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The Minkowski property of psychological space has long been of interest to researchers. A common strategy has been calculating the stress in multidimensional scaling for many Minkowski exponent values and choosing the one that results in the lowest stress. However, this strategy has an arbitrariness problem—that is, a loss function. Although a recently proposed Bayesian approach could solve this problem, the method was intended for individual subject data. It is unknown whether this method is directly applicable to averaged or single data, which are common in psychology and behavioral science. Therefore, we first conducted a simulation study to evaluate the applicability of the method to the averaged data problem and found that it failed to recover the true Minkowski exponent. Therefore, a new method is proposed that is a simple extension of the existing Euclidean Bayesian multidimensional scaling to the Minkowski metric. Another simulation study revealed that the proposed method could successfully recover the true Minkowski exponent. BUGS codes used in this study are given in the Appendix.  相似文献   
Seven squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) previously trained on reverse-reward tasks were presented with the original "1-versus-4" task after a 5-year interval without reverse-reward experience (Experiment 1). None of them reliably selected the smaller food array; however, at around chance level, their performance was superior to when they were first exposed to the task almost 6 years previously, suggesting some long-term memory retention. One naive monkey consistently selected the larger array, as expected. In Experiment 2, trials consisting of 1 versus 1 piece of two qualitatively different types of food were interspersed among familiar 1-versus-4 trials. None of five monkeys tested reliably selected the less-preferred food to get the more preferred food as the reward, and one monkey scored below chance. However, when one piece of low-preference food was paired with four pieces of high-preference food (Experiment 3), all four monkeys tested avoided reaching for the latter and thereby obtained it as the reward; two monkeys obtained perfect scores on these trials. These two monkeys were trained on a specific qualitative reverse-reward pairing and then again tested on new pairings (Experiment 4), but transfer was incomplete. Compound trials that pit quantity against quality in novel ways appear taxing for squirrel monkeys, despite competence in reverse-reward on both dimensions separately.  相似文献   
A new laboratory procedure which allows the study of deceptive behavior in nonhuman primates is described. Pairs of tufted capuchin monkeys faced each other in a food-competition contest. Two feeder boxes were placed between the monkeys. A piece of food was placed in one of the boxes. The subordinate individual was able to see the food and to open the box to obtain the bait. A dominant male was unable to see the food or to open the box but was able to take the food once the box was opened by the subordinate. In experiment 1, two of four subordinate monkeys spontaneously started to open the unbaited box first with increasing frequency. Experiment 2 confirmed that this "deceptive" act was not due to a drop in the rate of reinforcement caused by the usurping dominant male, under the situation in which food sometimes automatically dropped from the opened box. In experiment 3, two subordinate monkeys were rerun in the same situation as experiment 1. One of them showed some recovery of the "deceptive" act but the other did not; instead the latter tended to position himself on the side where there was no food before he started to open the box. Although the results do not clearly indicate spontaneous deception, we suggest that operationally defined spontaneous deceptive behaviors in monkeys can be analyzed with experimental procedures such as those used here. Accepted after revision: 13 June 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Four tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were trained to choose from 2 hook-like tools, 1 of which successfully led to collecting food, whereas the other did not because of inappropriate spatial arrangement of the tool and the food. In Experiment 1, all of the monkeys successfully learned the basic task. The monkeys performed successfully with tools of novel colors and shapes in Experiments 2-5. These results demonstrate that the monkeys used the spatial arrangement of the tool and the food as a cue. However, they failed when there were obstacles (Experiment 6) or traps (Experiment 7) on the path along which the monkeys dragged tools. These results may suggest that capuchin monkeys understand the spatial relationship between 2 items, namely, food and the tool, but do not understand the spatial relationship among 3 items, namely, food, tool, and the environmental condition. The possible role of stimulus generalization is also considered.  相似文献   
Human infants perceive two rods moving in concert behind an occluder as one unitary rod. In four experiments we tested whether pigeons also perceive unity of objects. Pigeons were trained on a matching-to-sample task to discriminate between one unitary rod moving at a constant speed and two aligned rods moving together at the same speed. The latter stimulus was identical to the former except for a gap in the center. In experiment 1, we tested pigeons in probe trials in which a rectangle occluded the center of the sample rods, to see which comparison stimulus, the unitary rod or the aligned two rods, the subjects would match to the sample. Two of the three subjects pecked at the two rods significantly more often than at the unitary rod. In experiment 2, we trained the same pigeons to match the sample rods moving "in front of" the occluder. Pigeons persisted in matching two separate rods to the unitary rod moving in front of the occluder. In experiments 3 and 4, we used a parallelogram and an undulating shape as the occluder to alter the shape and the size of the portions above and below the occluder by the motion of the sample rods. Both subjects chose the two rods significantly more often than chance in experiment 3 and one of them did so in experiment 4. The results suggest that pigeons do not complete occluded portions even though the two elements move in concert. These negative results suggest that some alternative way of identifying objects may have evolved in pigeons. Accepted after revision: 2 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Despite their impressive cognitive abilities, avian species have shown less evidence for metacognition than mammals. We suspect that commonly used tasks such as matching to sample might be too demanding to allow metacognitive processing within birds’ working memory. Here, we examined whether pigeons could control their behavior as a function of knowledge levels on a three-item sequence learning task, a reference memory task supposedly requiring fewer working memory resources. The experiment used two types of lists differing in familiarity. One was familiar to the pigeons through repeated exposure, whereas the other was novel in every new session. In test sessions, pigeons could choose between a trial with a hint specifying the next item to peck and one with no hint. However, successful responses in trials with a hint resulted in lowered rates of primary reinforcement: .60 in the first test and .75 in the second. Results showed that two of four pigeons chose the trial with a hint significantly more often before receiving a novel list than the familiar list in the four sessions of the first test, and three did so in the second test. Impressively, one bird showed robust evidence in the very first sessions in both tests. These results suggest that pigeons may monitor their long-term knowledge states and thereby control their environment before starting to solve a task.  相似文献   
The decay of the peak intensity of the electron spin resonance signal associated with light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si(H) has been measured at room temperature as a function of time during very long intervals such as 3400 days after the intense pulsed illumination was turned off. The decay curve is fitted by an exponential function with a decay constant of 393 days and reaches a steady-state value smaller than the value taken before illumination. Such a long-term metastability of light-induced dangling bonds in a-Si:H is discussed in terms of reconstruction of the amorphous network occurring through hydrogen motion.  相似文献   
The MORI technique reported in Mori (2003) has evolved into its second generation after the appearance of a new type of video projector with two advantages over the first generation. The new MORI technique uses a pair of DLP projectors instead of the LCD type. The improved technique does not require sideways framing of the movie for presentation as required formerly. Therefore, any ready-made movie clip can be used. Second, it utilizes a pair of circular polarizing filters instead of linear polarizers. Linear polarizing filters may leak the to-be-blocked light wave when they are tilted. Circular polarizing filters are less susceptible to that weakness. The effectiveness of the revised technique has been proved by several studies carried out in two separate laboratories in which undergraduates and preschoolers participated as eyewitnesses to observe simulated criminal events presented using this technique.  相似文献   
We investigated perceived range, perceived velocity, and perceived duration of the body rotating in the frontal plane (in roll). Specifically, to examine how shear to the otoliths in the inner ears and tactile pressure to the trunk affect judgments of range and velocity, in two experiments, we manipulated rotating range (30°–160°), rotating velocity (1.8°/sec to 9.6°/sec), mean tilt of the body (?60°, 0°, and 60°), and exposure to the visual vertical. Thirty-three normal or blindfolded participants made verbal judgments of range, velocity, and duration for each combination of these factors. The exponents of the power functions fitted to these judgments were, as a first approximation, .94, .61, and .84 for range, velocity, and duration, respectively, and perceived velocity was proportional to the ratio of perceived range to perceived duration (r = .91). These results suggest that the vestibular and somatosensory inputs are effective on judgments of range, but less so on judgments of velocity, and that perceived velocity may be determined as a ratio of perceived range to perceived duration. In addition, we found that (1) when the range the body has traveled is constant, the perceived range increases as the objective velocity decreases (proprioceptive τ effect); (2) self-motion through the tilted roll sometimes enlarges perceived range and perceived duration but reduces perceived velocity; and (3) the exposure to the visual vertical reduces variability of judgments for range and velocity and also reduces perceived range and perceived velocity of self-motion within a small range through the vertical roll.  相似文献   
Four homing pigeons were trained to discriminate two figures simultaneously presented on an LCD screen. The figure was either a rectangle (A) or a square (B), and four combinations of the two figures, AA, AB, BA, BB, appeared in a pseudo-randomized order. The pigeons' task was to peck one of these figures based upon whether the two figures were identical or not. One pigeon successfully learned this discrimination, with proportions of correct responses above 90% in two consecutive sessions. Of the other birds, two performed above chance level but had difficulty meeting a learning criterion of above 80% in two consecutive sessions. All birds achieved this criterion when the combinations of figures presented were reduced to two. Results suggested that learning the present same-different discrimination is within the capacity of pigeons to a certain extent, although there exists considerable individual variation in the pigeons' skills to acquire complex discrimination.  相似文献   
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