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Reports an error in "Do social networks explain 12-step sponsorship effects? A prospective lagged mediation analysis" by Kristina N. Rynes and J. Scott Tonigan (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Advanced Online Publication, Sep 5, 2011, np). There is an error in the last paragraph of the Participants section. It was reported that 14.8% of the sample were Asian, however, 14.8% of the participants were American Indian or Alaskan Native and no participants were Asian. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2011-20052-001.) Sponsorship is a basic and important part of the 12-step approach to recovery from substance abuse (Alcoholics Anonymous, 2005) and research has shown that having a sponsor is associated with increased involvement in 12-step programs and improved outcomes (Bond, Kaskutas, & Weisner, 2003; Tonigan & Rice, 2010). However, little is known about how sponsorship improves outcomes. Given research demonstrating bivariate associations between sponsorship and social support for abstinence (Majer, Jason, Ferrari, Venable, & Olson, 2002), we hypothesized that the association between having a sponsor and increased abstinence outcomes would be explained by increases in one's abstinence-based social network. Prospective fully lagged mediational analyses did not support this hypothesis and these results ran counter to findings of five previous studies (cf. Groh, Jason, & Keys, 2008). A review of these studies showed that researchers often used cross-sectional or partially lagged methods to test mediation and the mediational effect of the social network was small in magnitude. Results suggest that the prospective association between sponsorship and abstinence is not explained by increases in the abstinence-based social network and demonstrate the need for future studies to use rigorous and time-lagged methods to test social support for abstinence as a mediator of the effects of 12-step involvement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   
Integrating self-uncertainty management and thwarted needs perspectives on leader mistreatment and workplace deviance, we examine when and why leader mistreatment is associated with workplace deviance. We propose that competence uncertainty strengthens the relationship between leader mistreatment and workplace deviance and that hostility mediates this interactive effect. Four field studies and one experiment support the hypotheses. The first two studies provide evidence for the predicted interaction between leader mistreatment and competence uncertainty, and the next three studies demonstrate that hostility mediates this interactive effect. We discuss an extended social exchange explanation of workplace deviance and highlight the psychological interplay between motives, cognition, and affect in reciprocating leader mistreatment.  相似文献   
This study examines the evaluation of innovation in a wider competency framework and within a 360‐degree rating procedure among managerial‐level job holders. The total sample of 2,979 individuals consisted of 296 target employees and their 318 bosses, 1208 peers, 828 direct reports, and 329 others who provided ratings on a competency framework. The results showed significant differences in innovation‐related competence ratings between different raters. Self‐ratings were significantly lower compared to the overall observer ratings and were correlated only with peer ratings. Different patterns of results were found for the lower and upper quartiles based on self‐ratings. For instance, no correlations were observed between self‐ratings and the ratings of any observers in the group of best self‐rated individuals. Implications for practice and future research in assessment and evaluation of innovation are discussed in conclusion.  相似文献   
Hungry animals will often choose suboptimally by being attracted to reliable signals for food that occur infrequently (they gamble) over less reliable signals for food that occur more often. That is, pigeons prefer an option that 50?% of the time provides them with a reliable signal for the appearance of food but 50?% of the time provides them with a reliable signal for the absence of food (overall 50?% reinforcement) over an alternative that always provides them with a signal for the appearance of food 75?% of the time (overall 75?% reinforcement). The pigeons appear to choose impulsively for the possibility of obtaining the reliable signal for reinforcement. There is evidence that greater hunger is associated with greater impulsivity. We tested the hypothesis that if the pigeons were less hungry, they would be less impulsive and, thus, would choose more optimally (i.e., on the basis of the overall probability of reinforcement). We found that hungry pigeons choose the 50?% reinforcement alternative suboptimally but less hungry pigeons prefer the more optimal 75?% reinforcement. Paradoxically, pigeons that needed the food more received less of it. These findings have implications for how level of motivation may also affect human suboptimal choice (e.g., purchase of lottery tickets and playing slot machines).  相似文献   
Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that heavy alcohol use and alcohol dependence (AD) tend to increase in adolescence and emerging adulthood and then show a large decline in the late 20s, a phenomenon called maturing out. This decline has been explained as an effect of "role incompatibility" in which involvement in new roles and activities interferes with a heavy drinking lifestyle. However, maturing out has been conceived mostly as a decrease in offset, with little attention paid to reductions in new onset or recurrence across decades of life. Moreover, although role incompatibility processes have been studied with young samples, little is known about the effect of life transitions (e.g., marriage, parenthood, changes in employment status) on AD later in life and whether similar effects are observed. Using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a nationally representative epidemiologic survey, we examined the patterns of stability and change in AD across the life span and the differential effect of life transitions on AD across different age strata. Results showed that persistence of AD tended to increase with age, although not dramatically, and that onset and recurrence tended to decrease with age. Moreover, the effects of life transitions on the course of AD varied across the life span and were different for men and women. These results indicate that life transitions differentially affect the patterns of stability and change in younger versus older people, have a different impact for men and women, and highlight the need to consider the unique aspects of each stage of adult development on the course of AD.  相似文献   
The present study identified longitudinal trajectories of revenge goals in a sample of at-risk youth (N = 240; 63.3% male) followed from fourth grade through seventh grade. Three revenge goal trajectory groups were identified: a low-stable group, an increasing group, and a decreasing group. The increasing and decreasing groups were initially more behaviorally and affectively dysregulated and believed that aggression would gain them more rewards relative to the low-stable group. The increasing group was also more fearfully reactive compared to the decreasing group. Revenge goal trajectory groups also predicted trajectories of reactive and proactive aggression from 4th through 7th grade. The increasing group was more reactively aggressive and depressed and had poorer social skills in 8th grade compared to the other groups. Together, results highlight the importance of considering revenge motivations as an indicator of risk and a potential focus for intervention.  相似文献   
To understand the neural basis of human speech control, extensive research has been done using a variety of methodologies in a range of experimental models. Nevertheless, several critical questions about learned vocal motor control still remain open. One of them is the mechanism(s) by which neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, modulate speech and song production. In this review, we bring together the two fields of investigations of dopamine action on voice control in humans and songbirds, who share similar behavioral and neural mechanisms for speech and song production. While human studies investigating the role of dopamine in speech control are limited to reports in neurological patients, research on dopaminergic modulation of bird song control has recently expanded our views on how this system might be organized. We discuss the parallels between bird song and human speech from the perspective of dopaminergic control as well as outline important differences between these species.  相似文献   
Two experiments explored the possibility that specific health risks observed among young women may be influenced by attractiveness-enhancement goals associated with mating. Study 1 (n=257) demonstrated that priming women with intersexual courtship and intrasexual competition increased their willingness to go tanning and take dangerous diet pills. Study 2 (n=148) conceptually replicated these results and revealed that increased willingness to take these risks is mediated by diminished feelings of vulnerability to the negative health effects associated with these behaviors when mating goals are salient. Findings provide evidence that mating goals play a role in the continued popularity of these dangerous behaviors in women. Furthermore, the current results bridge the existing gap between health belief and self-presentational models of risk behaviors to yield novel insights into the psychology of risk taking.  相似文献   
How do body representations influence decisions about action? We developed a novel paradigm using the mirror illusion (Holmes, Crozier, & Spence, in Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 4, 193–200, 2004) to examine two ways of evoking body plasticity—extension of body capabilities and visual capture—and its influence on perceived affordances. In two experiments, we manipulated the action capabilities of a seen left hand by lengthening the arm with a rod (Exp. 1) or enlarging the hand with a glove (Exp. 2). The right hand was unaltered physically and was occluded by placement in a mirror box. We induced visual capture through synchronous finger movements of both hands. Right-hand estimates of reaching and of fitting through apertures increased relative to actual capabilities during visual capture, supporting the claim that visual capture can induce the incorporation of an apparent body extension into action decisions. The results suggest that both perceptual and cognitive influences on bodily awareness underlie perceived affordances.  相似文献   
As a clinical model of hippocampal dysfunction, transient global amnesia (TGA) causes reversible memory disturbance. While episodic memory deficits in TGA patients have been extensively described, data regarding semantic memory involvement are sparse and contradictory. We report impaired semantic fluency performance in 16 patients with hippocampal lesions on MRI during acute TGA compared to their performance one day later and to that of 20 healthy subjects. Our findings support the involvement of the hippocampus in semantic retrieval.  相似文献   
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