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王威威 《管子学刊》2004,(3):29-32,42
黄老学在中国古代思想史和政治实践中都曾产生过重大影响。但对于其根本思想特征学界并没有一致的看法,以致于引起许多思想家关于其学派归属的争论。学界比较传统的方法是按照现存被认为是黄老学的著作来概括黄老学的特征,这一方法既缺乏确定性又不能避免循环论证的嫌疑。本文脱离黄老著作的文本,从“黄老”这一名称的含义、史籍中对于“黄老”的记载以及司马谈《论六家要指》中对道家思想特征的概括三个方面相互印证,得出黄老思想的两个主要特征:“道”的社会性倾向和清静无为的思想。清静无为的思想又可表达为虚静、因、刑名学说几个方面。  相似文献   
长期以来,人们对于《老子》中提出的“音乐相和”说与“大音希声”、“五音”的对立范畴,普遍地理解为是对“有声之乐”的肯定,甚至视为审美的最高境界和音乐的代言词,其实这是一种误解。因为《老子》全书以“无”为本,否定一切世俗之“有”,旨在泯灭一切文化成果,对于人为之乐亦是如此,以无声之“道”否定有声之乐,其消极作用是显在的,故对此予以纠正是非常必要的。当然,基于“道”之本体所蕴涵的深刻的辩证法思想和深邃的意会之蕴,及客观上显现出审美经验的普遍规律,则当另作别论。  相似文献   
王齐 《世界哲学》2012,(2):23-31,161
本文以互读的方法试图揭示克尔凯郭尔与尼采面对基督教信仰所采取的截然相反的态度。克尔凯郭尔坚持生存者需要一个"全知全能"的上帝,而尼采认为上帝的"全知全能"性正是上帝要被杀死的原因;克尔凯郭尔极力张扬基督教人本主义思想,而尼采则批判基督教人本主义的虚妄性和奴隶本性。尼采认为,克尔凯郭尔的基督教上帝正是形而上学式思想的残余,因此克尔凯郭尔的哲学在根本上是一种"基督教哲学";是尼采彻底颠覆了形而上学,真正使哲学的关注点落实到了人的"生活世界"。  相似文献   
王柯平 《世界哲学》2012,(2):5-22,161
柏拉图的城邦净化说主要涉及三个方面:一是净化城邦的诗乐艺术,意在保障施行正确的道德化教育;二是净化城邦的政坛与民意,以便实现大权独揽、唯我独尊的政治企图;三是净化城邦的公民,试图采取优胜劣汰的方式挑选合格的公民。另外,"城邦净化"作为一种隐喻,在一定程度上为亚里士多德的悲剧净化说埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   
运用跨语言即时启动和延时启动范式,要求被试完成生物属性的语义判断任务,研究语言理解转换中非目标语言影响目标语言语义理解的时间进程。实验1非目标语言为英文,目标语言为中文,结果表明,无论是即时启动(t = -0.423, p = 0.676),还是延时启动(t = -0.82, p = 0.419),语义相关组与语义无关组都无显著差异。实验2非目标语言为中文,目标语言为英文,结果表明,在即时启动条件下,语义相关组显著快于语义无关组(t = -3.05, p = 0.006),但延时条件下语义相关组与语义无关组无显著差异(t = -0.63, p = 0.536)。综合两个实验结果表明,晚期熟练双语者在双语语言理解转换过程中语义的即时启动影响存在不对称性,语义相关的非目标语言中文对目标语言英文语义理解起促进作用;但是语义启动效应没有得到延时体现。  相似文献   
采用修订后的中等唤起度的国际情绪图片为刺激材料,以12名女性大学生为被试,考察情绪性图片引起的脑激活模式。结果发现,与中性条件相比,消极情绪图片激活了枕叶、杏仁核、海马旁回和壳核。积极情绪图片引起枕叶、内侧眶额、额中回等脑区的激活,研究结果再次验证了杏仁核与消极情绪的密切关系,同时推测,内侧眶额可能是中等唤起度的趋近性积极情绪的一个脑功能区。  相似文献   
Connecting deeply with another mind is as enigmatic as it is fulfilling. Why people “click” with some people but not others is one of the great unsolved mysteries of science. However, researchers from psychology and neuroscience are converging on a likely physiological basis for connection – neural synchrony (entrainment). Here, we review research on the necessary precursors for interpersonal synchrony: the ability to detect a mind and resonate with its outputs. Further, We describe potential mechanisms for the development of synchrony between two minds. We then consider recent neuroimaging and behavioral evidence for the adaptive benefits of synchrony, including neural efficiency and the release of a reward signal that promotes future social interaction. In nature, neural synchrony yields behavioral synchrony. Humans use behavioral synchrony to promote neural synchrony, and thus, social bonding. This reverse‐engineering of social connection is an important innovation likely underlying this distinctively human capacity to create large‐scale social coordination and cohesion.  相似文献   
存在图是继欧拉图、文恩图和皮尔士一文恩图之后的又一种逻辑图。逻辑图是指用于表示命题和推理的二维图形。然而由于存在图之前的逻辑图在表达能力上的缺陷以及现代数理逻辑的成功,长期以来存在图并未引起人们的关注。直到近来计算机表示的图示推理发展起来以后人们才认识到它的重要性,并把它作为一种图式逻辑纳入了哲学逻辑的范畴。人们对存在图逻辑地位的认可经历了一个复杂的过程。存在图在被认可道路上遇到了逻辑系统身份、推理效率和阐述的精确性三个问题,随着这三个问题的解决,人们逐渐认可了存在图的逻辑地位。  相似文献   
When, in relation to the execution of an eye movement, does the recoding of visual information from retinotopic to spatiotopic coordinates happen? Two laboratories seeking to answer this question using oculomotor inhibition of return (IOR) have generated different answers: Math?t and Theeuwes (Psychological Science 21:1793?C1798, 2010) found evidence for the initial coding of IOR to be retinotopic, while Pertzov, Zohary, and Avidan (Journal of Neuroscience 30:8882?C8887, 2010) found evidence for spatiotopic IOR at even shorter postsaccadic intervals than were tested by Math?t and Theeuwes (Psychological Science 21:1793?C1798, 2010). To resolve this discrepancy, we conducted two experiments that combined the methods of the previous two studies while testing as early as possible. We found early spatiotopic IOR in both experiments, suggesting that visual events, including prior fixations, are typically coded into an abstract, allocentric representation of space either before or during eye movements. This type of coding enables IOR to encourage orienting toward novelty and, consequently, to perform the role of a foraging facilitator.  相似文献   
China suffered both a heavy snow‐hit and a major earthquake in 2008. To investigate the effects of disasters on risky decision making, opportunity samples were obtained by recruiting residents in both devastated and non‐devastated areas. In a survey (Study 1) conducted shortly after the heavy snow‐hit, we found that people were not always more risk averse after a disaster as previous studies had claimed and that they were inclined to approach an option with ‘low probability associated gain’ and to avoid an option with ‘low probability associated loss’. These findings were replicated in a consecutive survey (Study 2) conducted after the Wenchuan earthquake. It was further found that the popularity of both insurance and lottery, which presumably contributed to overweighing of small probabilities, was detected to have been enhanced with substantial exposure to the earthquake disaster. The implications of these findings for risk education and government policy making were discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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