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Previous studies explain loss aversion as the result of a situation in which the expected negative emotions derived from a potential loss exceed the expected positive emotions derived from a potential gain (subtractive logic). We questioned this view and proposed additive logic, in which a linear combination between negative and positive emotions can be used as summed anticipatory affect intensity (SAAI) to explain loss aversion. By disproving two implicit hypotheses of subtractive logic, Study 1 showed that the additive logic of expected positive and negative affect was more effective than the subtractive logic in predicting loss aversion. Study 2 used real monetary gains and losses to verify the conclusion in Study 1. Using state‐trait theory to comprehensively consider the state and trait aspects of affect intensity, we further deduced that the immediate expected affect intensity might originate from the difference of an individual trait in affect intensity. Study 3 proved this hypothesis and showed that SAAI plays an intermediary role between affect intensity and loss aversion. Furthermore, Study 4 used real gamblers in casinos in Macau as its sample and obtained the same conclusion regarding loss aversion in real life as was found in the laboratory. Finally, we explained the effect of SAAI on loss aversion and indicated the contribution and significance of this study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用信号检测论的方法对130名大学生的国家科技成就刻板印象进行研究。结果发现,被试对中国近现代及当代科技成就判断标准的自然对数值显著高于对中国古代、美国近现代及当代科技成就判断标准的自然对数值(p<0.001),同时,被试对中国古代、美国近现代及当代科技成就的判断标准自然对数值没有显著差异(p>0.05),从而证明了大学生群体中明显存在着国家科技成就刻板印象。进一步的含义表明,大学生对中国古代科技成就依然保持绝对的自信,对中国近现代及当代科技成就的自卑并没有显著改变。在被试对2005年中国科技竞争力在全球的排名进行估计时,高估的人数显著多于低估的人数(p<0.001),从而表明,大学生对中国当前及未来科技成就的自信心开始建立。  相似文献   
青少年对传统孝道的态度研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张坤  张文新 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1317-1321
本研究采用传统孝道态度问卷对885名初三、高一、高二、高三城乡青少年的传统孝道态度进行了初步探讨。结果表明:(1)青少年对传统孝道四个方面的态度存在极其显着的差异;(2)来自不同年级、城乡背景不同以及独生非独生男女青少年他们对传统孝道的态度存住显着差异;(3)父母对荣亲留后、抑己顺亲、敬爱祭念三个方面的赞同程度显着高于青少年,而青少年对随侍奉养的赞同程度显著高于其父母。  相似文献   
孙红月  苏寅  周坤  李纾 《心理科学进展》2011,19(10):1417-1425
诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Samuelson于1963年发现人们在单次和多次博弈条件下决策行为不一致。文章综述了两种博弈条件下人们决策行为的差异并质疑了这种差异的传统理论解释机制。描述或预测决策行为的风险决策理论其实只采用了一种评价法则—— 期望法则, 始终没有跳出“最大化”的窠臼。基于实验证据, 我们推测, 多次博弈时人们遵守了期望法则, 而单次博弈时人们所遵循的是非补偿性法则。从多次博弈到单次博弈, 不单单是一种博弈次数上的变化(量变), 而是代表了从期望法则(补偿性法则)到非补偿性法则两种策略之间的转变(质变)。最后, 文章介绍了单次、多次博弈问题在医疗、应急管理以及投资领域的体现, 并呼吁更多的研究者关注单次、多次博弈问题。  相似文献   
Prosociality and morality are critical to the functioning and flourishing of society. There is, however, great variation in the degree to which individuals help or hinder one another, or adhere to ethical standards of “rightness.” One way to understand this variation is by drawing on theories and models within personality psychology, which may illuminate the basic individual characteristics that drive a wide range of other-regarding tendencies. In this review, we provide a snapshot of three research strands addressing these themes. The first concerns how personality traits map onto prosocial preferences for fairness and cooperation, as studied using classic social decision-making tasks called economic games. The second concerns the robust associations between personality traits and indicators of inter-group prejudice (e.g., authoritarian ideology). The third concerns the emerging concept of moral exceptionality, and the personality traits that may characterise individuals at the forefront of moral progress. These examples demonstrate the core role that personality psychology is playing in the study of prosocial and moral behaviour, as well as the critical mass emerging in the Australian context around these themes.  相似文献   
张琨  方平  姜媛  于悦  欧阳恒磊 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1628-1636
几十年来, 内疚备受国内外研究者的关注, 其研究多从儿童发展、心理健康等方面展开。而近些年, 研究者关注的焦点开始转向内疚的道德层面, 即关注人际交往或社会事件中情绪的道德价值。内疚作为一种道德情绪, 是伴随道德意识的发展而发展的, 在维持和修复社会关系以及情绪情感发展中起着重要作用。因此, 文章从道德视角对内疚的界定、产生机制、行为反应以及亲社会作用等方面进行了梳理和探讨, 以期为国内的同类研究提供一些新的线索。  相似文献   
美国健康战略及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国健康战略出台的背景,并重点介绍了美国“健康公民2010”战略的目标、优先领域、主要健康指标以及相应的行动计划,比较了美国“健康公民2000”和“健康公民2010”的异同,在此基础上总结了美国健康战略发展的基本特点与经验,并提出了对我国制定和实施“健康中国2020”战略的启示。  相似文献   
介绍了英国健康战略的出台背景、战略愿景、目标、优先发展领域和具体的行动计划,在此基础上总结了英国健康战略实施过程的基本特点与经验,并提出了对我国制定和实施“健康中国2020”战略的相关启示。  相似文献   
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