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Suicide Signs on the Rorschach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews the literature concerning the assessment of suicide using the Rorschach and updates the important developments since Goldfried, Stricker, and Weiner's comprehensive review of the literature in 1971. Special attention is given to those indicators which show the most support in the literature and are most efficient to use. The presence or absence of any of these signs in a patient's record should not be taken to signify the presence or absence of suicidal ideation. However, the presence of even one of these indicators does provide a warning to the clinician, indicating that further exploration in this area may be warranted. Knowledge of the many suicidal indicators on projective tests places the clinician in a better position to predict such destructive behavior and intervene appropriately.  相似文献   
Father absence in American families is a recent, widespread phenomenon. Empirical research comparing single-parent, usually mother-headed families, with two-parent families has demonstrated various negative outcomes for children in single-parent homes. Many of these symptoms, such as deficits in cognitive and social competence, as well as internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems, have underlying psychodynamic bases in disturbances in object relations, separation-individuation, aggression, and sexual identity, all of which influence personal identity and self cohesion. These disturbances stem from the lack of certain functions performed by a dependable, nurturing father-figure, as well as the reaction of the mother to this absence. If the mother's reacts to this loss with over-investment and over-valuation of the child for her own narcissistic needs, the child may feel special, but also, paradoxically, deprived. These experiences result in shame and suffering for the child, prompting resentment and anger, in having been deprived of father support. In some individuals this may lead to a sense of entitlement, that is, the attitude of having unjustly endured special suffering and thus deserving special consideration.  相似文献   
Under the influence of the intersubjective or relational perspective, guidelines for establishing the therapeutic frame in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy are undergoing modification. Therapeutic interventions such as disclosing subjective reactions have a sound theoretical basis, but they must be executed judiciously within a context of general neutrality, anonymity, and abstinence. Novice practitioners ought not attempt the more difficult relational interventions until they have acquired experience and security in the basic tenets of psychoanalytic practice, including how to maintain the traditional therapeutic frame. Inexperience in knowing when and under what circumstances to attempt self-disclosure of therapist affect, and insecurity in examining one's countertransference, have the potential to exacerbate enactments and entanglements for beginning therapists, as is illustrated in a case example.  相似文献   
Starting with a brief review of why all post-industrial societies tend to be inegalitarian, this paper develops two main themes: (1) how the idea that people are individually responsible for their own fates reduces poverty but impedes redistribution, and (2) how both the loose ties of individuals to their societies and the selective nature of their empathy and pity for others reduces compassion for the poor, making redistribution unlikely. The first theme is elaborated through psychological research on dispositional versus circumstantial attributions, showing their effects on the widely shared belief in a just world and more generally on the prevailing theory of the justice of deserts. The attribution-affect-action model is used to show how dispositional attributes evoke either anger or pity for victims and, if anger, then unwillingness to help. The development of the second theme shows how people divorce their own fates from those of their nations, how the basic tendency to favor the familiar and similar limits support for redistribution, how converting concern regarding deprivations of the self to concern for (fraternal) deprivation of people like the self excludes those who most need help, how envy fails to lead to redistribution, and finally, how people's ideas of the privileged and the disadvantaged reflect market values and often mark the poor and the different as overprivileged.  相似文献   
Lexical access of function versus content words   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There has been a simmering debate as to whether evidence exists for differential processes of lexical access for function and content words. This has centered around the frequency effect (higher word frequency reducing access times for content words but not function words). Previous work has used the lexical decision paradigm, which has been shown to reflect more than lexical access times. We measured naming times for words in sentences read for meaning. Our findings confirm that lexical access for function words is indeed faster than for content words as predicted by neurolinguistic theory and electrophysiological evidence, but that this difference can be attributed to word predictability (Cloze value) and word familiarity (log frequency). We also show that differences in frequency effect for the two word types holds only for the lower frequency words and not at all for the higher frequency words. We discuss the implications of the results for neurolinguistic theory.  相似文献   
Although substitution tests have been included in tests of intelligence for years, the underlying abilities they measure have still not been clearly determined. This study used componential analysis to investigate the information-processing components underlying substitution test performance. The bases of sex and age differences were also of interest. One hundred subjects from each of three age groups (9–11, 18–25, and 60–89 years) were tested.The componential analysis found that substitution tests measure perceptual speed and, to a lesser extent, memory ability and writing speed. The component “Stimulus Orientation, Response Initiation, and Execution” was related to substitution test performance in the sample of children and the sample of older adults but not in the sample of younger adults. Verbal ability was not significantly related to substitution test performance in the two younger samples but was strongly related to substitution performance in the oldest sample. Although females outperformed males on the Symbol Digit Test, males did as well as females on the computerized tasks. Apparently, sex differences in substitution test performance cannot be explained by the components of the test measured here.  相似文献   
The effect of the widespread availability of microcomputers on research is discussed. Student projects in a course in computer applications in psychology improved markedly, and faculty who had previously not believed that there was great value in using computers discovered innovative ways of facilitating their research.  相似文献   
This study investigated cardiovascular responses to two stressors known to elicit either beta-adrenergic (mental arithmetic) or alpha-adrenergic (forehead cold pressor) reactivity in Black and White men. Participants in each group were selected for presence or absence of parental hypertension. Based on previous research, Blacks were expected to show smaller cardiovascular responses to the beta-adrenergic mental arithmetic task and greater responses to the alpha-adrenergic cold pressor relative to the Whites. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate, forearm blood flow, and forearm vascular resistance were assessed during a resting baseline, a prestress period, and during and after each experimental procedure. Unlike previous findings, no significant racial differences in cardiovascular responses were found during either task. However, Black participants had significantly higher SBP and DBP levels throughout the cold pressor periods. Parental history did not significantly influence cardiovascular responses in either group. The results are discussed in relation to previous research on racial differences in stress reactivity and their implications for future research.  相似文献   
Hulme, Maughan, and Brown (1991) provided evidence that the contribution of long-term memory to memory span performance was additive to the contribution of rehearsal rate (e.g., Baddeley, 1986). The present study further explored the relationship between these two contributions in younger and older adults. Speech rates and spans for short, medium, and long words and nonwords were obtained from subjects. Older adults had slower speech rates and smaller spans than did younger adults. Both groups’ data were fit well by linear functions relating speech rates to spans. However, the slope of the function that relates speech rate to memory span was greater for words than for nonwords. This finding supports the idea that long-term memory, as well as rehearsal rate, contributes to span performance, and that this contribution is not simply additive.  相似文献   
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