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Mental models constitute an alternative to the rule-based systems in the explanation of human reasoning (Johnson-Laird, 1983). In this paper, we claim that the concept of believability generally used to categorize content and context effects is of little use within a semantic theory. Thus, we propose the use of categories that are directly extracted from subjective relations among concepts within the reasoning problem. We demonstrate that manipulations based on this kind of categorization produce predictable patterns of responses in reasoning problems. We present two experiments to test our predictions, using conditional and syllogistic reasoning problems, and in both cases, we demonstrate the influence of conceptual knowledge not only in natural contexts, but also in experimentally created artificial contexts.  相似文献   
The principle of hermeneutical interpretation (i.e., the art and discipline of analyzing the symbols of sacred texts) is explained and applied to the analytical group situation. It is maintained that the approach employed by this methodology provides a viable manner for understanding patients' unconscious communications. In particular, the relationship between metaphorical communication and the hereand now therapeutic experience is discussed. It is argued that the unconscious manifests itself as a set of metaphorical expressions. The paper presents two clinical vignettes illustrating how this hermeneutical methodology can aid the therapist to read the unconscious meanings of such metaphors.  相似文献   
Garcia, J. The Logic and Limits of Mental Aptitude Testing. American Psychologist, 1981, 36, 1172–1180. Hargadon, F. Tests and College Admissions. American Psychologist, 1981, 36, 1112–1119.  相似文献   
In Experiment 1 nonmusicians were presented with dichotic melodies, which differed either on all pitches or by a single note, followed by a set of four binaural melodies. They were asked to recognize among the alternatives only one member of the dichotic pair in the “single-focus” task, and both dichotic melodies in the “double-focus” task. These different attention requirements led to a LEA in the first task which contrasted with the REA observed in the other task when melodies differed by all pitches. A possible confounding (fusion of the common pitches) prevents comparison of the tasks for melodies differing by a single pitch. The role of the extent of melody differences was further investigated in a second experiment by changing melodies on one, two, or three notes. No effect of material was observed on ear asymmetries. Task demands appeared as the most critical determinant of ear differences and are discussed in terms of their particular influence on the adoption of an analytic or holistic processing mode. Male subjects were found to be more responsive than females to analytic processing suggestions.  相似文献   
Visual symmetry recognition by pigeons   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Pigeons learned to discriminate a large number of bilateral symmetric and asymmetric visual patterns successively projected on the pecking-key of an operant conditioning chamber. Responses to the positive stimuli were reinforced according to a variable interval schedule. Once acquisition was complete generalization trials, involving sets of new stimuli, were instituted under extinction. The birds classified these novel test stimuli with high accuracy throughout, according to their symmetry or asymmetry. Their performance was not disturbed by sets of test stimuli whose geometrical style differed considerably from the training stimuli. Pigeons were even able to discriminate when only allowed the use of one eye. The generalization series were partly designed to test some classical symmetry recognition theories. None was found to be adequate. Subsidiary experiments suggested that most pigeons have a slight spontaneous preference for asymmetric patterns and that symmetry/asymmetry differences can aid pattern discrimination learning at an early stage. It is concluded that pigeons, much like humans, can discriminate bilaterally symmetric from non-symmetric visual forms in a concept-like, generalizing way. The ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of this competence is considered. A novel symmetry recognition hypothesis based on spatial frequency analysis and neuronal feature-detector considerations is proposed.  相似文献   
Summary The aim of this work is the demonstration of a tactile-kinesthetic aftereffect. A sequence of stimuli was offered to adult subjects whose task was to compare two weights presented simultaneously to both hands by means of a Piéron gravimeter. In Experiment 1 the inspection stimuli consisted of two successive presentations of unequal weights for a period of 2 × 10 s. The test stimuli consisted of two equal weights rapidly following an inspection stimulus. Control stimuli consisting of two equal weights not preceded by an inspection stimulus were interspersed in the sequence. The results obtained confirm the existence of a contrast effect after presentation of an inspection stimulus. In Experiment 2 the inspection stimuli consisted of a single presentation of two unequal weights for a period of 20 s. The results confirm those of the first experiment and provide data enabling the contrast effect obtained to be interpreted as a Köhler-type aftereffect. In order to avoid confusion with the kinesthetic-figural aftereffect, we propose to call the effect demonstrated here the Gravimetric Aftereffect.  相似文献   
On each trial, subjects were played a dichotic pair of syllables differing in the consonant (/ba/, /da/, /ga/) or in the vowel (/ba/, /b?/, /bi/). The pair of syllables was preceded by a melody, or a sentence, and followed by the same or a different melody, or sentence. Subjects either had to retain the first piece of additional material or were free to ignore it. The different combinations of phonemic contrast, additional material, and instruction concerning the additional material were used in different sessions. In each case, the main task of the subjects was to respond to the presence or the absence of the target /ba/ on the ear previously indicated. There was no effect of context on relative ear accuracy, but the right-ear advantage observed for consonants in response latency when subjects retained a sentence gave way to a small nonsignificant left-ear advantage when subjects retained a melody. Right-ear advantage in response latencies was also observed for vowels in the verbal context, but the contextual effect, although in the same direction as for consonants, was very slight. The implications of contextual effects for a theory of the determinants of the auditory laterality effects are discussed.  相似文献   
高娟  王鹏  王晓田  孙倩  刘永芳 《心理学报》2020,52(5):633-644
以福利权衡率(WTR)为利他程度的指标,通过3个实验逐步深入地考察了得失情境下他人参照点及心理距离对自我-他人利益权衡的影响。实验1的结果表明,得失情境并未改变被试的WTR。实验2引入他人底线、现状和目标三个参照点变量,发现被试获益情境下的WTR高于损失情境,且WTR从高到低依次为他人临近底线、目标和现状;他人临近底线时,被试在获益情境下的WTR高于损失情境,而他人临近现状和目标时,个体在得失情境下的WTR无显著差异。实验3进一步引入心理距离变量,发现心理距离较近他人的WTR高于较远他人,且与得失情境和参照点发生了复杂的交互效应,得失情境的主效应消失了,但总体上并未改变实验2发现的参照点效应。这些结果对于更深入地理解得失不对称效应、三参照点理论及社会折扣和自我-他人决策差异研究的相关发现具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
多媒体环境下图文的具体程度对学习效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
让70名小学生在多媒体环境中学习概念材料与原理材料,以探讨文本和图画材料的具体程度对学习迁移效果的影响。结果表明,在概念材料上,文本与图画的具体性程度之间存在显著的交互作用,即在具体图水平上,具体文的迁移成绩显著高于抽象文;在抽象图水平上,具体文的迁移成绩低于抽象文,但没有达到显著性水平。在原理材料上,文本与图画的具体性程度之间也存在显著的交互作用,但交互作用的方式与概念材料相反,即在具体图水平上,具体文的迁移成绩显著低于抽象文;在抽象图水平上,具体文的迁移成绩高于抽象文,但没有达到显著水平。  相似文献   
研究为探索常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康水平如何随社会年代变迁而改变,运用了横断历史元分析的方法,对1993年至2013年38篇采用90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)的文献调查数据进行分析,考察了11454名常驻高海拔地区军人在该量表上9个因子得分随年代变化的趋势.结果发现:(1)SCL-90的7个因子均值与年代负相关,且不受期刊类型等的影响.20年来,7个因子下降了5%~15%不等.其中,强迫变化最大,抑郁、焦虑、人际敏感、偏执和精神病性均变化明显.这说明,常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康虽有所波动但整体水平逐步提升,变化幅度大致属于中等程度.(2)当年军费占GDP比值、居民消费水平指数与SCL-90部分因子均值负相关显著;5年前的居民消费水平指数与7个因子显著负相关.这说明,国防建设的经济投入和居民消费水平可能是影响常驻高海拔地区军人心理健康水平的重要因素.  相似文献   
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