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采用ERP技术比较积极怀旧情绪诱发组被试和中性情绪组被试在判断疼痛/非疼痛图片刺激时的疼痛共情反应,探讨积极怀旧情绪对个体疼痛共情加工的影响及其电生理学机制。结果发现,在P2成分和晚期的P3成分上,积极怀旧情绪下的疼痛图片比中性情绪下的疼痛图片诱发了更大的波幅。疼痛图片比非疼痛图片诱发更大的P2、N2、P3及400~600 ms正成分的波幅。结果表明积极怀旧情绪的诱发促进个体对疼痛刺激的加工和共情。  相似文献   
We respond to some of Myszkowski and colleagues’ (2020, Br. J. Psychology) critical comments on our recent work on aesthetic sensitivity (Corradi, Chuquichambi, Barrada, Clemente, & Nadal, 2020, Br. J. Psychology). We show that these comments stem mostly from factual inaccuracies.  相似文献   
The reliance of traditional job analysis on job incumbents as the primary source of work-analytic data is critically examined. It is argued that the sole use of incumbents is practically and theoretically unjustified. The incorporation of non-incumbents to the work analysis process is advocated, especially when abstract human attributes and strategic requirements are evaluated. The time and resource savings afforded by the use of mechanical estimation of work dimensions are also discussed. A revision of traditional formats of data collection in job analysis such as paper-and-pencil surveys and face-to-face interviews is proposed. Instead, the potential work-analytic uses of electronic records of work information nowadays available in electronic performance monitoring systems are outlined.  相似文献   
以往关于捐助的心理学研究主要聚焦于现实环境中的捐助行为,以及捐助者自身特点对捐助的影响,网络环境、求助者特征对捐助影响的研究较少。本研究以大学生为被试,比较不同信息发布者情境中,网络与现实中捐助的意愿,并确定求助者的身份特征和求助信息特征对网络捐助的影响。结果发现,在捐助意愿和捐助金额方面,网络渠道高于现实渠道、熟人发布高于陌生人发布;当求助者与捐助者同为大学生时,捐助者对求助者的理性求助信息比情绪性求助信息有更强的捐助意愿和更多捐助金额。以上结果与大学生网络社会支持水平较高、处理网络信息能力较强有关。  相似文献   
Two studies are reported concerning performance differences and similarities across cultures. Pascual-Leone's tests of mental attention/energy (M-power) were administered to Zulu-speaking township children aged from 7 to 12 years. In study 1, the Compound Stimulus Visual Information task (CSVI) was used to determine whether children (N = 292) performed at theoretically predicted levels previously obtained with middle-class Canadian children. In study 2, the children (N = 252) were required to complete the Figural Intersection Test (FIT) four times. Unlike the CSVI, in which learning is controlled by training prior to testing, the FIT assumes basic familiarity with the general test requirements. The purpose of repeated testing was to assess the extent of learning across trials. The results for study 1 indicate that subjects do perform at the predicted levels on the CSVI and have the same M-power as Canadian children. The results for study 2 indicate that the subjects underperform on trial 1 of the FIT but overperform on trial 2 relative to Canadian children. Deux études sont rapportées concernant des différences et des similarités inter-culturelles de performance. Les tests de l'attention mentale/énergie (‘M-power’) de Pascual-Leone ont été administrés à des enfants âgés de 7 à 12 ans provenant de communautés d'expression Zulu. Dans la première étude, la tâche d'information visuelle du stimulus composé (CSVI) a été utilisée pour déterminer si les enfants (N = 292) pouvaient performer aux niveaux prédits théoriquement qui avaient été préalablement observés chez les enfants Canadiens de classe moyenne. Dans la seconde étude, les enfants (N = 252) devaient compléter quatre fois le test de l'intersection des figures (FIT). Contrairement au CSVI, dans lequel l'apprentissage est contrôlé par l'entraînement qui précède l'administration du test, le FIT assume une familiarité de base avec les prérequis généraux du test. Le but visé par la répétition du test était d'évaluer l'étendue de l'apprentissage en fonction des essais. Les résultats de la première étude indiquent que les sujets obtiennent les performances prévues au CSVI et possèdent le měme niveau de ‘M-Power’ que les enfants Canadiens. Les résultats de la seconde étude indiquent que, par comparaison avec les enfants Canadiens, les sujets livrent une performance inférieure au premier essai du FIT, alors qu'ils obtiennent une performance supérieure au second essai.  相似文献   
Three experiments were designed to study the effect of the monotony of experimental lists on the level of processing of auditorily presented words. Monotonous lists were homogeneously made up of monosyllabic items and were contrasted to heterogeneous lists containing monosyllabic and bisyllabic items. The subjects' task consisted, first, in carefully listening to an experimental list made up of an equal number of words and nonwords, and second, in subjectively evaluating the actual number of words having been presented to them. Globally, it was found that subjects underestimate the number of words contained in homogeneous monosyllabic lists but not in heterogeneous ones. The first two experiments revealed that such a result held whatever the frequency of the words presented. The third experiment showed that the use of concrete words did not affect the subjective estimation of the number of words in homogeneous lists. It was concluded that words are differentially encoded as a function of the structure of the experimental list in which they are embedded. Taken together, these results suggest that the performance differences observed as a function of the list type originate in the encoding rather than retrieval processes.  相似文献   
The factors that determine intentions to relocate in the continental U. S. among Puerto Rican nursing professionals were explored. One hundred and eleven nursing students in their last semester of nursing school responded to a biographical questionnaire. Intentions to relocate were regressed on factor scores resulting from factor-analyzing questionnaire items. The results indicated that the individual's level of independence (e. g., lack of family attachment) was the best predictor of intentions to relocate. In addition, both lack of fear of discrimination and being at a middle life stage were positively related to intentions to take a job in the U. S. Implications for further study of the motivations driving culturally diverse laborforce entrants are discussed.  相似文献   
An experiment of McLean, D. E. Broadbent, and M. H. P. Broadbent (1983) using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) was replicated. A series of letters in one of 5 colors was presented, and the subject was asked to identify the letter that appeared in a designated color. There were several innovations in our procedure, the most important of which was the use of a response menu. After each trial, the subject was presented with 7 candidate letters from which to choose his/her response. In three experimental conditions, the target, the letter following the target, and all letters other than the target were, respectively, eliminated from the menu. In other conditions, the stimulus list was manipulated by repeating items in the series, repeating the color of successive items, or even eliminating the target color. By means of these manipulations, we were able to determine more precisely the information that subjects had obtained from the presentation of the stimulus series. Although we replicated the results of McLean et al. (1983), the more extensive information that our procedure produced was incompatible with the serial filter model that McLean et al. had used to describe their data. Overall, our results were more compatible with a parallel-processing account. Furthermore, intrusion errors are apparently not only a pereptual phenomenon but a memory problem as well.  相似文献   
A main prediction from the zoom lens model for visual attention is that performance is an inverse function of the size of the attended area. The “attention shift paradigm” developed by Sperling and Reeves (1980) was adapted here to study predictions from the zoom lens model. In two experiments two lists of items were simultaneously presented using the rapid serial visual presentation technique. Subjects were to report the first item he/she was able to identify in the series that did not include the target (the letter T) after he/she saw the target. In one condition, subjects knew in which list the target would appear; in another condition, they did not have this knowledge, having to attend to both positions in order to detect the target. The zoom lens model predicts an interaction between this variable and the distance separating the two positions where the lists are presented. In both experiments, this interaction was observed. The results are also discussed as a solution to the apparently contradictory results with regard to the analog movement model.  相似文献   
Two experiments, one using the masked priming technique combined with very brief prime exposures and the other using a new technique, the induction technique, were run in order to investigate the role of syllabic structure in speech production. Experiment 1 (masked priming) showed no effect when primes shared only the abstract syllabic structure without the phonological content, whereas the same picture stimuli produced a syllabic priming effect in Ferrand, Segui, and Grainger (1996, Experiment 4) when primes corresponded to full syllables. In contrast, the results of Experiment 2 (induction) showed that picture naming latencies were significantly faster when subjects had first read aloud a set of words with the same syllabic structure than when these words did not share the syllabic structure with the picture target. This result was also observed when the set was composed of nonwords. These results demonstrate that the abstract syllabic structure (independently of its phonological content) plays an important role in speech production depending on the task used.  相似文献   
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