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采用颜色-形状联合搜索任务探讨短期特征联结知觉学习的效果和机制。训练被试在由不同颜色和形状组合的字母干扰子中搜索具有特定颜色和形状的目标字母,训练时间约为40分钟。通过训练,被试搜索特定的颜色-形状联结的目标字母的能力有所提升,并且学习效应能够迁移至背景改变目标不变的条件中,但是不能迁移至背景不变目标改变的条件中。这一结果提示,被试在进行短期联合搜索知觉学习时,学习到的是目标,而并非背景或目标与背景的联系。  相似文献   
The extended, inconclusive debate over distinguishing psychoanalysis and psychotherapy has been muddied by two underlying issues. The scientifi c identity that psychoanalysis claimed, leading it to affi rm that it was more than a treatment modality, was in confl ict with the actual therapeutic mission it assumed. Psychoanalysis was further hampered in those discussion by its internal confl icts over doctrinal purity; deviations for psychotherapeutic ends were vulnerable to the charge of dissidence. More recently, the debate has been clouded by the fact that newer candidates, by and large, can anticipate careers primarily as psychotherapists, driving a wedge between generations within institutes. The course of the debate and the problems encountered in it are affected by the formal relations between the psychoanalytic establishment and the health-care industry, including government agencies. In the long run, it appears to make little difference whether psychoanalysis is offi cially recognized as a mental-health treatment, as in Germany, or attempts to maintain its independence, as in the UK. Finally, as the debate appears to be winding down, the fate of dynamic psychotherapy is also in the balance. If in the past psychoanalysis seemed at risk of losing its specifi c identity, today dynamic psychotherapy is in danger as well.  相似文献   
高血压是一种严重危害人体健康的生活方式病,也是一种心身疾病.它的危害性较之烈性传染病有过之而无不及.但高血压防治仍停留在"专家模式"一头热的困局上,临床指南与临床实践有较大差距.高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率均低.造成"三低"的原因有:(1)对高血压这种慢性、流行性疾病的危害性认识不足;(2)健康观念存在误区;(3)迷信一劳永逸的治疗方法;(4)人群防治知识缺乏、素质低下.高血压防治是一个科学的综合管理过程,只有从健康教育入手,全面提高人群高血压防治知识水平,才能开创高血压防治的新局面.健康追求不应只是个人行为,还必须是群体行为和社会行为.人群有了健康观念、健康心态和健康智慧,高血压的防治才能取得真正的成效.  相似文献   
选取语音意识和快速自动命名双重缺陷的汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童,探讨其言语工作记忆和阅读能力的发展特点。实验选取双重缺陷的发展性阅读障碍(DD)、年龄匹配(CA)和能力匹配(RL)三组儿童各25名,要求他们完成言语工作记忆(数字广度、汉字广度)和阅读(一分钟词汇阅读、三分钟句子阅读)任务。结果发现,DD儿童的数字倒背位数、一分钟读词数、三分钟读过字数和句子理解正确率均显著低于CA儿童,而与RL儿童差异不显著;DD儿童的句子阅读正确率显著低于CA、RL儿童。表明双重缺陷DD儿童在言语工作记忆和阅读能力上存在一定程度的发展滞后和缺陷。  相似文献   
采用眼动追踪技术,通过笔画数多少构成高低不同的视觉复杂性,操纵文本的字间距,来考察视觉复杂性和字间距对汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应的影响。结果发现,阅读障碍儿童阅读低视觉复杂性文本时,随着字间距的不断增加,字间距增加到一定程度时(+6 pt)阅读时间最长、总注视次数最多,随后在本实验字间距最大条件下(+12 pt)阅读时间变短、总注视次数变少,正常儿童不存在这种现象。结果表明,文本阅读中,字间距和视觉复杂性对阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应起到调节作用,低视觉复杂性文本可以降低阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应,阅读障碍儿童的视觉拥挤效应强度和字间距大小的数量关系呈非线性。  相似文献   
One of the most persistent questions in modern theology has been that of how we can adequately acknowledge the stranger. Drawing upon the work of post‐Heideggerian theorist of language and death, Jacques Derrida, and his own creative re‐reading of Martin Heidegger and Emmanuel Levinas, the Catholic theologian and phenomenologist Jean‐Luc Marion has attempted to reconstruct what he regards as a genuinely Husserlian phenomenology. In so doing he has mapped out a phenomenology of love and a phenomenology of that divine gift as ‘being given as givenness’; that is, a condition of life itself. In fact, as I will argue, this rests on the boundary between theology and thanatology (the philosophy of our encounter with that most radical stranger, death) and in his recent reflections upon ‘saturated phenomena’ Marion has explored the interplay between traditional theological topics such as hope and death and contemporary arguments on meaning, symbol and ritual. Christian hope resides in an act of remembrance and Marion argues for the eucharist – in its recollection of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – as the site of human hope; only this crucial eucharistic move upwards and outwards can overcome the burden of Western metaphysics. It is a literary move which takes us some way towards elevating the language which we use in talking about and recognising the other beyond that of the narrow model offered to us by some commentators of Levinas and one which encourages us to look again at poetry, hymn and Scripture.  相似文献   
Thinking about the decline of morality in post-reform China,the author analyzes the development of virtuous governance based on moral education,and concludes that the reason why ancient rulers were so infatuated with it was the inhibitive function of public evaluation on moral transgressions in familiar neighborhoods.However,as China transforms into a dynamic and commercial society,and its people move from familiar neighborhoods to alienated communities in the cities,public evaluation is losing its power over moral transgressors.To prevent the collapse of the moral system,it is necessary to use rule by law to foster people's sense of justice and rule-consciousness-not to simply hope for the appearance of more altruists.This is possible because law is the embodiment of moral principle,and because legal restraints and penalties can be internalized as habits.After a sense of justice and rule-consciousness has been established in people,we can again take up Confucian virtue education to nurture people's sense of shame and dignity,and their humane and righteous mind.However,to stop the current chaos and corruption,it is urgent that we adopt rule by law and supplement it with moral education.  相似文献   
The family could be mobilized as a political resource for economic ‘development’. What kind of family would be compatible with a knowledge-based economy? We argue that authoritarian Confucian familism is incompatible with the knowledge-based economy; but it is possible to construct a different model of the ideal Confucian family which will be compatible with such an economy: a family ideal that emphasizes internal strengths of relationships rather than building barriers to keep out ‘undesirable influences’, that advocates a respect for authority that is authoritative rather than authoritarian.  相似文献   
探讨国际关系伦理,明确战争的正义性和非正义性,以避免战争,尽量减少战争带来的伤亡,维护世界和平;各国要相互尊重,平等地开展国际合作,共同发展,实现世界的共同繁荣;南北国家要加强交流与合作,寻求最佳的结合点,共同致力于全球的可持续发展;最后,各国必须以伦理道德为依托来解决国际人权问题,必须承认人权的普遍性和多样性,确立一个同纷繁复杂的文化多样性相协调的普遍的最低道德标准。  相似文献   
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