 1a showed that the positive tag of windfall income is preferred for hedonic consumption, whereas the negative tag of windfall income is preferred for utilitarian consumption. Both positive and negative tags of ordinary income are preferred for utilitarian consumption. Study1b utilized a field study to examine actual consumption behavior. The results showed that when people received 15 Yuan RMB as ordinary income, they prefer to spend it on utilitarian consumption regardless of the positive or negative emotion they feel. However, they receive 15 Yuan RMB as windfall income, they prefer to use it for hedonic consumption in the positive emotion and for utilitarian consumption in the negative emotion. Studies 2a and 2b attempted to explore the reason of negative emotion can make windfall income turn from hedonic to utilitarian consumption. Study2a found that when people expect to feel guilty about spending windfall income on hedonic consumption, they would avoid hedonic consumption. Study2b found that when people felt guilty about windfall income, they tend to avoid hedonic consumption. Compared with the low guilt level group, the high guilt level group prefers to use windfall income for utilitarian consumption. These results suggest that cognitive and affective tags influence consumer behavior. The influence of cognitive tag on consumer decision presents the “cognition match effect”, whereas the influence of affective tag on consumer decision presents the “affect match effect”. Both tags also have an interaction effect on consumer decision. Guilt may be a mechanism that results in the negative tag of windfall being preferred for utilitarian consumption.  相似文献   
主客体之间产生不一致的情绪反应称之为不对称共情(Counterempathy)。在Decety提出的情绪分享过程两阶段及Goubert提出的“指向自己”和“指向他人”两种情绪反应指向的研究基础上, 构建不对称情绪分享过程的两阶段模型, 通过创建竞争环境, 检验在不对称情绪分享过程中是否存在情绪反应自我指向增强效应的这一假设。被试根据竞争对手的情绪表情(皱眉和笑脸)来完成情绪反应自我指向(判断被试者自己的输赢)和情绪反应他人指向(判断竞争对手的输赢)的实验任务。结果表明: 在不对称情绪分享过程中, 存在情绪反应自我指向的增强效应。被试不仅在自我指向任务中产生了不对称共情, 而且在他人指向任务中也产生了不对称共情, 这说明在有意识的不对称情绪分享过程中, 个体会分化出比他人指向更强烈的自我指向的情绪反应。并且, 相较他人指向任务, 个体在自我指向任务中产生了更强烈的不对称共情。尤其当竞争对手获利时, 个体会产生更强烈的指向自我的负性情绪。  相似文献   
窦凯  聂衍刚  王玉洁  黎建斌  沈汪兵 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1564-1579
该研究以自我控制资源模型为理论框架, 采用行为实验和ERPs技术考察自我损耗对冲动决策的影响。实验1采用Stroop任务操纵自我控制资源并采用延迟折扣任务考察被试的决策冲动性, 实验2采用同样的实验任务并同时采用ERPs技术记录高、低自我损耗者在随后决策任务中的脑电成分。行为结果发现, 在控制心境、特质自我控制水平以及风险偏好等无关变量后, 高损耗者比低损耗者在延迟折扣任务上的折扣程度更大。ERPs结果发现, 不论延迟金额大小, 高损耗者在左侧额区诱发的N1波幅显著小于低损耗者; 高损耗者在右半球诱发的P2波幅显著大于低损耗者。研究表明, 自我损耗抑制决策早期左侧额区的激活水平, 个体因而无法识别冲突以及抵制即时满足的诱惑, 这促使他们采用直觉启发式进行决策, 最终导致冲动决策的产生。  相似文献   
各种心理调查、心理实验中, 数据的缺失随处可见。由于数据缺失, 给概化理论分析非平衡数据的方差分量带来一系列问题。基于概化理论框架下, 运用Matlab 7.0软件, 自编程序模拟产生随机双面交叉设计p×i×r缺失数据, 比较和探讨公式法、REML法、拆分法和MCMC法在估计各个方差分量上的性能优劣。结果表明:(1) MCMC方法估计随机双面交叉设计p×i×r缺失数据方差分量, 较其它3种方法表现出更强的优势; (2) 题目和评分者是缺失数据方差分量估计重要的影响因素。  相似文献   
Extending previous research regarding the relationship between leader positive moods and team performance, the present study examined 2 mediating mechanisms that explain the leader positive moods–team performance linkage: transformational leadership, and positive group affective tone. Data were collected from 85 sales teams (85 team leaders, 365 team members). Structural equation modeling analyses were performed to test the hypotheses. The results showed that leader positive moods not only directly enhanced team performance, but also indirectly led to improved team performance through the explicit mediating process (i.e., transformational leadership) and the implicit mediating process (i.e., positive group affective tone). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
研究以混合物分类为实验任务,探讨在面对口语和文字两种信息时,4~6岁中国幼儿的信任特点,在信任任务之后的即时和延时两个时间点上考察幼儿对所信任信息的运用,以及分析阅读水平对幼儿信息信任和运用的影响。研究结果表明:(1)4~6岁中国幼儿对不同类型信息都表现出高度信任,相较于口语信息,阅读水平高的幼儿表现出对文字信息的信任偏好;(2)幼儿在后续任务中较少运用所信任的信息,随着时间的推移,幼儿运用的口语信息持续减少,但文字信息的运用呈现先降后升的特点;(3)阅读水平在不同时间点上影响幼儿对所信任信息的运用,阅读水平低的幼儿在短时间内更多地运用口语信息,而阅读水平高的幼儿在更长时间里显著更多地使用文字信息。未来研究应进一步探究文字意识对幼儿文字信息信任和后续运用的作用。  相似文献   
Q矩阵在认知诊断的模型参数估计和诊断分类中起着重要作用。本文通过研究Liu等人的方法, 设计了同时估计项目参数和Q矩阵的联合估计算法。在DINA模型下, 对项目参数未知时开展模拟研究。研究假设项目为20个, 考察的属性个数分别是3、4和5, 初始Q矩阵中分别存在3、4和5个属性界定错误的项目。结果表明, 联合估计算法能在错误的初始Q矩阵基础上以很高的概率得到正确的Q矩阵。另外, 当专家认定测验的属性个数存在错误时, 该方法推导的Q矩阵和模型参数能提供很好的鉴别Q矩阵错误的信息。  相似文献   
以348名中小学教师为被试, 运用《教师工作家庭冲突问卷》、《教师自我决定动机问卷》与《教师职业倦怠问卷》, 探讨了自我决定动机在中小学教师工作家庭冲突与职业倦怠关系中的中介作用。研究发现: (1) 中小学教师自我报告的工作干扰家庭水平高于家庭干扰工作水平;(2)家庭干扰工作、工作干扰家庭与自我决定动机、职业倦怠之间均存在显著的相关关系;(3)自我决定动机在中小学教师工作家庭冲突对职业倦怠的影响过程中所起的中介效应显著, 具体为在家庭干扰工作与职业倦怠的关系中起部分中介作用, 在工作干扰家庭与职业倦怠的关系中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   
李燕芳  刘丽君  吕莹  骆方  王耘 《心理学报》2015,47(7):914-927
以北京市40所幼儿园的336个班级的3430名儿童为被试, 构建多层线性模型, 分析亲子关系、班级师幼关系氛围对学龄前城市和流动儿童问题行为的影响。发现亲子冲突和班级师幼冲突氛围显著正向预测儿童的内、外向问题行为; 班级师幼亲密和冲突氛围对城市儿童内向问题行为的预测作用相比流动儿童更大; 班级师幼冲突氛围对亲子冲突高的流动儿童的外向问题行为的消极作用降低, 高亲子亲密缓解了班级师幼冲突氛围对流动儿童内向问题行为的消极作用。  相似文献   
以往研究认为教师共情能促进学生的社交能力和情绪的发展,但教师共情能否促进学生学业成绩呢?以往研究存在较多的分歧。本研究为进一步考察教师共情对学生学业成绩的作用,开发和运用针对教师职业特殊性的ANVs共情测量工具,采用准实验的方式,运用共情培训对20位实验组教师进行干预(另外20位教师作为控制组),同时收集相应实验组803名学生、控制组852名学生的期中、期末成绩,并采用多层线性的方式控制无关变量,关注学生原有成绩的影响,从而检验教师共情与学生学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)教师共情能力的提高能够促进学生学业成绩的提高;(2)在教师共情对学生学业成绩的促进作用中,学生原有成绩起到调节作用。  相似文献   
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