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The effect of facial expressions on estimates of the likelihood that a person will again commit an offense for which he has been arrested was studied. Such information did not affect estimates of 34 male and 36 female undergraduates as much as did the objective information provided about the offense. The results suggest directions for research on the role of facial expressions in interpersonal judgments.  相似文献   
University students represent one target population with great potential to serve as volunteers. The primary focus on describing the characteristics of students who choose to volunteer, however, has resulted in limited understanding of the psychosocial factors impacting on students' decisions to volunteer. To bridge this gap, we used an extension of a well‐known theoretical framework, the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), to predict students' intentions to volunteer for community service. Using content and thematic analysis, we explored also students' motivations and constraints for volunteering. Students (N = 235; M age = 22.09 years) self‐reported their attitude, normative influences, control perceptions, moral obligation, past behaviour, demographic characteristics, and intentions for volunteering via questionnaire. Regression analyses showed that the extended TPB explained 67% of the variance in students' volunteering intentions. In qualitative analyses, themes primarily represented the factors contributing to low efficacy for volunteering (e.g., time constraints). Control perceptions and perceived moral obligations related to volunteering represent important future targets to encourage student volunteering for organisations providing critical services for those most in need.  相似文献   
An experiment is reported in which reaction time was repeatedly assessed in six subjects (habitual coffee drinkers) up to 90 min after the administration of decaffeinated coffee (i.e. placebo), 250 mg caffeine in coffee and at equivalent times on control days. As predicted reaction time was shorter (but not significantly so) immediately after the administration of the two coffee preparations. This finding was taken to support the hypothesis that through a process akin to classical conditioning, drug effects may become associated with the cues that precede and are concurrent with their administration. The findings are critically assessed and related to previous studies. Finally, it is argued that the conditioning hypothesis can account for a number of clinical findings about the placebo response as observed in therapeutic trials.  相似文献   
The skill-deficit view of loneliness posits that unskilled social interactions block lonely individuals from social inclusion. The current studies examine loneliness in relation to social attention and perception processes thought to be important for socially skilled behavior. Two studies investigate the association between social monitoring (attention to social information and cues) and self-reported loneliness and number of close social ties. In Study 1, higher levels of loneliness are related to increased rather than decreased incidental social memory. In Study 2, individuals with fewer reported friends show heightened decoding of social cues in faces and voices. Results of these studies suggest that the attentional and perceptual building blocks of socially skilled behavior remain intact, and perhaps enhanced, in lonely individuals. Implications for recent models of belonging regulation and theories of loneliness are discussed.  相似文献   
In 4 experiments, instructions to plan a task (water jugs) that normally produces little planning altered how participants solved the problems and resulted in enhanced learning and memory. Experiment 1 identified planning strategies that allowed participants to plan full solutions to water jugs problems. Experiment 2 showed that experience with planning led to better solutions even after planning was no longer required, whereas control participants showed little improvement. Experiments 3 and 4 showed that although the most recent planned solution could be recalled following a long filled retention interval, retroactive interference (RI) between successive problems resulted in much lower recall of earlier solutions. RI during plan generation could also explain participants' choice of depth-first planning strategies.  相似文献   
This paper presents a first attempt to develop a prospective paradigm to test Rachman's (Behav. Res. Ther. 15 (1977) 375) theory of fear acquisition for social fears. Following the prospective paradigm for animal fears developed by Field et al. (Behav. Res. Ther. 39 (2001) 1259) an attempt is made to adapt this paradigm to look at the effect of fear information in the development of social fears. A large group of normal children (N=135) who were at an age (10-13 years) at which social concerns are most pertinent were tested using this paradigm. They were given positive, negative or neutral information about three social situations: public speaking, eating in public, and meeting a new group of children. Children's fear beliefs were measured before and after the information was given and the information was given by a teacher, a same age peer or no information was given (a control). The results indicate that although information can change social fear beliefs it is dependent upon the type of social activity and who provides the information. The implications of these initial results for our understanding of both the role of fear information in the development of social fear beliefs, and the limitations of this current paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   
Eysenck's theory is quoted as an example of a dispositional crime theory. This is in direct contrast to situational crime theory which rejects the notion of the influence of fixed psychological characteristics and stresses the importance of immediate situational stimuli in the explanation of crime. Recent studies of Eysenck's theory have argued the heterogeneity of personality types in the delinquent population, and following Eysenck's suggestion the offences committed by different personality types have been investigated. In the absence of positive results the present research seeks to progress beyond the offence label to compare different personality types on a range of offence-related situational features. This is viewed as an attempt to accommodate situational considerations in what remains essentially a dispositional approach. Similar deliquent personality types to recent studies merge, but they could not be distinguished across the situational-context factors of their offences. However, an alternative methodology to investigate this question is proposed.  相似文献   
The present experiments suggest that the desire to benefit the in-group drives dominant-group members' policy preferences, independent of concern for out-groups' outcomes. In Experiment 1, the effect of a manipulation of affirmative action procedures on policy support was mediated by how Whites expected the policy to affect fellow Whites, but not by the expected effect on minorities. In Experiments 2 and 3, when focused on losses for the White in-group, Whites' racial identity was negatively related to support for affirmative action. However, when focused on gains for the Black out-group or when participants were told that Whites were not affected by the policy, racial identity did not predict attitudes toward the policy. In Experiments 2 and 3, perceived fairness mediated these effects.  相似文献   
Parents of children who died following complex heart surgery have recently discovered that organs were removed and retained in post-mortem investigations to which they consented. It has been established that many of these parents did not give informed consent to the retention of organs. The Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry which examined these practices drafted codes of practice to govern future post-mortem activities. It is argued that these codes of practice may be onerous to some parents, yet effectively disbar them from dissenting to their application whilst they might otherwise agree to the post-mortem removal and retention of organs for purposes of medical audit, research or training. This consequence arises from employing an over-rigorous concept of informed consent in the immediate circumstances of bereavement. That concept is discussed in detail. An alternative proposal is canvassed which improves on the status quo but does not impose a practice of consent which may be burdensome and distressing to many.  相似文献   
Racial inequity was theorized to threaten Whites' self-image when inequity is framed as White privilege but not when framed as anti-Black discrimination. Manipulations of Whites' need for self-regard were hypothesized to affect their perceptions of White privilege but not of anti-Black discrimination. In Experiment 1, White participants reported less privilege when given threatening (vs. affirming) feedback on an intelligence or personality test; in contrast, perceptions of anti-Black discrimination were unaffected by self-concept manipulations. In Experiment 2, threatening (vs. affirming) feedback decreased privilege perceptions only among Whites high in racial identity. Using a value-based self-affirmation manipulation, Experiment 3 replicated the effect of self-image concerns on Whites' perceptions of privilege and provided evidence that self-concerns, through their effect on perceived privilege, influence Whites' support for redistributive social policies.  相似文献   
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