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对当今中国社会心态的研究,因缺乏标准化的测量工具而难以深入。为此,该研究在参考已有研究基础上,确定了生活满意感、社会压力感、政府信任感、社会公平感、社会安全感和社会问题感六个方面的测量指标,选取较大样本经过预测和正式施测,并采用验证性因素分析对量表结构进行验证。结果表明量表具有良好的信度,且结构与数据拟合较好,可以作为对中国人社会心态进行量化研究的测量工具。  相似文献   
The present study extends the feedback-seeking behavior literature by investigating how supervisor-related antecedents (i.e., supervisors’ expert power, reflected appraisals of supervisors, and supervisors’ emotional intelligence) influence subordinates’ negative feedback-seeking behavior (NFSB) through different cost/value perceptions (i.e., expectancy value, self-presentation cost, and ego cost). Using data collected from 216 supervisor-subordinate dyads from various industries in Taiwan, we employ structural equation modeling analysis to test our hypotheses. The results show that expectancy value mediates the relationship between supervisor expert power and subordinates’ NFSB. Moreover, self-presentation cost mediates the relationship between reflected appraisals of supervisors’ and subordinates’ NFSB. Theoretical and practical implications of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   
The current study examined whether children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had an indiscriminate trust bias whereby they would believe any information provided by an unfamiliar adult with whom they had no interactive history. Young school-aged children with ASD and their age- and ability-matched typically developing (TD) peers participated in a simple hide-and-seek game. In the game, an experimenter with whom the children had no previous interactive history pointed to or left a marker on a box to indicate the whereabouts of a hidden reward. Results showed that although young school-aged ASD children did not blindly trust any information provided by the unfamiliar adult, they appeared to be more trusting in the adult informant than did their age- and ability-matched TD children.  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine whether dopamine (DA) pathway gene variation were associated with smoking cessation, and compare the relative importance of infulence factors on smoking cessation. Participants were recruited from 17 villages of Shandong Province, China. Twenty-five single nucleotide polymorphisms in 8 DA pathway genes were genotyped. Weighted gene score of each gene was used to analyze the whole gene effect. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) of the total gene score for smoking cessation. Dominance analysis was employed to compare the relative importance of individual, heaviness of smoking, psychological and genetic factors on smoking cessation. 415 successful spontaneous smoking quitters served as the cases, and 404 unsuccessful quitters served as the controls. A significant negative association of total DA pathway gene score and smoking cessation was observed (p < 0.001, OR: 0.25, 95% CI 0.16–0.38). Dominance analysis showed that the most important predictor for smoking cessation was heaviness of smoking score (42%), following by individual (40%), genetic (10%) and psychological score (8%). In conclusion, although the DA pathway gene variation was significantly associated with successful smoking cessation, heaviness of smoking and individual factors had bigger effect than genetic factors on smoking cessation.  相似文献   
Recent research suggests that 9-month-old infants tested in a modified version of the A-not-B search task covertly imitate actions performed by the experimenter. The current study examines whether infants also simulate actions performed by mechanical devices, and whether this varies with whether or not they have been familiarized with the devices and their function. In Experiment 1, infants observed hiding and retrieving actions performed by a pair of mechanical claws on the A-trials, and then searched for the hidden toy on the B-trial. In Experiment 2, infants were first familiarized with the experimenter and the claws but not their function. In Experiment 3, infants were familiarized with the function of the claws. The results revealed that search errors were at chance levels in Experiments 1 and 2, but a significant proportion of the infants showed the A-not-B error in Experiment 3. These results suggest that 9-month-old infants are less likely to simulate observed actions performed by mechanical devices than by human agents, unless they are familiarized with the function of the devices so that their actions are perceived as goal-directed.  相似文献   
名人旅游开发中的文化迷失——以先秦诸子旅游开发为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
名人旅游是以追寻名人踪迹或感受名人文化为目的旅游活动。名人旅游基于"见贤思齐"的大众心理,旅游者通过各种品赏和休闲娱乐方式,深刻体会名人的思想精髓,从而获得启示和教育。但在当今的市场经济大潮下,名人旅游渐渐迷失了方向,偏离了名人旅游的理想宗旨。文章以春秋战国诸子的旅游开发为例,列举了其中的文化迷失现象,提出了对诸子旅游理性开发的意见。  相似文献   
研究30位不同语文能力的小学五年级男女学生,透过外显的计算机学习软件,学习7个词语、7个句子和6个段落的理解推断策略。词语和句子的推断策略有:主题、何人、何事、相关知识、词语前后关系、语法;段落的推断策略有:前段主题、前段细节、前段段旨、相关知识、篇章结构。研究发现不同语文能力和性别的学生的整体学习成效都十分显著,其中段落推断的学习成绩女生明显高于男生。  相似文献   
刘盼  谢宁  吴艳红 《心理学报》2010,42(10):981-987
结合比例控制范式与基于空间位置的返回抑制范式, 探讨了认知老化过程中自上而下的有意认知控制对自动抑制的调节作用。结果表明, 当线索有效率由50%提升至80%时, 两组被试的返回抑制量均下降, 老年组表现为返回抑制消失, 但年轻组出现返回抑制的反转, 表明有意认知控制对自动抑制的调节作用受认知老化的影响而发生衰减。同时文章还就认知老化机制的新兴理论—— 执行衰退假说进行了讨论。  相似文献   
加拿大与第二次世界大战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘兴明 《学海》2005,2(4):62-69
加拿大虽然在战前推行绥靖主义政策,但在二战中直接派军作战,在军事上取得许多重大战果.加拿大生产大量的武器和其他军需品,为盟军提供重要的后勤支持;作为盟军的大后方和训练基地,加拿大为战争提供急需的人力资源.在外交方面为盟国间的合作创造条件,它积极参与战后重建和维护和平的工作.它基于其与欧洲在传统上和现实上的纽带,将其战略重点放在欧洲,在对二战作出贡献的同时又受到其重大的影响.  相似文献   
论审美文化与社会时尚   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘智彪 《现代哲学》2006,(5):121-126
当审美文化与社会时尚相遇合时就形成审美时尚。审美时尚的背后往往有某种社会文化心理与之相伴随。审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。审美时尚的形成,有着深刻的社会原因和心理原因。审美时尚直接影响到个体审美观念的形成,影响到个体审美趣味的取向。不同年龄、性别的审美个体受审美时尚的影响各有差异。审美时尚还体现为审美欣赏与审美创造实践中的一种趋势、潮流。审美时尚,作为一种渠道或方式,有效地实现着社会心理对时代审美意识的影响。  相似文献   
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