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Fourteen Ss rated 59 objects on a seven point complexity scale. From these ratings 10 objects were chosen at the high, middle, and low levels of complexity, and 35 mm slides were made of these 30 objects. Fifteen Ss manipulated and inspected each of the objects for as long as they wished and a second group of 15 Ss viewed slides of the objects for as long as they wished. Analysis of the time scores from these two groups revealed that both inspective manipulation time and free looking time increased as a function of stimulus complexity. Inspective manipulation time was greater than free looking time except at the low complexity level.  相似文献   
Two groups of 30 Ss each viewed a series of nonrepresentational patterns varying in three physical parameters. For the “natural-setting” group the patterns were arranged in a loose-leaf binder and S, unaware that his responses were being recorded, viewed them “spontaneously” prior to the “beginning” of the experiment. For the “laboratory-setting” group the patterns were presented by means of slides and S, under instructions similar to those employed in conventional studies of human exploratory behavior, controlled the duration of each exposure by pressing a telegraph-key. A 4-factor analysis of variance of the viewing times showed that both groups spent the same amount of time examining the patterns and that their viewing times were not differentially affected by any of the three pattern parameters. It was tentatively concluded that the “unnaturalness” of conventional laboratory settings may have little effect on human exploratory responses.  相似文献   
Strikingly high prevalence rates of symptoms of disordered eating among college women have been documented. The question arises as to whether one aspect of the college experience, achievement orientation, is associated with disordered eating. Competing hypotheses may be generated regarding the relationship between achievement orientation and disordered eating, with arguments for either a positive or negative relationship. The Work and Family Orientation Questionnaire (WOFO) and the Disordered Eating Symptoms Scale (DESS) were administered to 668 female undergraduate college students. Multivariate analysis of the WOFO subscales revealed that women with high levels of disordered eating obtained significantly higher scores on the Competitiveness subscale than women with low DESS scores. These findings support hypotheses of a positive relationship between competitiveness and disordered eating.  相似文献   
This study examined both perceiver and poser asymmetries in processing facial emotion. Posers were left brain-damaged (LBD), right brain-damaged (RBD), and normal control (NC) right-handed males videotaped while expressing happiness and anger. Perceivers rated the facial expressions for asymmetry in original and reversed orientations. Overall, expressions viewed in the reversed orientation were rated as more left-sided than in the original orientation. In the reversed orientation, the more extensive left hemiface of the NCs and LBDs fell in the perceiver's left hemispace. This finding is consistent with previous research demonstrating a left hemispace bias for free-field viewing of emotional faces. Expressions were produced significantly more intensely on the left than the right hemiface by NCs and LBDs; expressions of RBDs were not significantly lateralized.  相似文献   
Physical fitness and enhanced psychological health   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A great deal of attention has been given to the association between physical fitness and psychological health. The purpose of this view is to examine recent developments in the burgeoning exercise and psychological health literature and to explore avenues for future research. The current review focuses on research that has examined enhancement of psychological health and well-being among nonclinical populations since 1980. Four areas of psychological functioning are reviewed: (1) psychological well-being and mood, (2) personality and self-concept, (3) physiological stress responsivity and (4) cognition. Exercise appears to improve mood and psychological well-being as well as enhancing self-concept and self-esteem. Exercise appears to do little for personality functioning. Furthermore, mixed empirical support exists to suggest that exercise influences stress responsivity and cognitive functioning. However better research designs and procedures are still needed. Theories regarding the connection between exercise and psychological functioning as well as suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   
In the 1988 American presidential election, leadership perceptions and perceived platforms were used to predict votes for one of the two final candidates (Governor Michael Dukakis and Vice President George Bush). Both leadership perceptions and perceived platforms were found to be related to voting. However, political involvement moderated the relationship between the perceived platforms and the votes, while leadership perceptions were found to be a consistent predictor of voting across levels of political involvement. Leadership perceptions, perceived platforms, and the interaction between involvement and perceived platforms predicted voting above and beyond the voters’ political affiliations. Consistent with a categorization model of leadership perceptions, the prototypicality of perceived leader traits was found to be strongly related to a tendency to vote for a candidate who was perceived to possess those traits. In comparing general favorability of characteristics versus prototypicality with respect to an effective political leadership category, general favorability played a larger role in uninvolved voters’ decisions than in involved voters’ decisions. Differences in mean leadership prototype ratings were also explored as a function of political affiliation and political involvement. The implications of these findings for campaign strategies and for leadership in organizational contexts are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study is to assess the internal consistency and construct validity of three instruments measuring the use of influence tactics. Instruments by Frost and Stahelski (1988) and Hinkin and Schriesheim (1989) had been developed to be psychometrically sound measures of the French and Raven (1959) bases of power. Kipnis and Schmidt (1982a) developed a new typology to measure organizational influence, the Profile of Organizational Influence Strategies (POIS). Four hundred seventy-nine undergraduate students completed these instruments to describe the influence tactics used by their supervisor. Results indicated that the Hinkin and Schriesheim instrument has greater internal consistency and a more precisely defined factor structure than the Frost and Stahelski instrument. The corresponding scales of the two instruments measuring the French and Raven power bases are not highly correlated, suggesting that the two instruments are not equivalent. Furthermore, the pattern of correlations between scales of the three instruments suggests that neither the French and Raven not the POIS typology fully represents the structure of influence tactics.  相似文献   
Typically, serial recall performance can be disrupted by the presence of an irrelevant stream of background auditory stimulation, but only if the background stream changes over time (the auditory changing-state effect). It was hypothesized that segmentation of the auditory stream is necessary for changing state to be signified. In Experiment 1, continuous random pitch glides failed to disrupt serial recall, but glides interrupted regularly by silence brought about the usual auditory changing-state effect. In Experiment 2, a physically continuous stream of synthesized vowel sounds was found to have disruptive effects. In Experiment 3, the technique of auditory induction showed that preattentive organization rather than critical features of the sound could account for the disruption by glides. With pitch glides, silence plays a preeminent role in the temporal segmentation of the sound stream, but speech contains corr-elated-time-varying changes in frequency and amplitude that make silent intervals superfluous.  相似文献   
This article examines the psychological profiles of recently terminated executives. The 16PF was used to explore the personality characteristics of outplaced executives. It hypothesizes that recently terminated executives have fundamentally different personality profiles than those of employed executives. The personality profiles of recently terminated executives were compared to personality profiles of a normative group of employed business executives and the personality profiles of a group of executives terminated in 1982. Results indicated that recently terminated executives are identifiable as statistically different from employed executives on 4 of the 16 personality factors. There was no statistical difference between recently terminated executives and the 1982 sample, however, recently terminated executives demonstrated fewer discrepancies from employed executives. Outplacement firms and psychologists working with recently terminated executives need to assist their clients in exploring and modifying these personality profile differences.  相似文献   
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