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Two experiments were carried out to investigate whether visual imagery was used in representing transitive linear ordering relationships. Subjects were presented with passages describing either a linear ordering or a set inclusion relationship, while being subjected to either visual or verbal interference. Performance was tested by asking subjects to judge the truth or falsity of statements concerning both the information presented in the passages and inferences that could be drawn from this information. In neither experiment was there any evidence for the linear ordering material being selectively disrupted by the visual interference task, as would have been predicted by the imagery theory. Thus it is concluded that linear orderings are probably not represented as visual images.  相似文献   
The Leipzig Center for Wilson's Disease in the GDR is charged with the registration and diagnosis of all homozygous Wilson gene carriers, the clarification of all suspected cases, including the heterozygote test, and the co-ordination of long-term treatment. At present, there are 78 recorded Wilson gene carriers living. On the basis of our own comprehensive observations and investigations over prolonged periods of time, questions concerning pathogenesis, genetics, diagnosis and therapeutic measures, including their side-effects, are dealt with.  相似文献   
A comparison was made of the scores of 171 Japanese boys and 156 Japanese girls, and of 204 English boys and 165 English girls, on the Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test. Also compared were 145 male and 163 female Japanese students, with 38 male and 73 female English students. Japanese children had scores significantly higher than English children, while Japanese students had scores significantly lower than English students. There was little evidence of age increments in score for either group of children. Difficulty levels of the 42 item-pairs were very similar in the two cultures, as were internal (split-half) reliabilities. It is concluded that cultural differences between the two countries, as far as visual aesthetic appreciation is concerned, seem at best minimal.  相似文献   
Four cases of brain-stem tumor were described, in which myokymias were electromyographically derived from the region of several cerebral nerves. An attempt is made to interpret the effects of twitching by reference to the electromyogram. Myokymias are a positive indication of organic brain stem damage. The use subtle techniques of electromyographic examination shows that this muscular hyperkinesis is not so infrequent a symptom as is generally believed.  相似文献   
The scientific basis of psychotherapeutic findings involves a number of difficulties which are above all connected with the insufficient state of basic research in this field. In this situation, significant advances can only be expected on the basis of a systematic long-term investigation and research programme. This applies in particular to the problems of personality and efficiency diagnostics and to group process research. On the basis of some intermediate results, it is shown that by the combined and systematic use of procedures a number of possibilities for the differentiated recording of the complex processes in therapeutic groups can be obtained.  相似文献   
Sixteen pairs of successive tones, with different amplitude combinations, were presented with 16 combinations of tone duration and interstimulus interval. A separate group of 12 subjects was assigned to each presentation condition and made comparative loudness judgments for each of the pairs. Perceived within-pair loudness differences were scaled by a Thurstonian method using the subjective width of the "equal" category as the unit. The scale differences were well described by weighted linear combinations of the sensation magnitudes of the tones in the pairs. The time error can be regarded as an effect of this differential weighting. For the longer interstimulus intervals, the weight of the second tone was the greater, causing the usual inverse relation between time error and stimulus intensity level. For the shorter interstimulus intervals, these effects were reversed. An analysis of the pattern of weights led to the development of two models, one of which is a generalization of Michels and Helson's time error model. The weights could be interpreted as reflecting the differential efficiency of the loudness information from the two compared stimuli.  相似文献   
The authors report their experience with a special form of psychodrama for the treatment in small groups of neurotic children aged five to fifteen. The acting out of ambivalent, partly unconscious and restrained tendencies and inclinations by playing, i.e., by taking roles in spontaneous performances, is followed by alternation of identification in the group and, possibly, careful indirect verbalization by the therapeutist and/or group, of which the purpose is to arrive at a reorientation of the attitudes of patients and a consolidation of the newly won attitude.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to present a new electromagnetic device which uses alternating magnetic fields for tracking movements of multiple points inside and outside the vocal tract. It is biologically safe, noninvasive, it does not interfere with speech movements, allows for multiple recording in the same subject, and for easy collection of large amounts of data. It is especially suitable for evaluation of patients with speech motor impairments.  相似文献   
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