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1.问题在最近几个世纪中,一种自豪和乐观的精神使西方文化闻名于世:对作为人理解和驾驭自然界的手段的理性的自豪;对实现人类最渴求的希望即为最大多数人取得最大幸福的乐观。人的自豪是有道理的。他凭借着理性创造出一个物质世界,其现实甚至胜过了各种神话故事和乌托邦的梦想与幻想。他利用了各种物质能力,它们将使人类能保证获得有尊严和生产性的存在所必不可少的物质条件,尽管他的许多目的还未达到,但几乎毫无问题,这些目的是能够达到的。生产的问题(这是个老问题)原则上解决了。现在,人在他的历史上第一次能够感觉到,人类统一和为人而征服自然的思想不再是一种梦幻,而是一种现实的可能性。难道他没有理由感到自豪,自信并对人类的将来充满信心吗?  相似文献   
“人”的概念是西方哲学中的最中心概念之一,但是毫无疑问,它并不是一个人们具有统一意见并且得到明确定义的对象。这个概念的出现乃是由于人(不论是个人还是人类这一物种)的一种需要:把他们自己理解为一种特殊的和与众不同的东西。并且,这种不同的性质既是形而上学的又是伦理学的。关于人格(personhood)的形而上学的问题乃是何种特质和属性从本质上把人同所有其他类型的实体区分开来的问题;伦理学的问题乃是人的何种东西使得他们既具有道德价值(因此不应该以某些方式对待他们)又具有道德责任(因此对他们的行动能合理地进行褒、贬、奖、罚)的问题。人的形而上学的概念同伦理学概念之间的关系并不总是清楚的:它们是否是相同的概念、相同的实体概念、抑或一个是另一个的充分必要  相似文献   
Pigeons responded on fixed-ratio schedules ending in small or large reinforcers (grain presentations of different duration) interspersed within each session. In mixed-schedule conditions, the response key was lit with a single color throughout the session, and pausing was directly related to the past reinforcer (longer pauses after large reinforcers than after small ones). In multiple-schedule conditions, different colors accompanied the ratios ending in small and large reinforcers, and pausing was affected by the upcoming reinforcer as well as the past one. Pauses were shorter before large reinforcers than before small ones, but they continued to be longer after large reinforcers than after small ones. The influence of the past reinforcer was modulated by the magnitude of the upcoming reinforcer; in the presence of the stimulus before the small reinforcer, the effect of the past reinforcer was enhanced relative to its effect in the stimulus before the large reinforcer. These results show that pausing between ratios is jointly determined by two competing factors: past conditions of reinforcement and stimuli correlated with upcoming conditions.  相似文献   
The construct accessibility model (CAM) holds that constructs are most likely to influence behavior when they are accessible in memory. While the theory of reasoned action sees intention as an important determinant of behavior, the CAM predicts that the intention to act upon a given health behavior is not likely to be acted upon unless the intention is in an accessible state. Therefore, people who frequently talk about or think about using condoms are likely to have condom related constructs available and use them when needed. This paper reports findings from the pilot phase of a project to identify beliefs which influence condom use in Hispanic and African-American youth living in Detroit. 15 male and 15 female Hispanics and 17 male and 17 female African-Americans aged 15-21 years of mean and median age 18.5, were interviewed face-to-face in 1989 with the goal of identifying condom beliefs which may influence their condom use. 80-82% of male participants, 53% of Hispanic females, and 100% of Black females had experienced sexual intercourse, with age at first intercourse ranging between 13.1 and 16.5 years. 88% of Black women and 7% of Hispanic women were pregnant at the interview. Regarding participants' level of preventive knowledge, all but 1 recently immigrated Hispanic female knew HIV was transmitted by needles and sexual intercourse. 87% of Hispanics and 94% of African-Americans responded that condoms protect against AIDS, but only 13% of Hispanics and 47% of African-Americans knew that nonlatex condoms do not. Some participants expressed concern that condoms reduce sensitivity and/or break during intercourse. Controlling for sexual activity, 25% of Hispanic females, 83% of Hispanic males, 71% of African-American females, and 80% of African-American males had ever used a condom; no Hispanic and 14% of Blacks reported using them consistently in the 12 month period preceding the interview. With 100% of African-American males and 97% of Black females reporting thinking about using condoms compared to 80% of Hispanics, the study findings suggest that condom intentions are more accessible in African-Americans than among Hispanics.  相似文献   
第9届维特根斯坦国际专题讨论会的主题是心灵哲学(philosophy of mind,或译心智哲学)和心理学哲学。详细地讨论过的问题包括:心身问题、心灵哲学的传统问题和心理学哲学。 1.心身问题什么是心身问题?“心灵”(mind)一词有多种非常不同的用法,这一事实导致了现代讨论中的某种混乱。对这个词,我们至少可以区分出五种不同的用法,因此心身问题至少有五种意义。 (1)我们可以象笛卡儿使用“mens”一词那样使用“心灵”一词,让它指称具有心理属性的东西,亦即指称那种能思想,能感知,能相信和能欲求的东西。在这种情况下,我们通常是用“心灵”这个词意指“人”这个词所意指的东西,因而该词表示的就是你和我这样一些实  相似文献   
20世纪末的合理性问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几十年,哲学家、社会学家和科学学家越来越热烈地讨论合理性问题,在科学哲学中,这个问题已成为最紧迫的问题之一。正如德国哲学家B.齐梅里写的那样,“当代大陆欧洲哲学围绕其运动的基本的和关键的问题,是合理性及其界限”。然而在大陆欧洲以外,在英美两国的出版物中,对这个问题讨论得更加活跃;在我国,许多引人注目的著述也在探讨这个问题。  相似文献   
库恩和拉卡托斯都不同意把理论的评价看作是理论的可证实性或理论的可否证性这一传统观点。他们的批判分为两个题目:首先,一种科学理论并非只能凭经验的结果来检验;其次,人们不会在没有现成可替代的理论时就摈弃一种理论。在拉卡托斯的术语里,要么被接受,要么被摈弃的是理论的研究纲领而不仅仅是理论本身。进一步说,某一特定的范式或研究纲领的摈弃并不就是简单地被取代,一种替代范式在另一种范式或研究纲领被摈弃之前必须发生效用。最近,人们对拉卡托斯夸大第二点进行了批判。F.M.亚克罗德认为,在科学史上有一些情况是,一项研究被简单地摈弃了,而且的确是被合理地摈弃了,尽管还没有替代者。在本文中,我  相似文献   
工作负载的测量和评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期处于应激状态而又适应不良者可导致疾病。人类经常遇到的心理、社会性应激源除了生活事件以外,长期工作负载过重也是其中之一。本文通过对24名在监护病房工作的护士的工作负载的测量介绍了在西方国家常用的工作负载的测量和评定方法。  相似文献   
本文认为企业成功的关键条件之一是企业组织的创新,企业管理的一项重要任务就是通过长期的努力,使企业成为具有创造与革新精神的组织。促进企业组织创新的途径主要包括三个方面:(1)选拨与录用具有创新精神的人员;(2)采取有利于创新的领导方式;(3)建立与强化积极的企业组织文化。文章就此进行了探讨,提出了一些具体措施。  相似文献   
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