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Using structural equation modeling, the authors investigated the mediators between stress and attitudes toward seeking professional help among 298 undergraduate students in South Korea. Results indicated that attachment styles (avoidance and anxiety) and stigma (public and self‐stigma) mediated the relationship between stress and attitudes toward seeking help. Furthermore, public and self‐stigma had different paths depending on attachment styles related to help seeking. Regarding previous counseling experience, differences in the relationships between stress, attachment styles, stigma, and attitudes toward seeking help were evident.  相似文献   
"哪些因素决定提取效果"是记忆研究的主要问题之一。线索负荷假说认为与提取线索相关联的项目数量决定了提取效果,编码-提取匹配假说则强调编码与提取阶段的匹配程度决定提取成绩。这两者在记忆研究的不同时期均受到研究者的关注。在整合以往研究的基础上,有研究者提出了记忆是一个辨别过程的新观点,认为真正对回忆成绩起决定作用的是线索在多大程度上与某一目标项目匹配并能排除其他可能的备选项目。该观点对深入探索"哪些因素决定提取效果"这一问题提供了新的视角。在未来的研究中,研究者应正确看待辨别过程观点与编码-提取匹配观点的关系,同时可以借助新的技术手段从多个层面对这一新观点进行检验,并进一步丰富和完善该理论解释。  相似文献   
Instructional applications (apps) are educational software programs that can be accessed via mobile technologies (e.g., iPad, smartphone) and used to help students acquire various academic skills, including mathematics. Although research suggests that app-based instruction (AI) can be effective, there is a paucity of research comparing AI, to teacher-directed instruction (TDI) or to a combination of instructional approaches (CI) involving both AI and TDI in tandem. In an alternating treatments design, we compared AI, TDI, and CI conditions during instruction targeting multiplication facts with six students with learning disabilities. Results were inconsistent across students, and no condition emerged as consistently better than the others. Students completed social validity rating scales, and all approaches were favored by at least one student. Our results support findings from previous research involving similar comparisons between these instructional formats in which no (or minimal) differences across conditions were detected. We conclude that there may not be a meaningful difference between the outcomes achieved using AI, TDI, or CI for many students. Results are discussed in terms of directions for the future research.  相似文献   
It has long been debated whether or not a salient stimulus automatically attracts people’s attention in visual search. Recent findings showed that a salient stimulus is likely to capture attention especially when the search process was inefficient due to high levels of competition between the target and distractors. Expanding these studies, the present study proposes that a specific nature of visual search, as well as search efficiency, determines whether or not a salient, task-irrelevant singleton stimulus captures attention. To test this proposition, we conducted three experiments, in which participants performed two visual search tasks whose underlying mechanisms are known to be different: orientation-feature search and Landolt-C search tasks. We found that color singleton distractors captured attention when participants performed the orientation-feature search task. The magnitude of this capture effect increased as search efficiency decreased. On the contrary, the capture by singleton distractors was not observed under the Landolt-C search task. This differential pattern of capture effect was not due to differences in search efficiency across the search tasks; even when search efficiency was controlled for, stimulus-driven capture of attention by a salient distractor was found only under the feature search. Based on these results, the present study suggests that in addition to search efficiency, the nature of search strategy and the extent to which attentional control is strained play crucial roles in observing stimulus-driven attentional capture in visual search.  相似文献   
学习困难学生问题行为及其影响因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法,探讨了学习困难学生的违纪行为、情绪困扰,情绪困扰与注意障碍的关系,以及问题行为与应激的关系.结果表明:(1)在违纪行为、注意及多动问题评定中,无论是教师评价,还是家长评定,学习困难学生(学困生)的得分均显著高于学习优秀学生(学优生);在情绪评定中,教师评价显示,学困生的情绪困扰显著高于学优生;(2)教师评价时,注意问题与情绪困扰的相关显著,但多动因子则与情绪困扰关系不大;(3)在正性应激量上,学优生高于学困生,未出现显著差异;而在负性应激量上,学困生的得分显著高于学优生;(4)负性应激量对情绪和注意问题的预测作用显著,但对违纪行为预测作用不明显,而正性应激量对情绪和注意问题以及违纪行为预测作用均不明显.  相似文献   
针灸治疗周围性面瘫随机对照研究的文献分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遵循循证医学评价文献的原则,在中国生物医学文献数据库、CNKI等数据库全面检索2002—2006年间的相关文献并进行计量学评价分析。共检索出文献1284篇,其中RCT文献共有169篇,按照循证医学评价文献的原则及方法,从研究对象、随机分配方法、对照措施、盲法采用情况等多个方面进行分析评价。2002—2006五年间报道的RCT数量比从建国到2000年报道的RCT数量多,但仍需进一步改善文献质量。  相似文献   
上海申康医院发展中心是卫生领域推进政事分开、管办分开的一次改革试点,以上海申康医院发展中心为例,分析该模式探索公立医院管理体制改革,建立所有权与经营权适度分离,管资产与管人、管事相结合的市级医院出资人制度,促进市级医院加强内部管理,构建有效的约束激励机制,不断提高医院的营运质量和绩效的成功经验。  相似文献   
创制理想的动物模型是突破抑郁症研究的技术难点之一。来自进化研究的证据提示, 树鼩属灵长类近缘的一种小型动物, 具有较为发达的神经系统和与人类相似的应激系统, 因而可能成为创制精神疾病行为模型的较佳选择。已有的研究表明, 树鼩社会挫败模型可能具有比啮齿类更好的表面效度、预测效度及结构效度。由于树鼩与人类的近缘关系, 对其抑郁行为的脑机制研究或药物评价可能更具潜在价值。但是, 该模型仍有待进一步利用、拓展和完善。  相似文献   
张萍  卢家楣  张敏 《心理科学》2012,35(1):100-104
本研究采用短影片人为诱发心境的方法,用正性和负性两种情绪事件作为刺激材料,在控制人格变量的前提下,探讨了大学生在不同心境下对未来事件发生概率的判断中是否存在心境一致性效应。结果表明:(1)愉悦心境会增加做出积极判断的倾向,悲伤心境会增加做出消极判断的倾向;(2)无论是在愉悦心境还是在悲伤心境中,被试在对未来事件发生概率的判断上不存在性别差异。结果支持心境对未来事件发生概率判断有所影响,即诱发的心境与未来事件的效价存在一致性效应。  相似文献   
骨科新进展与教学补充内容的选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
骨科新技术新理论发展迅速,而教科书的内容相对滞后,在教学中为兼顾新知识和教科书内容,采取适当补充短小精练内容的方法,对四肢骨折、脊柱、肿瘤等内容进行补充讲解,并在某些地方加入一些现代医学伦理方面的知识,使学生能更全面地了解骨科,而不增加学生的负担.  相似文献   
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