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This study examined the ways in which normal, depressed, and conduct-disordered adolescents differ with regard to self-image. Normal and psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents completed the Offer Self Image Questionnaire for Adolescents (OSIQ). Patients were grouped on the basis of their DSM-III diagnoses, and their OSIQ scores were compared. Major depressive disorder, particularly the first episode, was associated with poor self-evaluation in multiple areas, while conduct disorder was associated with almost no specific self-image deficits. For younger (12- to 15-year-old) adolescents, a repeated episode of depression was associated with a poorer selfimage than was a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder or a typical depression, but a better self-image than a single episode of depression, suggesting that at this age, repeated episodes are met with internal adaptation rather than continued self-devaluation. Adolescents who received a diagnosis of both conduct disorder and major depression reported an overall level of self-image disturbance between those with either of these disorders alone, suggesting that acting-out behaviors may attenuate the self-devaluing experience of depression. Results are discussed in terms of current issues in adolescent development and developmental psychopathology.Portions of this article were presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1986, and the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, 1986. The author wishes to express her appreciation to Kenneth I. Howard for his continued guidance throughout this project; to Lauren B. Alloy, Richard R. Bootzin, G. Daniel Lassiter, William Revelle, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier draft; to Daniel Offer and Eric Ostrov for allowing use of their normative data; and to the staff of Charter Barclay and Riveredge Hospitals for their assistance in the data collection.  相似文献   
Analyses of human object recognition abilities led to the hypothesis that 2 kinds of spatial relation representations are used in human vision. Evidence for the distinction between abstract categorical spatial relation representations and specific coordinate spatial relation representations was provided in 4 experiments. These results indicate that Ss make categorical judgments--on/off, left/right, and above/below--faster when stimuli are initially presented to the left cerebral hemisphere, whereas they make evaluations of distance--in relation to 2 mm, 3 mm, or 1 in. (2.54 cm)--faster when stimuli are initially presented to the right cerebral hemisphere. In addition, there was evidence that categorical representations developed with practice.  相似文献   
Negative compatibility effects (NCEs)—that is, slower responses to targets in related than unrelated prime-target pairs, have been observed in studies using stimulus-response (S-R) priming with stimuli like arrows and plus signs. Although there is no consensus on the underlying mechanism, explanations tend to locate NCEs within the motor-response system. A characteristic property of perceptuo-motor NCEs is a biphasic pattern of activation: A brief period in which very briefly presented (typically) masked primes facilitate processing of related targets is followed by a phase of target processing impairment. In this paper, we present data that suggest that NCEs are not restricted to S-R priming with low-level visual stimuli: The brief (50 ms), backward masked (250 ms) presentation of ambiguous words (bank) leads to slower responses than baseline to words related to the more frequent (rob) but not less frequent meaning (swim). Importantly, we found that slowed responses are preceded by a short phase of response facilitation, replicating the biphasic pattern reported for arrows and plus signs. The biphasic pattern of priming and the fact that the NCEs were found only for target words that are related to their prime word’s more frequent meaning has strong implications for any theory of NCEs that locate these effects exclusively within the motor-response system.  相似文献   
Results of 4 sets of neural network simulations support the distinction between categorical and coordinate spatial relations representations: (a) Networks that were split so that different hidden units contributed to each type of judgment performed better than unsplit networks; the reverse was observed when they made 2 coordinate judgments. (b) Both computations were more difficult when finer discriminations were required; this result mirrored findings with human Ss. (c) Networks with large, overlapping "receptive fields" performed the coordinate task better than did networks with small, less overlapping receptive fields, but vice versa for the categorical task; this suggests a possible basis for observed cerebral lateralization of the 2 kinds of processing. (d) The previously observed effect of stimulus contrast on this hemispheric asymmetry could reflect contributions of more neuronal input in high-contrast conditions.  相似文献   
This article is a general overview of mental disorders in the aged that stresses the complementary roles that religious and mental health professionals can play in meeting the psychological and spiritual needs of elders. Chaplains and pastoral counselors should be competent in recognizing serious psychiatric disorders in older adults and able to differentiate them from the more common and benign emotional disturbances. Both counseling and biological treatments have distinct but often overlapping roles in the treatment of mental disorders in the aged. When treating emotionally disturbed elders, religious professionals should be aware of new trends in psychotherapy and biological psychiatry that are now making the integration of secular and religious techniques more and more feasible.Funding for this study was provided by the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development at Duke University Medical Center and by the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center of the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.  相似文献   
The noted co-occurrence between depression and eating problems in women may be due to their common association with negative body image. Specifically, the western cultural ideal that equates feminine beauty with thinness leads a large number of women to be dissatisfied with their bodies. A recent model [M. McCarthy (1990) The Thin Ideal, Depression, and Eating Disorders in Women, Behavioral Research and Therapy, Vol. 28, pp. 205–215] suggests that this dissatisfaction, coupled with high importance placed on appearance, leads most women to engage in dieting to obtain this level of thinness. As dieting is typically unsuccessful as a means of long-term weight control, depression will result from the sense of failure and helplessness associated with dieting failure. This depression then leads to increasingly maladaptive eating behaviors that serve to assuage negative affect and regain control over body appearance. In a sample of 234 male and female, predominantly white, 17–22-year-old college students, we examined several components of this model, including the specificity of these relations for women. In accordance with the model, depressive symptoms and eating problems were predicted to be an interactive function of body image and body image importance, with negative body image/high importance subjects showing the greatest disturbance. In addition, we examined several components of the model to determine (a) the relation between failed dieting and depression, and (b) the extent to which depression could account for eating problems. Regardless of gender, eating problems were indeed highest among those with both negative body image and high body image importance. Depression, however, was higher in subjects with negative body image, regardless of body image importance. For both men and women, failed dieting was significantly related to depression, but only for women did depression account for significant variability in eating problems. Validity of the model is considered. Gender differences in the nature of these relations, and the need to consider possible alternative effects of the cultural standard for masculine attractiveness, are discussed.This research is based in part on an undergraduate honor's thesis submitted by the second author to the Emory University Department of Psychology under the direction of the first author. Funding was provided by a grant from Emory University to the first author. The authors would like to thank Robyn Fivush, Steven Nowicki, Irwin Waldman, Carol Worthman, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   
This study examined the impact of emotional content on encoding and retrieval processes. Event-related potentials were recorded in a source recognition memory task. During encoding, a posterior positivity for positive and negative pictures (250-450 ms) that presumably reflects attentional capturing of emotionally valenced stimuli was found. Additionally, positive events, which were also rated as less arousing than negative events, gave rise to anterior and posterior slow wave activity as compared with neutral and negative events and also showed enhanced recognition memory. It is assumed that positive low-arousing events enter controlled and elaborated encoding processes that are beneficial for recognition memory performance. The high arousal of negative events may interfere with controlled encoding mechanisms and attenuate item recognition and the quality of remembering. Moreover, topographically distinct late posterior negativities were obtained for the retrieval of the context features location and time that support the view that this component reflects processes in service of reconstructing the study episode by binding together contextual details with an item and that varies with the kind of episodic detail to be retrieved.  相似文献   
Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The way people process stressors is critical in determining whether or not trauma will be experienced. Some clinical and neuroimaging findings suggest that posttraumatic stress disorder patients experience difficulty in synthesizing the traumatic experience in a comprehensive narrative. Religiousness and spirituality are strongly based on a personal quest for understanding of questions about life and meaning. Building narratives based on healthy perspectives may facilitate the integration of traumatic sensorial fragments in a new cognitive synthesis, thus working to decrease post-traumatic symptoms. Given the potential effects of spiritual and religious beliefs on coping with traumatic events, the study of the role of spirituality in fostering resilience in trauma survivors may advance our understanding of human adaptation to trauma.  相似文献   
Habitual cigarette smoking in 42 Ss was used as a model of problem behaviour to which 3 different therapies were applied by therapists. Two of the therapies were based on techniques associated with “behaviour therapy” while a third consisted of supportive counselling. The experiment was designed to test the effects of different therapists as well as different therapies. Amount of change in smoking behaviour was significantly related to therapists but unrelated to the particular therapy administered. Ss were significantly effective predictors of their own level of success. Relatively successful Ss tended to evaluate the therapists to whom they were assigned more negatively than did unsuccessful Ss.  相似文献   
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