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安乐死作为自然人在特殊情况下对自己生命自主选择的权利,涉及人的生命权益,有关生命权立法是安乐死问题的关键。安乐死的实施与我国现行法律对生命权的严格维护产生冲突,需要我国用法律的形式肯定安乐死,并对现行法律做出适当调整,为安乐死立法留下法律空间。  相似文献   
网络成瘾障碍(Internet Addiction Disorder,IAD)已成为影响青少年身心健康和正常学业表现的重要因素。针对青少年网络成瘾的心理预防与干预研究已开展逾十年,分析与总结显示,已有研究采用个体、团体等不同干预模式,采用认知行为、动机激发等不同咨询与治疗理论,对青少年网络成瘾行为的干预进行了大量探索;其中以团体干预模式及认知行为疗法为主导,并呈现多模式多理论相融合的趋势。借鉴已有研究的成果与不足,我们采用家庭治疗、认知行为、动机激发等多种咨询与治疗理论,结合心理需求网络满足优势等网络成瘾理论,形成了个体-家庭-学校的多水平预防与干预方案,并得到了实证研究的检验。今后的研究应进一步考虑青少年网络成瘾的生理因素,将生物-心理-社会三方面相结合形成系统性的网络成瘾预防与干预模式。  相似文献   
医学教育思想变革要顺应新的医学模式转变   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
医学模式是一种医学教育观念、教育方法、管理方式和医学人才教育的基础,顺应新的医学模式转变是医学教育改革成功的前提。搞好医学教育改革应变革旧的思想观念,适应现代社会发展对医学提出的更高要求,改变生物医学模式下的“病”与“人”的分离,重视生物致病因素,忽视心理、社会因素对健康的影响等缺陷。  相似文献   
Psychological distress is particularly common with any cancer diagnosis. This paper examined the psychological distress in a cohort of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer and postulates on the underlying theory. A longitudinal study of a cohort of women (n = 147) diagnosed with breast cancer (within the past 1 year), was conducted at University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Data were collected at baseline and at post 4‐week intervention. Analysis of variance was conducted to examine for any significant differences in the change‐scores between the experimental group (n = 69) and the control group (n = 78). Using the change scores, analyses of variance showed significant differences between groups for stress, F(1, 140) = 13.68, p < .0001, anxiety F(1, 140) = 8.44, p < .004, and depression, F(1, 140) = 11.57, p < .0001. Levels of stress, anxiety and depression generally decreased significantly in the experimental groups, p < .05, but either maintained or increased in the control group. This study indicates that the level of psychological distress of women with breast cancer can be ameliorated with a 4‐week self‐management intervention. Lower stress levels were also found in women who reported engagement in higher physical activity than women with low physical activity.  相似文献   
关于启动工作记忆负荷的强度与过滤分心刺激这两种认知资源的关系一直存在争论;并且对ADHD儿童来说,新异的分心刺激是提高了唤醒水平,还是干扰了任务进程也一直存在争论。本研究选取了ADHD儿童32名,正常儿童35名。采用视听跨通道oddball任务,通过操作视觉任务工作记忆负荷的高低,以及分心刺激与目标刺激之间的时间间隔,探讨不同工作记忆负荷对 ADHD 儿童过滤新异分心刺激能力的影响。结果发现:(1)在低工作记忆负荷条件下,分心刺激对两组儿童都起到了唤醒作用;在高工作记忆负荷条件下,分心刺激影响了两组儿童对任务本身的加工过程,使其判断的精确性下降。但是 ADHD 儿童受到的影响更大,表明其过滤分心刺激的能力落后。(2)当分心刺激与目标刺激同时出现时, ADHD儿童受到的干扰最大;但随着二者时间间隔的延长,并没有出现间隔越长干扰效应越小的趋势。在本研究条件下,得出以下结论:(1)两组儿童对跨通道新异分心刺激的过滤受到目标任务的工作记忆负荷强度的影响。(2)适度延长分心刺激与目标刺激之间的时间间隔可能会帮助ADHD的注意回归。  相似文献   
教育部和各高校都在认真探索加强和改进大学生心理健康教育工作的思路和措施,取得了阶段性成效,积累了有益的经验。若要此项工作具有可持续性,必须从教师、学生和学校等各方面来做更加深入、细致的工作。  相似文献   
面对越来越多的最普遍的一种医疗错误-药物治疗错误,以及由此带给患者的身体损害和经济损失,必须对药疗错误进行科学定位和对患者安全保障体系与措施的革新.本文不在于详尽地论述药疗错误和安保的革新,而是通过对药疗错误的科学定位,提出对药疗错误的预防优先和以医者与患者为中心的药疗安全保障,强调重在研究和应用与药疗安全问题相关的健康信息技术和改变认知与处理药.总的认为:关于药疗安全与药疗错误,执行安全措施的障碍和改善药疗管理的当前和可能的机制以及我们应当知道什么和可以怎样做为好.  相似文献   
正确认识和对待"举证责任倒置"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“举证责任倒置”作为处理民事诉讼中的例外原则运用于医疗纠纷的处理必将对医患关系的根本好转提供有利的措施保证,如何认识和对待“举主责任倒置”是一个崭新的课题,就此,我们谈点不成熟的看法。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the maladjustment of Asian (Bangladeshi, Pakistani) and African (Nigerian, Namibian, Ghanaian) peacekeepers and its major influence factors. By random cluster sampling, 300 Asian peacekeepers and 271 African peacekeepers were administered the military psychological maladjustment scale (MPMS) and risk factors questionnaire. Investigation at Day 7 and Day 120 into the peacekeeping deployment period indicated that MPMS total score and factor scores of the Asian peacekeepers were significantly lower than those of the African peacekeepers (p < .01). The total score and each factor score of MPMS of the Asian peacekeepers significantly decreased (p < .01); for the African peacekeepers, only the factor score of emotional disorder of MPMS significantly decreased (p < .05). Stepwise regression analysis showed that the education duration was the influence factor for the emotional disorder factor score in the Asian peacekeepers, and the two factors were positively correlated. Age, military service duration, education duration and marital status were the major influence factors for the MPMS factors of the African peacekeepers, among which age was negatively correlated with the total score and each factor score, and military service duration, education duration and marital status were positively related. We conclude that the Asian peacekeepers are more adaptable and resilient than the African peacekeepers. Education duration was the major influence factor for Emotional Disorder in the Asian peacekeepers. The major influence factors for maladjustment in the African peacekeepers were age, military service duration, education duration and marital status.  相似文献   
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