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松-紧文化是跨文化心理学研究的新维度,它发轫于人类学的文化田野考察,致力于刻画不同文化间社会规范强度和对偏差行为宽容程度的结构性特征.松-紧文化有其较为明确的概念定义和成因,以及在国家、区域和个体层次上的测量方法.松-紧文化已广泛运用于自我、人格、心理健康与幸福感、判断与决策、创新、脑认知神经和基因、恐怖主义与社会和谐等心理学基础和应用研究主题之中.未来研究可进一步甄别细分社会规范中的描述性规范和命令性规范,并综合吸收其它研究视角的长处.  相似文献   
陈俊  贺晓玲  李霞  张积家 《心理科学》2012,35(4):906-910
采用故事法, 考察在3种动机冲突下幼儿反事实思维理解的发展。结果表明:(1) 2岁幼儿的加法、减法反事实思维得分显著高于替代反事实思维。(2)在加法反事实任务中, 2岁幼儿显著低于4岁幼儿;在减法反事实任务中, 3个年龄组得分有显著性差异。(3)在趋避冲突下, 加法与减法反事实得分都显著高于替代反事实。(4)在结果反事实理解任务中, 随着年龄增长, 幼儿结果反事实思维理解能力有显著提高。  相似文献   
为进一步检验相似语言标签的效应,采用经典的三角属性归纳范式,通过两个实验研究了"相似/相同"的真实语言标签对4岁幼儿归纳推理的影响.在实验一中,三角范式中的三个刺激物属于同一类别,在实验二中,三个刺激物属于两种不同的类别.每个实验均有三种条件:在控制条件中,实验者用"这个"指代每个客体;在相似语言标签条件中,靶刺激与知觉不相似的比较刺激具有相同的、且暗示了类别成员关系的词素(例如,翠鸟—飞机—鸵鸟);在相同语言标签条件中,靶刺激和知觉不相似的比较刺激共享相同的语言标签(例如,鸟—飞机—鸟).结果一致显示,与控制条件相比,幼儿在相似语言标签条件下表现出了更多的基于概念的归纳,表明在真实语言标签条件下也存在相似语言标签效应.同时,研究结果也显示,幼儿在相似和相同语言标签条件下的归纳没有显著差异,说明语言标签在幼儿归纳中更可能传递了概念信息,从而挑战了Sloutsky等的理论.  相似文献   
以情绪图片为材料,在RSVP任务下检验了效价和唤醒度在注意瞬脱对抗效应中的作用。实验发现效价在对抗注意瞬脱中起主要作用,且正性图片的对抗效应优于负性图片,但唤醒度对注意瞬脱的影响不显著,结果支持积极情绪对抗注意瞬脱的观点。ERP结果进一步发现以上效应发生在P3代表的工作记忆巩固阶段。而在P2和N2代表的早期注意阶段,尽管已出现了注意瞬脱和情绪加工,但二者无显著交互作用。  相似文献   
形状-性别内隐联结及其对消费者形状偏好的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁瑛  庞隽  王妍苏 《心理学报》2019,51(2):216-226
本文探讨了形状与性别之间的内隐联结及其对消费者形状偏好的影响。通过4个实验, 作者发现形状与性别之间存在内隐联结, 即圆润的形状与女性更相关, 而有棱角的形状与男性更相关。这一内隐联结被拓展到品牌感知上, 导致品牌的性别形象影响消费者对圆形或棱角形产品的偏好, 而感知匹配度在其中起中介作用。这些研究发现进一步丰富了现有关于形状偏好以及形状象征意义的文献, 并对视觉营销中的形状设计提供了重要的实践指导。  相似文献   
大脑中线电极诱发的μ抑制波(包括α和β频段)是人类镜像系统活动的电生理指标。尽管音乐情绪表现被认为是通过模仿个体的心理状态来实现的, 但是尚未有研究探讨人类镜像系统与音乐情绪加工的关系。本研究通过EEG技术, 采用跨通道情绪启动范式, 探究人类镜像系统是否参与和弦情绪的自动加工。愉悦或不愉悦的和弦启动情绪一致与不一致的目标面孔。行为结果显示, 被试对情绪一致面孔的反应显著快于情绪不一致面孔的反应。EEG结果显示, 在听觉刺激出现后的500~650 ms之间, 与情绪一致条件相比, 情绪不一致条件诱发了β频段的去同步化。在听觉刺激出现后的300~450 ms, 无论是情绪一致, 还是不一致条件, 都诱发了α频段的去同步化。源分析结果显示, μ抑制波主要出现在人类镜像系统的相关脑区。这些结果表明, 音乐情绪的自动加工与人类镜像系统的活动密切相关。  相似文献   
Malaysia is relatively conservative regarding topics like sex, and, especially, research on homosexual relationships is scarce. The current study aims to understand the experience of intimate relationships among homosexual men in Malaysia using a phenomenological qualitative approach. A total of 12 participants of various ethnic backgrounds (between 21 and 35 years of age) were recruited through purposive and snowball sampling via the Malaysian-based LGBT-friendly Facebook group. Thematic analysis was applied for data analysis, and themes emerged through looking into the perception and practice of intimate relationships. The findings of the current study reflect that the hetero-normative perception of intimate relationships is common among the participants, and is compatible with the cultural norms. However, in terms of sexual practices, the findings show similarities with more liberal parts of the world, as open relationships and casual sex is common among homosexual men. Hence, open relationships are being adopted as a strategy to improve the survivability of the relationship instead of just to satisfy sexual needs. The findings highlight the lack of a frame of reference for homosexual relationships in Malaysia. The current study adds to the scarce research on homosexuality in this country, which could assist professional helpers to better understand the different dynamics and beliefs of relationships among homosexual men and the challenges they may face.  相似文献   
Objective: Many patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators experience depressive symptoms. In addition, avoidance behavior is a common problem among patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. We examined the association between avoidance behaviors and depressive symptoms in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Method: We conducted a single-center, cross-sectional study with self-completed questionnaires between May 2010 and March 2011. We measured avoidance behaviors (avoidance of places, avoidance of objects, and avoidance of situations) and depressive symptoms (using the Beck Depression Inventory, Version II) in 119 participants. An avoidance behaviors instrument was developed for this study and we confirmed its internal consistency reliability. Results: Ninety-two (77.3%) patients were aged older than 50 years, and 86 (72.3%) were men. Fifty-one (42.9%) patients reported “avoidance of places”, 34 (28.6%) reported “avoidance of objects”, and 63 (52.9%) reported “avoidance of activity”. Avoidance behavior was associated with increased odds for the presence of depressive symptoms (OR 1.31; 95% CI 1.06–1.62). Conclusions: This was the first study to identify the relationship between avoidance behavior and depressive symptoms among patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators; however, there are a few methodological limitations.  相似文献   
Meanings of words facilitate false acceptance as well as correct rejection of lures in recognition memory tests, depending on the experimental context. This suggests that semantic representations are both directly and indirectly (i.e., mediated by perceptual representations) used in remembering. Studies using memory conjunction errors (MCEs) paradigms, in which the lures consist of component parts of studied words, have reported semantic facilitation of rejection of the lures. However, attending to components of the lures could potentially cause this. Therefore, we investigated whether semantic overlap of lures facilitates MCEs using Japanese Kanji words in which a whole-word image is more concerned in reading. Experiments demonstrated semantic facilitation of MCEs in a delayed recognition test (Experiment 1), and in immediate recognition tests in which participants were prevented from using phonological or orthographic representations (Experiment 2), and the salient effect on individuals with high semantic memory capacities (Experiment 3). Additionally, analysis of the receiver operating characteristic suggested that this effect is attributed to familiarity-based memory judgement and phantom recollection. These findings indicate that semantic representations can be directly used in remembering, even when perceptual representations of studied words are available.  相似文献   
为探讨违规和违法事件中,旁观者对不同社会身份行为者的责任归咎是否具有一致性,研究要求被试对三组不同身份匹配条件下(官员/普通人、富人/普通人以及官员/富人)的违规和违法行为进行责任归咎,结果发现,无论是对违规行为,还是对违法行为,人们对具有官员身份的行为者的责任归咎最为严苛,对具有富人身份的行为者的责任归咎其次,而对既非官员也非富人的普通人的责任归咎则相对宽容,因而责任归咎中具有明显的身份效应。  相似文献   
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