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发展商业医疗保险 完善医疗保险制度   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
商业医疗保险是医疗保险制度的重要组成部分,发展商业医疗保险可缓解人口老龄化对基本医疗保险资金的压力,政府的政策、经济的发展及商业医疗保险本身的内在经济功能也使发展商业医疗保险成为可能。提出了几点发展商业医疗保险的建议。  相似文献   
This experiment examined what situational and dispositional features moderate the effects of linguistic gender cues on gender stereotyping in anonymous, text‐based computer‐mediated communication. Participants played a trivia game with an ostensible partner via computer, whose comments represented either prototypically masculine or feminine language styles. Consistent with the social identity model of deindividuation effects, those who did not exchange brief personal profiles with their partner (i.e., depersonalization) were more likely to infer their partner’s gender from the language cues than those who did. Depersonalization, however, facilitated stereotype‐consistent conformity behaviors only among gender‐typed individuals; that is, participants conformed more to their masculine‐ than feminine‐comment partners, and men were less conforming than were women, only when they were both gender‐typed and depersonalized.  相似文献   
性权利的文明尺度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有性研究学者宣称:“我最想传达的,就是性权利的观念,只要符合自愿、私密、成人之间这三个条件,性是不可以被制裁、被剥夺的。”[1]在此逻辑下,该学者提出“人有自由支配自己身体的权利”,“一夜情”、“婚外恋”,甚至“乱伦”、“聚众淫乱”都是成年人的性权利,都是不应该被干  相似文献   
本文利用台湾社会变迁调查数据对华人社会中宗教信仰与公共参与进行了分析.总体上,宗教信仰有助于人们的捐献行为和志愿行动这两类公共参与形式.虽然不同宗教信仰的信徒在公共参与方面存在着程度的差异,但是这种差异在控制信徒与宗教的组织性整合程度后变得不显著.有研究认为东方宗教的功利性格无助于提升民众公共参与,但我们的分析并不支持这一观点.组织程度高的中国传统教派与基督教在促进信徒公共参与方面水平相仿,但在自认为是佛教徒的被访者中,有明确宗派归属的佛教徒与无宗派归属的信众,在公共参与行为上存在的显著差异.这意味着造成差异的原因不在于其教义来自东方还是西方,而在于宗教的组织化程度.只要能够促进教徒之间的交流与交往、加强教徒与组织之间的联系、并通过必要的集体仪式和活动增加教徒对于宗教的认同,就可能提升信徒的公共参与水平.  相似文献   
最近,根据胡锦涛总书记提出的关于“八荣八耻”的重要论述,全国全民正在开展社会主义荣辱观的宣传教育。“八荣八耻”是一面引领社会风尚的旗帜。我们坚信,以“八荣八耻”为价值标准,对于公民个体进行道德遵循,规范言行,砥砺精神;对于社会,将其与整个思想道德建设、社会主  相似文献   
This study used a pretest—posttest, nonequivalent control group, quasi experimental design to examine the effectiveness of a 12‐week, metacognitive and planned happenstance career training course for Taiwanese college students. The treatment groups significantly increased their career competencies in metacognitive, cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions over the comparison and nonequivalent control groups.  相似文献   
Eddy Nahmias, with various collaborators, has used experimental data to argue for the claim that folk intuition is generally compatibilist. We try to undermine this claim in two ways. First, we argue that the various formulations of determinism he uses are not conceptually equivalent, jeopardizing the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from the resulting data. Second, prompted by these conceptual worries we supplement the typical quantitative surveys that dominate the extant literature with short qualitative interviews. This, in turn, guides us to make a minor modification to the quantitative survey that provides better access to the relevant folk intuitions.  相似文献   
Although Gen Z consumers show greater concern about sustainability than other generational cohorts, specific investigations into their sustainable consumption regarding their perceptions towards nature are relatively understudied. To address this gap, this research examines the way Gen Z consumers view nature and engage in sustainable consumption. Through a cross-sectional survey in the U.S., the study finds that the individual tendency to anthropomorphize nature contributes to shaping psychological closeness to nature. Furthermore, nature anthropomorphism enhances sustainable consumption, and this is mediated by consumer perception of psychological closeness to nature. Additionally, sustainable consumption leads to psychological well-being. These findings highlight that the extent to which Gen Z consumers find humanness in nature contributes to sustainable consumption by enhancing a feeling of being close to nature and this process results in the enhancement of psychological well-being. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
抑郁人群不但表现出注意、记忆等个体认知层面的负性偏向,还伴随有明显的社会认知障碍。已有研究在抑郁对社会认知的影响方面还考察得不多。本研究采用囚徒困境范式考察抑郁倾向对社会合作的影响。结果显示,高抑郁倾向组比低抑郁倾向组的合作率更低,双侧背外侧前额叶的激活更弱,抑郁对右侧背外侧前额叶及眶额叶的脑间同步性有调节作用;低抑郁被试与低抑郁被试配对时右侧颞顶联合区脑间同步性强于高抑郁被试与高抑郁被试配对,或者高抑郁被试与低抑郁被试配对时的右侧颞顶联合区脑间同步性,该效应当且仅当双方的选择相同时显著。结果表明,抑郁群体在社会奖赏加工、冲突控制及心理理论脑区均存在功能性缺陷,这些结果为理解抑郁人群合作意愿下降提供了脑成像证据。  相似文献   
组织公正是员工对工作场所公正环境的心理感知, 研究层面有个体与群体之分。以往研究多集中在个体层面, 以致研究结果缺乏对群体现象的有效解释。进入新世纪学者们开始关注群体层面的公正氛围研究, 并在理论和实证方面取得了较大突破。通过回顾相关研究可以发现:(1)在理论机制上, 公正氛围的形成可以通过社会信息加工理论、吸引-选择-磨合模型、公正传染概念和公正启发理论来解释; (2)在研究视角上, 主要存在维度视角、整体视角、感知来源视角、氛围属性视角和第三方视角; (3)在研究主题上, 主要涉及领导、团队和组织三方面对公正氛围的影响, 以及公正氛围对个体、团队和组织三个层面的影响效果。未来研究可着重从多种领导行为对不同公正氛围影响的比较、其他领导因素对公正氛围的影响、不同公正氛围对结果变量影响的比较、新视角公正氛围测量方法的尝试, 以及文化因素对公正氛围的影响研究等方面入手。  相似文献   
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