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社会主义荣辱观研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈菊 《道德与文明》2007,(4):98-102
以"八荣八耻"为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观提出以后,理论界围绕社会主义荣辱观的内涵,社会主义荣辱观的特征,社会主义荣辱观与科学发展观和先进文化的关系,社会主义荣辱观的意义和树立社会主义荣辱观的途径等问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨,现将理论界对该问题的研究作一简要综述,以期对该问题的深入研究有所裨益.  相似文献   
雎密太  张建新 《心理科学》2007,30(4):961-963
采用《艾森克人格问卷》、自编的《空难发生地高中生心理应激问卷Ⅰ、Ⅱ》和《职业期望问卷》,分别在空难发生后一周内、一年后对空难发生地和非空难发生地重点中学高中生进行问卷调查,探究空难发生地不同人格特征和不同职业期望高中生在空难发生后心理应激的差异。结果表明:高职业期望和高神经质是空难发生地高中生焦虑性心理应激水平的影响因素;突发事件预案中应考虑中学生这一特殊群体的心理干预工作。  相似文献   
过去,研究人员普遍认为公仆型领导是一种对员工、团队和组织有积极作用的领导方式,但新近的研究表明公仆型领导也会引起潜在的负面效应。针对此问题,首先介绍公仆型领导的概念与研究概况。然后,分别从领导者自身和下属员工的角度,基于角色压力、自我控制资源分配、资源保存、内隐追随、领导与成员交换、领导原型等理论,探究公仆型领导的负面效应及其缓冲机制。最后,从研究层面、研究方法、研究视角、研究内容等四个方面提出未来研究建议。  相似文献   
双语Stroop效应研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鞠鑫  刘鸣 《心理学探新》2004,24(1):50-53
Stroop效应从提出至今取得大量有意义的研究成果。其中,双语Stroop效应的研究已有越来越多的实验研究范式,并支持了多种理论模型。这一效应的研究不仅有利于语言生成机制的探索,对中一英文教学、学习也有重要的启发作用。  相似文献   
积极情绪的概念、功能与意义   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
积极情绪是指个体由于体内外刺激、事件满足个体需要而产生的伴有愉悦感受的情绪。积极情绪能够激活一般的行动倾向,对于认知具有启动和扩展效应,能够建设个体的资源,撤销消极情绪产生的激活水平,能够促进组织绩效。积极情绪是心理健康的重要组成部分,同时对身体健康具有促进作用。积极情绪对于个体的适应具有广泛的功能与意义  相似文献   
发展商业医疗保险 完善医疗保险制度   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
商业医疗保险是医疗保险制度的重要组成部分,发展商业医疗保险可缓解人口老龄化对基本医疗保险资金的压力,政府的政策、经济的发展及商业医疗保险本身的内在经济功能也使发展商业医疗保险成为可能。提出了几点发展商业医疗保险的建议。  相似文献   
This experiment examined what situational and dispositional features moderate the effects of linguistic gender cues on gender stereotyping in anonymous, text‐based computer‐mediated communication. Participants played a trivia game with an ostensible partner via computer, whose comments represented either prototypically masculine or feminine language styles. Consistent with the social identity model of deindividuation effects, those who did not exchange brief personal profiles with their partner (i.e., depersonalization) were more likely to infer their partner’s gender from the language cues than those who did. Depersonalization, however, facilitated stereotype‐consistent conformity behaviors only among gender‐typed individuals; that is, participants conformed more to their masculine‐ than feminine‐comment partners, and men were less conforming than were women, only when they were both gender‐typed and depersonalized.  相似文献   
Emerging economies by definition tend to be less dependent on expatriate skills and labour than lower-income countries, yet remuneration (pay plus benefits) differences between expatriate and local workers persist in them to some degree. According to relative deprivation theory, economic development paradoxically elevates the salience of relatively small gaps in remuneration. We therefore expected workers to report injustice and demotivation regarding relative remuneration, despite the closing of remuneration gaps between expatriate and local workers due to the economic development of recent years. To explore that possibility, 482 skilled professionals from a variety of sectors and organizations in two emerging economies, India (n = 233, response rate = 54%) and China (n = 249, response rate = 58%), participated in the research. International salaries were greater than local salaries by a factor of 2.73:1 in India and 1.90:1 in China; these mean ratios bordered on intolerable in the India sample and were largely tolerable among the sample from China. In both countries, differently remunerated workers differed in their justice cognitions and their demotivation, with lowered motivation and fewer justice cognitions in the locally salaried, local workers. These differences were however more statistically significant between people working in India than in China. Insofar as the motivational and justice gaps persisted, the findings support relative deprivation theory. Insofar as the same gaps appear to be sharper in the country with the higher-not lower-mean remuneration differential, they do not. An in-country workshop with local experts who interpreted the findings (in India), and content analysis of the participants' recommendations (in China) jointly recommended linking remuneration to (i) workplace performance instead of (ii) economy-of-origin, to help promote (iii) fairness.  相似文献   
最近,根据胡锦涛总书记提出的关于“八荣八耻”的重要论述,全国全民正在开展社会主义荣辱观的宣传教育。“八荣八耻”是一面引领社会风尚的旗帜。我们坚信,以“八荣八耻”为价值标准,对于公民个体进行道德遵循,规范言行,砥砺精神;对于社会,将其与整个思想道德建设、社会主  相似文献   
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