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本研究旨在探讨优秀家电销售人员应具备的胜任特征。首先通过对20名家电销售人员的行为事件访谈,初步构建了家电销售人员胜任特征模型;然后通过对20例顾客与家电销售人员的互动进行自然观察,进而对所建构的模型加以验证。研究表明,家电销售人员胜任特征模型共包括9项:成就导向、主动性、学习发展、影响力、洞察力、服务意识、可信赖、情绪稳定性以及产品知识。  相似文献   
目的探讨大学生被试在双趋冲突和趋避冲突条件下的折扣率差异。方法让70名大学生完成两种条件下的延迟折扣任务(DDT)。结果趋避冲突条件下大学生被试的折扣率显著低于双趋冲突条件下的折扣率,在延迟奖赏为中幅度(50-60元)时折扣率最大。结论相对于双趋冲突,损益情况和延迟时间同时影响着被试在趋避冲突条件下的选择。  相似文献   
逻辑联结词和量词都是逻辑的核心概念之一。2004年以来陆续出版的多卷本《逻辑史手册》,计划在第11卷专门以一卷的篇幅来研究后承关系、量词、否定、联结词、模态、自然推演、逻辑图等  相似文献   
人格特质与主观幸福感:情绪调节的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1163名大学生被试进行人格特质、情绪调节策略的使用以及主观幸福感的测查,本研究探讨了气质性人格特质(神经质和外倾性)这种稳定的内在心理结构对主观幸福感产生影响的可能机制。结果发现:(1)除直接影响个体的主观幸福感外,神经质和外倾性还会通过重新评价策略的使用间接影响主观幸福感;(2)人格特质和重新评价策略的使用可以有效预测个体主观幸福感的变异;(3)习惯性地使用表达抑制策略对个体的主观幸福感并没有显著的影响。这些结果表明重新评价策略的使用在人格特质对主观幸福感的影响中具有重要的中介作用。该发现对进一步制定改善和提高个体的主观幸福感的干预措施具有重要的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   
近代佛教复兴运动中,太虚法师有过一段鲜为人知的复兴弥勒净土信仰而构建佛教新宗派——慈宗的历史,尽管昙花一现,却对揭示太虚的佛教思想变化有特别价值。太虚慈宗构建活动主要有两次:一是1922年创办武昌佛学院时期,着意创设一个综合唯识宗和弥勒信仰的佛教新宗派,试图以宗派的形式复兴弥勒净土信仰。二是从1932年住持雪窦寺时期,把慈宗阐释为一个融贯全部佛法、以总持义面目出现的佛教发展新方向,并发展出建设人间净土的新弥勒信仰思想,超越了以往只注重往生的净土思想,是对第一次构建活动的转向和超越,消解和升华了此前的宗派意识。此后,太虚的弥勒信仰思想逐步与人生佛教思想合流,基于弥勒信仰而建设人间净土成为太虚人生佛教思想中融会人间性与超越性的结合点。  相似文献   
The first major revision of the ACA Code of Ethics in a decade occurred in late 2005, with the updated edition containing important new mandates and imperatives. This article provides interviews with members of the Ethics Revision Task Force that flesh out seminal changes in the revised ACA Code of Ethics in the areas of confidentiality, romantic and sexual interactions, dual relationships, end‐of‐life care for terminally ill clients, cultural sensitivity, diagnosis, interventions, practice termination, technology, and deceased clients.  相似文献   
道教信仰中的真武大帝、文昌帝君、纯阳帝君等神灵,在庞大的道教神仙谱系及国家祀典中占有很重要的位置,在元代道教史籍中也是重点记述的对象.对他们进行深人研究,不但对厘清道教神系的变化发展具有重要的意义,而且对于进一步认识古代官方与道教信仰的关系,也有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
前言 在室外的景物中,最常见的颜色是人类肤色、树叶、绿草、蓝天和土这几种颜色,人们对这些常见色的评价往往是依据他们的记忆或印象去衡量的。当被还原的颜色与人们记忆中的相匹配时,人们才感到满意,因此,所谓记忆色也往往就是优选色或喜爱色。伊斯  相似文献   
Using a sample of young adults, the present study investigated how the participants' attachment to romantic partners was related to that with their parents and peers and how this specific attachment experience was associated with their physiological stress response. We examined 121 pairs of young Chinese (N = 242) heterosexual couples (men's age: 22.26 ± 2.40; women's age: 21.62 ± 2.22) and their attachment to parents, peers, and romantic partners as well as their cortisol recovery from romantic conflict. Robust actor–partner interdependence mediation models showed that women's insecure parental and peer attachment was associated with blunted cortisol recovery from romantic stress through their fearful attachment with romantic partners, whereas men's insecure parental and peer attachment was associated with their partners' adaptive cortisol recovery from romantic stress through their fearful romantic attachment. These findings suggested that women's hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal-axis functioning seemed to be more strongly associated with their own and their partners' attachment relationships compared to men.  相似文献   
In this paper, we explore the use of the stochastic EM algorithm (Celeux & Diebolt (1985) Computational Statistics Quarterly, 2, 73) for large-scale full-information item factor analysis. Innovations have been made on its implementation, including an adaptive-rejection-based Gibbs sampler for the stochastic E step, a proximal gradient descent algorithm for the optimization in the M step, and diagnostic procedures for determining the burn-in size and the stopping of the algorithm. These developments are based on the theoretical results of Nielsen (2000, Bernoulli, 6, 457), as well as advanced sampling and optimization techniques. The proposed algorithm is computationally efficient and virtually tuning-free, making it scalable to large-scale data with many latent traits (e.g. more than five latent traits) and easy to use for practitioners. Standard errors of parameter estimation are also obtained based on the missing-information identity (Louis, 1982, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 44, 226). The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through simulation studies and an application to the analysis of the IPIP-NEO personality inventory. Extensions of the proposed algorithm to other latent variable models are discussed.  相似文献   
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