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Diminished social motivation is hypothesized to explain abnormal face scanning pattern in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially reduced eye‐looking time in ASDs than typically developing (TD) people. Here, we tested an alternative explanation that children with ASD may use a compensatory strategy to avoid direct eye contact by processing the eyes through peripheral vision. We compared the face scanning patterns of children with and without ASD in two conditions: in the clear condition, the face was completely visible; in the blur condition, by using the gaze‐contingent paradigm, the whole face was blurred except for a small region being fixated at, thus children could not rely on the peripheral information to process the eyes. We found that children with ASD fixated less on the eyes than TD children in both conditions. Temporal‐course analyses further revealed the possible motivation‐based guidance of attention to process the eyes in the TD group but not in the ASD group. Additionally, we found that children with ASD scanned faces more randomly and less strategically than TD children. These results have ruled out the alternative hypothesis that the abnormal face scanning pattern in ASDs was due to their compensatory strategy to process eyes through peripheral vision, furthering our understanding of the mechanisms underlying their abnormal face scanning.  相似文献   
将机器学习应用于精神疾患的临床和基础研究是近年来的趋势。研究者将机器学习应用于精神分裂症患者及高危人群的T1加权像和弥散张量成像的脑影像数据中, 为了解疾病的生理病理学机制提供帮助。回顾以往研究发现额叶及颞叶的脑结构特征具有较高的区分能力, 行为数据和脑影像数据结合的分类效果优于单模态数据。现阶段研究存在样本量不足和泛化能力欠缺的局限, 未来研究应注意扩大样本量、制定标准化的分类方法, 从而进一步探究机器学习在精神疾患中的作用。  相似文献   
伊宝  史宏蕾 《法音》2021,(2):45-52,I0001-I0004
山西晋中太谷县城西南约4公里的中咸阳村西北有一座寺院名曰圣果寺,县志记载圣果寺在县南十里东咸阳村,金皇统八年建[1],民国太谷县志中记载此寺建于东咸阳村,但实际所处为中咸阳村,此外还有南、西、东三个咸阳村,与县志记载有出入,北咸阳村应当曾经有过设置。  相似文献   
The faces of both adults and children can be classified accurately by sex, even in the absence of sex-stereotyped social cues such as hair and clothing (Wild et al., 2000). Although much is known from psychological and computational studies about the information that supports sex classification for adults' faces, children's faces have been much less studied. The purpose of the present study was to quantify and compare the information available in adults' versus children's faces for sex classification and to test alternative theories of how human observers distinguish male and female faces for these different age groups. We implemented four computational/neural network models of this task that differed in terms of the age categories from which the sex classification features were derived. Two of the four strategies replicated the advantage for classifying adults' faces found in previous work. To determine which of these strategies was a better model of human performance, we compared the performance of the two models with that of human subjects at the level of individual faces. The results suggest that humans judge the sex of adults' and children's faces using feature sets derived from the appropriate face age category, rather than applying features derived from another age category or from a combination of age categories.  相似文献   
赵益 《宗教学研究》2007,17(3):57-63
上清道教在原始"洞"观念基础之上,进行了宗教式的建构,创造了具有阶段性特色的"洞天"理论。"句曲洞天"的核心是创生型宗教的"度灾之府",是建立在"末世论"基础上的"千禧年主义"(millennialism)的一种产物,与后世道教发展生成的"洞天福地"系统有相当程度的不同。  相似文献   
<华西教会新闻>(West China Missionary News)是华西各差会联合出版的英文月刊.于1899年2月在重庆创刊,至1943年底停刊,时间跨度达45年之久.华西教会许多重要文件和信息都由该刊刊行.作为近代华西第一份外国人创办的英文刊物,该刊保存了大量四川、云南、贵州以及西藏的传教信息和社会信息.近年来,该刊已经引起不少海内外学者的注意和利用.本文重点论述该刊的研究,并讨论进一步深入研究的思路,尽可能为有兴趣的学者提供有价值的信息.  相似文献   
The present study explores the effect of perceived teacher support on three forms of thinking related to creativity. Tests of convergent thinking (by means of the Remote Associates Test), insight thinking (explored through a brain‐teaser test), and divergent thinking (by means of a verbal creativity test) were given to 512 middle school students in China, along with assessments of their perceived teacher support and creative self‐efficacy. The results of this study indicate that perceived teacher support positively predicts convergent thinking and insight thinking, with creative self‐efficacy playing a partial mediating role between perceived teacher support and convergent thinking. However, no significant relationships were found between perceived teacher support and divergent thinking. The findings partly lend support to the expectancy–value model of achievement motivation that teacher’s behavior influences student performance through self‐belief pathway.  相似文献   
Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - This study examined whether girls and boys with ADHD show similar impairments in cognitive control from childhood into adolescence and the...  相似文献   
在日常生活中, 从“第三人称”的视角识别并理解他人的社会互动至关重要。这种社会互动加工具有两种认知特性:构形整体性和动作关联性; 体现为一个由众多脑区共同参与的层级加工过程, 主要包括个体知觉网络、动作观察网络和心智化网络。其中, 后颞上沟等脑区在表征社会互动关系中起着关键作用。未来的研究需要结合多种技术手段进一步揭示社会互动加工的遗传特性和神经机制, 并关注它在实际生活中的应用。  相似文献   

Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) solutions have been proposed to represent the factor structures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in recent literature, yet no studies have assessed those structures in Chinese children. The primary aim of this study was to comprehensively examine the factor structures of the Chinese version of the ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD RS-IV): Home Version. Data on 458 Chinese children aged 3–8 years (boys: 246; 54%) were used to test and compare eleven factor models: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models (one-factor, two-factor and three-factor), second-order CFA model, bifactor CFA models (two and three specific factors), ESEM models (two-factor and three-factor), second-order ESEM model, and bifactor ESEM models (two and three specific factors). The results showed that, overall, ESEM models displayed better fit than CFA models. Specifically, the second-order ESEM model with three first-order factors best represented of the ADHD factor structure in our sample. In addition, measurement invariance testing results showed that scalar invariance was established across gender, age and informant groups. Implications for future research are discussed.

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