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Recently, several studies have addressed the question of whether depression affects priming in implicit memory tasks. The main aim of this experiment was to assess the presence of a bias for negative information in explicit memory (free recall) and implicit memory (word-stem completion) tasks among subclinically depressed subjects compared to nondepressed subjects, using the typical levels of processing manipulation. The results of this study show the existence of a mood-congruent memory bias for both implicit and explicit memory in depressed subjects. The theoretical implications of these findings for implicit and explicit memory biases associated with depressed mood are discussed.  相似文献   
The relational communication of sixteen dropout versus sixteen continuation sessions of solution-focused therapy was studied using two different coding schemes. On the Topic Initiation/Topic Following coding scheme (Tracey, 1986) no differences were found between dropout and continuation sessions, whereas the Family-Relational Communication Control Coding Scheme (Heatherington and Friedlander, 1987) yielded a number of significant findings. Both in 'successful' and in 'unsuccessful' dropout sessions, therapeutic interaction was found to be more conflictive than in continuation cases, with clients showing more domineering behaviour in dropout than in continuation sessions. Markovian and lag sequential analysis are used to clarify some of these findings, and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   
In this review, we consider three possible criteria by which knowledge might be regarded as implicit or inaccessible: It might be implicit only in the sense that it is difficult to articulate freely, or it might be implicit according to either an objective threshold or a subjective threshold. We evaluate evidence for these criteria in relation to artificial grammar learning, the control of complex systems, and sequence learning, respectively. We argue that the convincing evidence is not yet in, but construing the implicit nature of implicit learning in terms of a subjective threshold is most likely to prove fruitful for future research. Furthermore, the subjective threshold criterion may demarcate qualitatively different types of knowledge. We argue that (1) implicit, rather than explicit, knowledge is often relatively inflexible in transfer to different domains, (2) implicit, rather than explicit, learning occurs when attention is focused on specific items and not underlying rules, and (3) implicit learning and the resulting knowledge are often relatively robust.  相似文献   
The present paper introduces theP system as a scheme for organizing Pavlovian procedures in an orderly and comprehensive manner. The system is defined by three temporal variables and three restrictions on their possible values. It can be used to define all standard temporal variables—namely, stimulus duration, interstimulus interval, trace interval, and intertrial interval—as well as variables C and T of scalar expectancy theory. The system also permits the definition of new independent variables through combinations of the basic temporal parameters. We exemplify this possibility by defining two ratios of temporal intervals. These ratios lead to a space where traditional Pavlovian arrangements (viz., simultaneous, forward-trace, forward-delay, backward) become points on a continuum, and optimal conditions across different experimental preparations become equivalent. Finally, the system can be used to define contingency variables such asp(US/CS),p(US/~CS), and the phi coefficient (φ). In this manner, an organization of different kinds of Pavlovian procedures is achieved on the basis of a single parametric scheme. Such an organization facilitates establishing procedural and theoretical relationships between temporal and contingency variables. The paper concludes with a discussion of certain limitations of the system and other related issues  相似文献   
The etiology of the observed relationship between general cognitive ability and reading performance was investigated by analyzing data from samples of twin pairs tested in the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center. Bivariate phenotypic and genetic structural equation models were fitted to data from 486 twin pairs selected for reading deficits (276 identical and 210 same-sex fraternal) and 314 control pairs (195 identical and 119 same-sex fraternal). Subtests of the Peabody Individual Achievement test (Reading Recognition, Reading Comprehension, and Spelling) were used as measures of reading performance, and verbal and performance IQ scores from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) were used as indices of general cognitive ability. The results of these confirmatory factor analyses indicate that shared environmental influences do not contribute significantly to covariation between general cognitive ability and reading performance. In contrast, genetic influences contribute substantially to the relationship between the two latent factors. Moreover, the genetic and phenotypic variances of reading performance in the proband group are larger than those in controls, whereas both the genetic and phenotypic correlations between reading performance and general cognitive ability are lower in probands. These results are consistent with recent reports that reading disability may be caused by one or more genes with major effects.  相似文献   
Food-deprived rats (at 80% of their free-feeding weights) were exposed to a fixed-time 60-s schedule of food-pellet presentation and developed schedule-induced drinking. Lick-dependent signaled delays (10 s) to food presentation led to decreased drinking, which recovered when the signaled delays were discontinued. A major effect of this punishment contingency was to increase the proportion of interpellet intervals without any licks. The drinking of yoked control rats, which received food at the same times as those exposed to the signaled delay contingency (masters), was not consistently reduced. When food-deprivation level was changed to 90%, all master and yoked control rats showed decreases in punished or unpunished schedule-induced drinking. When the body weights were reduced to 70%, most master rats increased punished behavior to levels similar to those of unpunished drinking. This effect was not observed for yoked controls. Therefore, body-weight loss increased the resistance of schedule-induced drinking to reductions by punishment. Food-deprivation effects on punished schedule-induced drinking are similar to their effects on food-maintained lever pressing. This dependency of punishment on food-deprivation level supports the view that schedule-induced drinking can be modified by the same variables that affect operant behavior in general.  相似文献   
The control of the ground reaction force vector relative to the center of gravity (CoG) was examined while subjects performed a back-lifting task. Six male subjects (aged 24.0 +/- 2.5 years) repeatedly lifted a barbell. A biomechanical analysis that used a linked segment model revealed that the summed rotations of body segments during lifting yielded a specific rate of change of the angular momentum of the entire body. This equaled the external moment provided by Fsubg; relative to CoG. This implies that multisegment movements involve control of the angular momentum of the entire body through an appropriately directed Fsubg;. Thus, in dynamic tasks Fsubg; is pointed away from rather than lined up with the CoG, as is the case in static tasks.  相似文献   
Summary Two experiments investigated relative spatial coding in the Simon effect. It was hypothesized that relative spatial coding is carried out with reference to the position of the focus of visual attention. The spatial code for an imperative stimulus presented exactly at the position of focal attention should be neutral on the horizontal plane, and therefore no Simon effect should be observed. However, when the imperative stimulus is presented to the left or to the right of the current position of focal attention, the spatial code should not be neutral, thus producing a Simon effect. In both experiments, focal attention was manipulated either by a peripherally presented onset precue (Experiment 1) or by a centrally presented symbolic precue (Experiment 2). Results showed that the Simon effect was substantially reduced in both experiments when a valid precue preceded the imperative stimulus just in time to conclude refocusing of attention to the position of the imperative stimulus before it was presented. However, conditions with neutral precues yielded a normally sized Simon effect. In both experiments, the Simon effect decreased as the SOA grew when the precue was valid. At least for the Simon effect, the results can be interpreted as evidence that relative spatial coding is functionally related to the position of the focus of attention.  相似文献   
Zellini (1979, Theorem 3.1) has shown how to decompose an arbitrary symmetric matrix of ordern ×n as a linear combination of 1/2n(n+1) fixed rank one matrices, thus constructing an explicit tensor basis for the set of symmetricn ×n matrices. Zellini's decomposition is based on properties of persymmetric matrices. In the present paper, a simplified tensor basis is given, by showing that a symmetric matrix can also be decomposed in terms of 1/2n(n+1) fixed binary matrices of rank one. The decomposition implies that ann ×n ×p array consisting ofp symmetricn ×n slabs has maximal rank 1/2n(n+1). Likewise, an unconstrained INDSCAL (symmetric CANDECOMP/PARAFAC) decomposition of such an array will yield a perfect fit in 1/2n(n+1) dimensions. When the fitting only pertains to the off-diagonal elements of the symmetric matrices, as is the case in a version of PARAFAC where communalities are involved, the maximal number of dimensions can be further reduced to 1/2n(n–1). However, when the saliences in INDSCAL are constrained to be nonnegative, the tensor basis result does not apply. In fact, it is shown that in this case the number of dimensions needed can be as large asp, the number of matrices analyzed.  相似文献   
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