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以675名初中和高中学生为被试,采用社会网络分析方法,获得506名青少年在其班级中的网络中心度,并确定他们所属的同伴团体,在此基础上考察同伴团体的行为规范对其问题行为的影响。结果发现:(1)在控制了班级层次的问题行为水平和其他相关变量后,同伴团体的问题行为水平能够正向预测青少年自身的问题行为;(2)青少年在同伴团体内部的地位能负向预测青少年的问题行为,青少年在班级社交网络中的度数中心度能正向预测其问题行为,而中介中心度能负向预测其问题行为;(3)交互作用分析表明:同伴团体的问题行为水平主要对低中介中心度的青少年产生显著影响;仅在问题行为水平较高的同伴团体中,青少年的度数中心度正向预测其问题行为。  相似文献   
蒲鹤年发表《“大实若虚”与“大伪似真”——丁肇中的“无知”与何祚庥的“无所不知”》说,物理学家丁肇中先生在接受采访或提问时,无论是本学科问题还是外学科问题,也无论提问者是业内人士还是业外人士,他最常给出的回答竟是三个字——“不知道”。而“何祚庥院士所到之处,都能从容不迫,侃侃而谈。”蒲文用两相比较的方法说事,用二人在学术成就上的差异隐喻两者人格的  相似文献   
Patients recently discharged from psychiatric inpatient care have a higher suicide rate. The study aimed to identify the characteristics associated with early suicide of those patients discharged from psychiatric wards in Taiwan. The results indicated that among 672 suicide victims who died within one year post‐discharge from psychiatric wards in Taiwan between 2000 and 2004, diagnosis of schizophrenia, shorter disease duration, and co‐morbidity with cancer were all significantly associated with suicide occurring within one month of discharge. Clinical diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, recent psychiatric diagnosis, and co‐morbidity with severe physical illnesses should receive special monitoring for potential suicide after discharge.  相似文献   
Objective: To explore trajectories of public psycho-behavioural responses over one influenza A(H7N9) epidemic wave, and examine the interplays among social norm influence, disease worry and protective behaviours.

Methods: Participants were 464 adults who completed the baseline and at least two follow-up assessments on their H7N9-related Perceived Susceptibility, Perceived Severity, Perceived Efficacy, Worry, Social Norms influence and Protective Behaviours in a five-phase longitudinal survey over one H7N9 epidemic wave. Latent growth modelling (LGM) identified trajectories of these psycho-behavioural responses while multi-process LGM examined the inter-relationships among trajectories of Social Norms influence, Worry and Protective Behaviours.

Results: Trajectories of Perceived Susceptibility, Worry, Social Norms and Protective Behaviours increased initially but declined as the epidemic decayed, while Perceived Severity increased linearly and Perceived Efficacy remained stable across the epidemic. Change in Social Norms influence was significantly associated with change in Worry (β?=?0.65) which was significantly associated with change in Protective Behaviours (β?=?0.62).

Conclusion: The public’s threat appraisal but not efficacy appraisal may have been well-informed by epidemic-related information. Social Norms may be important contributors of public emotional response to an epidemic. Communication via social networks during an epidemic could be important for regulating public emotional response and guiding their behavioural change.  相似文献   

教学与他者的伦理:《论语·学而》首章解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《论语》的阅读者已经不可能回到孔子与弟子相与切磋言谈的教学共同体中去了,然而,编纂者的文字书写却可以邀请无穷的未来读者参与到先王经典的持续生成中去。"子曰"不称"孔子曰",蕴含了《论语》处在经传之间的这种中介位置。从这个位置而来,"有朋自远方来"的快乐和"人不知而不愠"的仁恕,从一开始就为《论语》的教学之道奠定了面向他者敞开的伦理学基础。  相似文献   
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