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年老化与文本理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年老化与文本理解的研究表明,老年人在表层形式和文本基础两个低水平表征上的理解和记忆能力下降,而在情境模型的建构和提取、更新等加工过程中都没有发现由于年老化引起的能力下降。在介绍这些研究的基础上,从情境模型与另两个低水平加工的不同特点和老年人自身的特殊性两个方面分析了老年人在不同层次表征水平加工能力差异的原因。对情境模型水平加工能力保持的潜在机制及相关的影响因素,以及如何弥补在低水平加工中认知能力因年龄而产生的下降等问题还需要进行探讨  相似文献   
社会公平是社会主义最核心的价值追求,是构建社会主义和谐社会的伦理基础。社会公平是当代社会经济发展的基本理念,也是一个由机会平等、按贡献分配以及社会调节等原则组成的基本规则体系,具体表现为权利公平、机会公平、规则公平和分配结果的相对公平。在社会转型时期,必须坚持社会公平原则,对社会的有限资源和权利义务进行有效而合理的配置和安排,才能建立公正合理的社会经济生活秩序,建设一个经济繁荣、政治文明、社会秩序稳定、人民安居乐业的和谐社会。  相似文献   
Cognitive flexibility can be studied using the task-switching paradigm. This paradigm requires subjects to adapt behaviour to changing contexts as indicated by a cue. In our study, we addressed the question of how cue-based implementation of mental “task sets” occurs. We assumed that cues build up associations to the tasks that they indicate. These associations lead to retrieval of the associated task set once the cue shows up again. In three experiments, we tested this assumption using a negative transfer paradigm. First participants were exposed to one cue-task mapping. After a training phase, the cue-task mapping changed in either of two ways. Whereas one group of participants got new cues, the other experienced a reversal of the learnt cue-task mapping. Our results show that participants build up cue-task associations and that these formerly learnt associations can hamper the implementation of new cue-task mappings (particular with mapping reversal). Prolonged preparation time decreased the cost of changing the cue-task mapping but did not change the overall pattern of results.  相似文献   
时间贴现是指个人对事件的价值量估计随着时间的流逝而下降的心理现象,它是行为选择理论的一个重要组成部分。着重介绍了时间贴现的数学模型(指数模型、双曲线模型族、非双曲线模型)、时间贴现现象和概率贴现现象的联系、延迟兑现与提前兑现时间贴现不对称现象及其理论解释,还讨论了时间贴现现象的神经机制研究。提出了时间贴现未来研究的几个主要问题  相似文献   
正确认识马克思的道德理论在其思想体系中的地位,关系到对整个马克思思想及其贡献的理解。针对中外学界对这一问题的种种不同看法和误解,本文认为,伦理道德是马克思一生学术实践所关注的,是马克思思想体系的灵魂,自由与解放则是马克思道德研究及其整个思想体系的主旨。  相似文献   
唐君毅认为,近代中国文化面临西方文化冲击所采取的卑屈、功利的态度,阻碍了中国文化的真正重建。中国文化的未来发展,必须立足于中国文化之根本精神综摄西方文化精神,以全面重建中国未来社会文化精神和纯粹文化精神,这是继中国文化先秦立"人极"、宋明立"太极"后的立"皇极"的文化伟业。  相似文献   
随着干细胞生物学研究的不断深入,成体干细胞被发现可以分化成组织来源与其无关的其他系统的细胞,即成体干细胞的可塑性.但是最近不断有学者对其提出质疑,认为可塑性可能是与"细胞融合"或成年组织中的"多潜能成年祖细胞"有关.面对可塑性上两种截然相反的观点,我们在热切关注其研究进展的同时,也引发了一连串的哲学思考.  相似文献   
The effect of Convulsofin-liquidum on several epilepsies and types of seizure in childhood is described. Typical and atypical absences, tonic-clonic seizures of primary generalised epilepsies as well as atonic or myoclonic seizures are considered to be the main indications for the treatment with Convulsofin. To the special advantage of the application in drops especially with infants is referred.  相似文献   
Comparison of findings obtained by computed tomography of muscles of possible carriers and normal subjects demonstrated that structural changes existed in 31 out of 74 women; the certainty of the information obtained became greater with increasing age. Six of the seven genealogically definite carriers were detected by computed tomography. The present results show that the use of computed tomography is promising for future carrier diagnosis.  相似文献   
Besides clinical symptoms, progress and electromyography the computer tomography is a possibility for improvement the diagnostic of myotone dystrophy. Even small changes in muscle structure are detectable and especially m. soleus exhibits early and pronounced alterations. By means of density distribution pattern an improved characterization of the disease is possible. Additional informations are obtained by cerebralcomputertomography. Hints for atrophy of brain tissue are expectable at all patients with myotone dystrophy. According to the presented findings the computer tomography enlarges the diagnostic possibilities at myotone dystrophy.  相似文献   
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