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1.斯大林个人扭曲了的共产主义意识形态“斯大林主义”,是苏联官方理论家从不使用的一个术语。而且,它一般也并没有被人们广泛地当作马克思-列宁主义来运用。有时候,斯大林主义被误解为是马列主义的一种扩大或发展。实际上,斯大林主义倒可以看作是从马列主义中派生出来并且背离了马列主义的,它(直到1953年斯大林去世时  相似文献   
我对介绍一般系统论有为难和讨厌之感。显然,在我看来,一般系统论者所关注的中心问题即“系统的本质是什么?”基本上是一个哲学问题。然而,我所接触的一般系统论者不仅没提及哲学,而且似乎把哲学看作废弃的和缺乏时代性的东西(哲学的某些问题很久以前就被逻辑实证主义者取消  相似文献   
“笛卡儿的二元论”在西方哲学看来很象一个稻草人,因为就“笛卡儿二元论”这一命名的观点来看,事实上,这一贬意称呼与其所由来的历史情况无关。当然,不少人会论辩说,笛卡儿是一位提出心灵和躯体的本质及它们相互之间作用的独特理论的作者,然而,这一理论却经常被丑化为“笛卡儿的二元论”而遭到批评。真实的情况是:笛卡儿坚  相似文献   
一种无法遏止的对比,已被D.莱温(Levine)用漫画手法清晰地表现出来了。一边是受过极高教育的法国学者克劳德·莱维-斯特劳斯,他对古典哲学传统有渊博的知识,并且对世界范围内不同文化的人类学造诣极深;另一边是卢梭所说的高尚的原始人的形象,直接取自自然的状态,即处在自由自在的形式中的人性。这两位也许正在一间富丽堂皇的沙龙中,呷着各自的马丁尼酒,进行着一场深刻的讨论。这幅漫画表明了菜维-斯特劳斯对我们时代的社会科学变革所做的主要贡献,他认为,  相似文献   
The peak procedure was used in two experiments to study pigeons' ability to time multimodal events. In the first experiment, birds were trained to time a single event consisting of a 9-s tone or light followed by a 21-s fixed interval associated with a signal of light or tone (signal of the other modality). On occasional empty trials, different lengths of the first signal were followed by a long period of the second signal. Peak response times as a function of the duration of the first signal were linear and had a slope of close to one in all birds. This indicates that the birds were timing only the second signal. In a second experiment, two complex events were used in training. One consisted of a 9-s tone or light followed by a 21-s fixed interval associated with a light or tone. The other consisted of a 21-s tone or light followed by a 9-s fixed interval associated with a light or tone. Different durations of the first signal were again used on empty trials. Peak response times as a function of the duration of the first signal were again linear in all birds. The slope of the function was less than one but greater than zero for 3 birds. This indicates that these birds were partly timing the entire complex event of 30-s duration and partly timing only the second signal of the event. A model is proposed in which the bird takes as a criterion for timing a weighted average of different target criteria. Comparisons with the performance of rats are made.  相似文献   
A qualitative approach to the evaluation of disordered locomotion is introduced within the framework of dynamical systems theory. Exemplar phase plane and angle-angle plots of knee and ankle movements were constructed from limb trajectories of neurologically impaired individuals and qualitatively compared with similar plots, reflecting normal locomotion. In phase plane trajectories of normal locomotion, characteristics of spring-like dynamics dominated the loading and unloading phases whereas those of ballistic pendular dynamics were seen during swing. The overall squareness of the normal phase plane trajectories suggested precisely timed and narrowly focused controls. in contrast, phase plane records from hemiparetic subjects had markedly reduced segmental velocities, pronounced velocity reversals in both stance and swing, and a loss of overall squareness. Knee-ankle plots of normal locomotion revealed important features of intersegmental coordination such as coupled out-of-phase coordination in loading and unloading, a decoupled phase offset in early swing, and a kind of active partitioning in late swing in which one segment moved while the other remained constant. These intersegmental relations were absent or distorted in the hemiparetic angle-angle plots. It is suggested that this qualitative approach, together with electromyography and force dynamics, may allow the characterization of the movement disorders associated with given neuropathologies.  相似文献   
一、从1966到1976年,是解释学尤其是“哲学解释学”内部急剧发展的十年,是它同当代各种思想流派对话、进行活跃的“解释的论战”的十年。我们可以用P.利科尔在《论解释》一书(1965)中的一句话,即“语言的问题和原文(或译为本文——译者)解释的问题已经变为当代思想的十字路口”,来说明这整个十年的情况。除了传统的解释学、神学的解释学和H.-G.加达默尔的哲学解释学以外,其他思想运动也一一涌现了出来——例如结构主义、符号学、拉康的以语言为中心的弗洛伊德精神分析学、福柯以及对尼采的研究。后面这些研究的发展使国际上认为法国在语言理论和原文解释理论方面是大步前进的研究中心。当然,有  相似文献   
在当代思想斗争中,下述的问题也具有重要的意义,即:对传统所理解的逻辑问题的创造性探讨,马克思是否起过重大促进作用?人们都很清楚,马克思常常被承认为伟大的政治经济学家,但同时却否定他在探讨逻辑问题上的任何作用。在资产阶级思想家中间不时地传来这样的声音:马克思的唯物辩证法至多不过是关于历史的学说,是与逻辑、“演绎意义的逻辑”理论毫无关系的、单纯的经验-描述理论。例如,鲍波尔说:“因为可以把逻辑看作为演绎理论。但是我们没有任何根据假定,辩证法与演绎有某  相似文献   
“唯物主义”一词含义模糊:它既指一种道德学说,又指一种哲学,并且确实指一种完整的世界观。道德唯物主义相当于快乐主义,或相当于那种让人们仅仅追求自身快乐的学说。哲学唯物主义认为,实在的世界完全是由物质的东西构成的。从逻  相似文献   
生态学是一门研究生物体和它们的环境之间的相互关系的科学。它基本上属于生物科学。众所周知,科学哲学是哲学研究项目中最重要的门类之一,例如,我们现在有数学哲学、物理学哲学和其他自然科学的哲学,以及各门社会科学的哲学。有许多根本的问题处于科学和哲学二者的边缘交接点,如时空、能量、物质、生命、心理、演化等等的性质既是科学家考虑的问题又是哲学家考虑的问题。宇宙起源和宇宙论的问题更是科学和哲学的一  相似文献   
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