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Forming implementation intentions ('If I encounter situation X, then I will perform behaviour Y!') increases the probability of carrying out goals. This study tested the hypothesis that mental imagery targeting key elements of implementation intentions further increases goal achievement. The residents of a student residence were assigned the goal of consuming extra portions of fruit every day for 7 days and randomly assigned to one of four conditions: control (active rehearsal), implementation intentions, goal intention mental imagery or mental imagery targeted to the implementation intentions. Among low fruit consumers, but not high fruit consumers, fruit consumption at follow-up was higher in the targeted mental imagery group than in the other group, with the lowest fruit consumption in the control group. The findings suggest that it may be beneficial to use targeted mental imagery when forming implementation intentions.  相似文献   
The normative development of infant shared attention has been studied extensively, but few studies have examined the impact of disorganized attachment and disturbed maternal caregiving on mother–infant shared attention. The authors examined both maternal initiations of joint attention and infants’ responses to those initiations during the reunion episodes of the Strange Situation Procedure at 12 and 18 months of infant age. The mothers' initiations of joint attention and three forms of infant response, including shunning, simple joint attention, and sharing attention, were examined in relation to infant disorganized attachment and maternal disrupted communication. Mothers who were disrupted in communication with their infants at 18 months initiated fewer bids for joint attention at 12 months, and, at 18 months, mothers of infants classified disorganized initiated fewer bids. However, the infant' responses were unrelated to either the infant' or the mother' disturbed attachment. At both ages, disorganized infants and infants of disrupted mothers were as likely to respond to maternal bids as were their lower risk counterparts. Our results suggest that a disposition to share experiences with others is robust in infancy, even among infants with adverse attachment experiences, but this infant disposition may depend on adult initiation of bids to be realized.  相似文献   
In response to Bairstow and Laszlo (1976) the present paper points out the inconsistencies of their arguments relative to Laszlo’s previous work and that of Kelso, Stelmach, and Wanamaker (1974). Data are presented indicating that the nerve compression block, as a tool, fails to meet the stringent requirements necessary for examining motor performance in the absence of kinesthetic information. Some possibilities for the discrepancy between Laszlo’s performance data and those from Kelso et al. are discussed. These hinge on the availability of sensory information rather than any artifact in the Kelso et al. nerve conduction procedures as Bairstow and Laszlo (1976) suggest.  相似文献   
Theoretical development on human motor behavior has occurred largely independently of data on pathological movement disorders. This paper represents an initial attempt to interface findings from studies of apraxia and those of normal motor behavior with a view to formulating a common theoretical framework. Such an integration may ultimately aid in understanding the nature of skill acquisition and provide insights into the organization of motor systems. Three putative theoretical models of movement control are discussed with reference to apractic syndromes. The most commonly accepted view—the hierarchy—possesses properties such as linear transitivity and unidirectionality of information flow that render it inadequate in explaining functional plasticity in the central nervous system. The heterarchy, which incorporates reciprocity of function and circular transitivity, is a more likely candidate but suffers from an inability to regulate the degrees of freedom of the system. Our favored candidate is the coalition model which embodies heterarchical principles, but in addition, offers a solution to the problems of degrees of freedom and context for motor systems. Evidence is reviewed from apraxia of speech and limbs in terms of a coalitional style of control and an experimental approach, consonant with coalitional organization, is developed. We promote the claim that an understanding of apractic behavior—and perhaps motor systems in general—will benefit when clinicians and experimenters embrace a theory of context and constraints rather than a theory of commands as is currently in vogue.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted in which visual information was manipulated either at the endpoint or during preselected, subject defined and constrained, experimenter-defined movements. In Experiments 1 and 2 the subject's task was to reproduce the movement in the absence of vision. Augmenting the terminal location of the criterion movement with vision had no differential effect on reproduction in Experiment 1, although preselected movement accuracy was significantly superior to constrained. Providing vision throughout the criterion movement in Experiment 2 not only failed to improve the accuracy of constrained movements but decreased reproduction performance in preselected movements. In Experiment 3 procedures were adopted to control the allocation of the subjects' attention during the criterion movement. The subjects reproduced by vision alone, movement alone, or with both visual and movement information available. When subjects were informed of the modality of reproduction prior to criterion presentation, they were able to ignore concurrent input from vision and attend to movement information. In the absence of precues visual information was spontaneously attended. The data were interpreted as contrary to closed-loop assumptions that additional information necessarily enhances the strength of a motor memory representation. Rather, they can be accommodated in terms of Posner, Nissen and Klein's (1976) theoretical account of visual dominance and serve to illustrate the importance of selective attention effects in movement coding.  相似文献   
The generalizability framework was employed to estimate variance components and reliability of performance in a positioning task. The subjects (n =70) performed 16 trials at each of three target lengths of 25 cm, 45 cm, and 65 cm. The data were analyzed using a subjects x targets x trials repeated measures ANOVA. Two reliability coefficients were estimated. The first (R) provided an estimate of performance reliability generalized over targets and trials. The second (R') treated targets as a source of true-score variance and hence was generalized over trials alone. Both reliability coefficients were higher for algebraic error than for absolute error, and R1 provided higher reliability estimates than R for both dependent variables. Increasing the number of positioning trials from 2 to 16 at each target length did not appreciably alter either reliability coefficient. The overall low reliability of R appears to compound the dependent variables and statistical power problems associated with short-term motor-memory studies.  相似文献   
If slow positioning movements are governed only by a recognition process (e.g., Schmidt, 1975) then subject's performance should be independent of the mode or response (active versus passive). Two groups learned a criterion movement under either active or passive conditions following which KR was withdrawn. Although no differences were apparent on acquisition trials, active-group performance deteriorated dramatically during KR withdrawal while passive-group performance remained stable. These results suggest that recall and recognition are potentially separable in slow movements on the basis of the information available to the performer.  相似文献   
Experimental subjects were exposed to prism-induced visual displacement of a target whose location was correctly given by proprioceptive-kinesthetic information. Control subjects were exposed alternately to visual displacement or proprioceptive-kinesthetic location information. During the adaptation period, experimental subjects in the visual attention condition performed a localization task that directed them to attend selectively to the visual modality; experimental subjects in the proprioceptive attention condition attended selectively to the proprioceptive modaltiy; control subjects performed the task on the basis of the available modality. Measures of adaptation and aftereffect were secured separately in each of the two modalities. These confirmed the predictions that the shifts in the experimental conditions would be confirmed to localization tests dependent on the unattended modality and that control subjects would not exhibit adaptation. We proposed that allocation of attention determines situational dominance and that dominance determines the locus of adaptation. The findings were compared to those reported by Canon (1970) and were applied to a reassessment of the "visual capture" phenomenon.  相似文献   
Humans are often faced with tasks that require stabilizing inherently unstable situations. The authors explored the dynamics of human functional stabilization by having participants continually balance a pole until a minimum time criterion was reached. Conditions were manipulated with respect to geometry, mass, and characteristic "fall time" of the pole. Distributions of timing between pole and hand velocities showed strong action-perception coupling. When actions demonstrated a potential for catastrophic failure, the period of hand oscillation correlated well with the perceptual quantity "time to balance" (tau(bal) = theta/theta), but not other quantities such as theta and theta alone. This suggests that participants were using available tau(bal) information during critical conditions, although they may not have been attending to this type of perceptual information during typical, noncritical motions of successful performance. In a model analysis and simulation, the authors showed how discrete tau(bal) information may be used to adjust the parameters of a controller to perform this task.  相似文献   
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