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剖析放弃治疗后死亡病案508例,分析放弃治疗的原因、疾病和形式,放弃治疗后护理工作存在的问题.提出在放弃治疗后,临床护理决策:对于护理工作发生的变化,应该提高认识,培养护理人员人文素质和法律意识,应该加强护理管理和规范,放弃治疗后,护理应该承担医学服务和人文关怀的主导作用.  相似文献   
本文以无记名问卷方式抽样调查了大学生基督徒的宗教认同问题,包括大学生基督徒宗教认同的建构与维持、大学生基督徒宗教认同的面向与层次、大学生基督徒宗教认同的呈现与形塑。研究发现,中国大学生基督徒的宗教认同状况总体上支持西方宗教心理学的研究理论,大多数大学生基督徒基本的宗教认同都是从家庭中获得的,只有少数大学生基督徒的宗教信仰是在经过一番研究和慎思之后通过有意识的追求而获得的。  相似文献   


童年中期身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的情绪适应   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用整群抽样法选取2603名小学儿童(平均年龄9.05 ± 0.53岁)作为被试,考察童年中期同伴侵害现象的基本特点,以及同伴侵害与情绪适应(孤独感、社交焦虑和抑郁)的关系。结果发现:(1)在性别差异方面,男生的身体侵害与关系侵害水平均显著高于女生,与身体侵害相比,关系侵害的性别差异程度较小。在同伴侵害的类型特点方面,儿童遭受身体侵害的水平显著高于关系侵害。(2)身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的各情绪适应指标显著正相关,身体侵害和关系侵害能同时预测儿童的情绪适应不良;并且与身体侵害相比,关系侵害对情绪适应的影响更大。(3)身体侵害与社交焦虑的关系表现出性别差异,即身体侵害能预测女生的社交焦虑,而对男生的社交焦虑不存在预测作用;但同伴侵害与孤独感、抑郁的关系不受性别的调节。总体而言,有同伴侵害经历的男生和女生具有相似的情绪适应问题。  相似文献   
刘宗周依傍经典诠释提出"慎独说",建构出一套颇有新意的心体学理论.他劝导儒士读书治学,将求吾心与读经典有机联结成一体,并因"得心"之故,将朱子设计的读"四书"次第进行了改变,且重释了"虞廷十六字".通过深入解读《大学》《中庸》等文本,刘宗周又将"慎独"发挥为"诚意",提出二者互为本体工夫,在"心性归一"的理路中,大力倡...  相似文献   
“健康环境悖论”是指在总体受欺负水平较低的环境中, 受欺负的个体会表现出更多适应问题。本研究以来自47个班级的1764名5年级到8年级学生为被试(男生956人, 平均年龄14.46岁), 考察了班级平均受欺负水平在个体受欺负经历与外化问题间的调节作用及敌意性归因的中介作用。结果发现:(1)受欺负与外化问题的关系存在“健康环境悖论”现象, 即班级平均受欺负水平能调节个体受欺负经历与外化问题的关系, 在班级平均受欺负水平较低的班级中受欺负经历与外化问题的关联更强; (2)班级平均受欺负水平对受欺负与外化问题的调节作用通过敌意性归因的中介作用实现。本研究证实了受欺负与外化问题的健康环境悖论现象, 并首次揭示了敌意性归因的中介作用机制。  相似文献   
A new self-report scale, the Altruism Scale for Adults, of 28 items was developed. 14 items were from the Altruism subscale of Wrightsman's Philosophies of Human Nature Scale, and the other 14 items were newly constructed. The scale, anchored by 1: true or 2: false, was administered to 592 Korean men and women in eight subgroups. Cronbach alpha internal consistency was .89, and test-retest reliabilities (n = 52) over 1 and 5 wk. were .90 and .80, respectively. Campbell and Fiske's 1959 multitrait-multimethod analysis showed satisfactory convergent and discriminant validities. Overall results were promising for use of the scale in research and for practical purposes.  相似文献   
Effects of experience on fetal voice recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract - The ability of human fetuses to recognize their own mother's voice was examined. Sixty term fetuses were assigned to one of two conditions during which they were exposed to a tape recording of their mother or a female stranger reading a passage. Voice stimuli were delivered through a loudspeaker held approximately 10 cm above the maternal abdomen and played at an average of 95 dB SPL. Each condition consisted of three 2-min periods: no stimulus, voice (mother or stranger), and no stimulus. Fetal heart rate increased in response to the mother's voice and decreased in response to the stranger's; both responses were sustained for 4 min. The finding of differential behavior in response to a familiar versus a novel voice provides evidence that experience influences fetal voice processing. It supports an epigenetic model of speech perception, presuming an interaction between genetic expression of neural development and species-specific experience.  相似文献   
We previously reported that a total methanolic extract of the underground part of Angelica gigas Nakai (Umbelliferae) (here-in-after abbreviated AG) significantly inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. We characterized 12 coumarin derivatives including both decursin and decursinol from extracts of AG. In this study, we evaluated the anti-amnestic activity of decursin, a major coumarin constituent isolated from AG, in vivo using ICR mice with amnesia induced by scopolamine (1 mg/kg body weight, s.c.). Decursin, when administered to mice at 1 and 5 mg/kg body weight i.p., significantly ameliorated scopolamine-induced amnesia as measured in both the passive avoidance test and the Morris water maze test. Moreover, decursin significantly inhibited AChE activity by 34% in the hippocampus of treated mice. These results indicate that decursin may exert anti-amnestic activity in vivo through inhibition of AChE activity in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
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