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Physical activity and psychological stress were hypothesized to improve more in participants with high self-efficacy than in those with low and medium self-efficacy after a one-week intervention. 39 female university students participated. The intervention had two steps: a lecture on self-monitoring and goal setting (160 min.) and a one-week pedometer intervention. Analyses were conducted on tertile groups according to self-efficacy at baseline. Pedometer step counts were higher in the high self-efficacy group than in the low self-efficacy group after intervention. Helplessness decreased time dependently after intervention only in the high-self-efficacy group. Because physical activity improved more in the high self-efficacy group after a one-week intervention, one hypothesis was supported.  相似文献   
Theory-of-mind (ToM) involves modeling an individual's mental states to plan one's action and to anticipate others' actions through recursive reasoning that may be myopic (with limited recursion) or predictive (with full recursion). ToM recursion was examined using a series of two-player, sequential-move matrix games with a maximum of three steps. Participants were assigned the role of Player I, controlling the initial and the last step, or of Player II, controlling the second step. Appropriate for the assigned role, participants either anticipated or planned Player II's strategy at the second step, and then determined Player I's optimal strategy at the first step. Participants more readily used predictive reasoning as Player II (i.e., planning one's own move) than as Player I (i.e., anticipating an opponent's move), although they did not differ when translating reasoning outcome about the second step to optimal action in the first step. Perspective-taking influenced likelihood of predictive reasoning, but it did not affect the rate at which participants acquired it during the experimental block. We conclude that the depth of ToM recursion (related to perspective-taking mechanisms) and rational application of belief-desire to action (instrumental rationality) constitute separate cognitive processes in ToM reasoning.  相似文献   
The present study examines implicit phonetic symbolism which posits that arbitrary linguistic sound is related to certain aspects of characteristics of other modalities, such as color, touch, or emotion. In consonant discrimination and lightness discrimination using Garner's speeded classification paradigm, spoken sounds (voiced/voiceless consonants) and lightness of visual stimuli (black/white squares) were systematically varied to assess cross-modal interactions. Congruent audio-visual pairs (voiced consonants and black, and between voiceless consonants and white) facilitated consonant discrimination. In lightness discrimination, no congruent facilitation or congruence effect was observed. These results indicated that cross-modal interactions in implicit phonetic symbolism can be found in correlations between linguistic spoken sounds and visual lightness.  相似文献   
作为历史唯物主义的重要内容,社会形态思想是对社会历史的形成、发展及其运动的内在规律的深刻揭示和整体阐发,正确把握社会形态思想中的社会历史分期和演进的规律具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对学界关于《政治经济学批判〈序言〉》中社会经济形态演进论述的理解所形成的“三形态说”和“五形态说”争论的梳理和辨析,进一步探讨马克思的社会形态思想,认为马克思在《政治经济学批判〈序言〉》中的相关论述既指出了社会形态演进的基础和发展方向,又隐含着一定社会历史中人的发展状态的内容,同时内蕴分析社会形态的基本原则。  相似文献   
流行病学数据的更新表明阿尔茨海默病(A D )已成为全球健康问题。早期应用生物标志物的AD新诊断标准广泛应用和临床试验不断失败的鲜明反差提示AD治疗的艰巨性。AD和其他慢性疾病的共病研究不断深入。生活方式干预作为非药物治疗备受重视。  相似文献   
本文由心理学与内卷化问题切入讨论,提出心理学应该具备想象力与行动力.想象力的培养可以借助人类学、历史学、哲学等学科的视野.行动力则需要树立相应的观念,面向社区、生活与人民群众.知行合一或许是可能的选择.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of several school shooting incidents in recent years, students’ perceptions of unsafe schools has been a major concern for parents, teachers, school officials, school practitioners, and policy-makers. Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems framework, we examined the micro-, meso-, and exosystem level factors associated with perceptions of unsafe school environments in a nationally representative sample of 10- to 15-year-old youth in the United States. We found that for the socio-demographic characteristics, students who were older, male, and poor had increased risks of perceiving higher levels of unsafe school environments. Within the microsystem of the family, our results indicate that parent-youth discussions of school activities/events decreased the risk of students perceiving unsafe schools. All of the school environment variables—ease of making friends, teachers’ involvement, observed weapon carrying, and school rule enforcement—were related in the expected direction to students’ perceiving their schools as unsafe. At the mesosystem level, findings from our study demonstrate that variables measuring parental school involvement were unrelated to perceptions of school safety. Finally, at the exosystem level, we found that students’ perceptions of residing in a safer neighborhood and residence in a non-central city metropolitan area, compared with a central city, decreased the odds of perceiving school environments as unsafe. School policy and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   
艺术治疗的概念、发展及教育   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了国内外近10年来关于艺术治疗的文献资料,回顾了艺术治疗的概念、学科范围界定、应用、发展,比较了中西方艺术文化差异,同时对于艺术治疗与健康和疾病的关系,及其机理等进行了探讨.也对国外艺术治疗在高等院校中的课程设置、讲解内容等进行了阐述.根据作者多年的研究和教育实践,试图探索出中国艺术治疗学科体系的构建框架.  相似文献   
钟毅平  张志 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):230-233
建构水平理论(Construal level theory)认为时间能够独立地改变评价对象的建构水平,从而对对象的不同特征赋予不同的权重。个体倾向于用抽象的整体的特征表征时距远的事物,而用具体的局部的特征表征时距近的事物。空间距离不同的评价对象是否也遵循同样的规律?在考察时空距离与个人相关性的基础上,通过2(时间距离:明天和十年后)×2(空间距离:近地点和远地点)×2(特征类型:样例特征和类型特征)三因素被试间实验设计,探讨时间距离、空间距离、特征类型对态度的影响。结果发现,空间距离影响人们对事物的态度。在远空间距离水平上,时间距离对态度的影响显著,而在近空间距离水平上时间距离对态度的影响不显著;在远空间条件下,时距远的对象优先注意类型化的特征,时距近的对象优先注意样例化特征。最后,在建构水平理论框架内讨论了实验结果。  相似文献   

为全面了解全国高等院校医学人文教育现状,采取问卷调查的方式对来自全国48所高等院校的18 326名在校学生进行调查。调查得出学生对本校医学人文课程设置、自身学习效果和校园医学人文氛围整体状况较为满意。但也存在课程内容不全面、教学方法单一、缺少实践教学平台等问题。由此得出结论:高等院校医学人文教育的任务需要明确,医学人文课程体系需要完善,医学人文课程教学方式需要优化,医学人文教育评价需要多元化,医学人文教师队伍需要强化,医学人文教育平台需要巩固拓展。

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