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The derivative of Kaiser's Varimax criterion, if set to zero, yields a set of equations which are quite similar to those obtained for a least-squares problem of the Procrustes type. This similarity suggested an iterative technique for orthogonal rotation, dubbed Varisim, which was programmed for the IBM 7094 in FORTRAN. An empirical comparison between Varimax and Varisim, which was based on a number of data sets taken from the literature yielded three major results so far: (i) Varisim is slower than Varimax, roughly by a factor of 3, (ii) Varisim yields factors which in general contribute more evenly to the common test variance than Varimax factors, and which (iii) line up more closely with oblique configurations obtained with Binormamin than Varimax factors.This paper is based on parts of a thesis submitted to the Graduate College of the University of Illinois in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree in Psychology. Some of its contents were read at the joint meeting of the Psychonomic and the Psychometric Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 1964. Most of the computer-bound work was carried out while the author was employed by the Statistical Service Unit, University of Illinois; it was written up while the author held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Psychometric Laboratory of the University of North Carolina. Although space limitations forbid more complete acknowledgments, I am bound to record my deep gratitude to my advisor, Prof. H. F. Kaiser.  相似文献   
This review aimed at presenting the findings of 19 original studies that were published in the period from 2000 to 2022 in order to outline the current state of the art in the field of emotion communication (i.e., expressing and interpreting emotions) in multilingual psychotherapy. This analysis involves in particular the studies that investigate multilingual phenomena (e.g., code-switching and language-mixing) that occur during psychotherapeutic sessions when client and therapist can speak more than one language, as well as the articles that research emotion communication in this multilingual setting. With this in mind, the articles selected for this review are divided into two main categories: linguistic phenomena in multilingual psychotherapy and emotion communication in multilingual psychotherapy. Results of the studies in the current analysis reveal that code-switching remains one of the main linguistic phenomena that arises in the area of multilingual psychotherapy. Switching languages in therapy tends to be considered as beneficial for both client and therapist. Besides, findings suggest a connection between speaking L1/LX and one's identity (e.g., feeling different depending on the language). Additionally, studies that investigate emotion communication in multilingual psychotherapy show that an individual's first language (L1) is predominantly viewed as more emotionally charged than their language(s) learned later in life (LX). However, some studies also demonstrate that the relationship between L1 and LX is more fluid and context-dependent than it has traditionally been regarded. Propositions are given for future research in the field of emotion communication in multilingual psychotherapy.  相似文献   
In this paper the relative frequencies of the possible resolutions of ambiguities involving noun phrase attachment sites are compared to the results of off-line psycholinguistic measurements of syntactic complexity. A lack of correlation between the two is observed. It is therefore argued that the comprehension system is distinct from what is driving the frequencies in the corpora. A production heuristic separate from the comprehension system is proposed to account for the observed frequencies.We would like to thank Susanne Tunstall for providing linguistic judgments in the corpus analyses reported in Sec. 3.3. We also wish to thank the following people for helpful, comments and discussions on earlier presentations of this paper: the audience at the Eighth Human Sentence Processing Conference, in Tucson Arizona, Maria Babyonyshev, Tom Bever, Martin Corley, Danny Fox, Don Mitchell, Edson Miyamoto, Janet Nicol, Colin Phillips, Gregg Solomon, Michael Spivey-Knowlton, James Thomas, and Tom Wasow. All remaining errors are our own. The second author was supported by the Research Training Grant Language: Acquisition and Computation awarded by the National Science Foundation (U.S.) to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (DIR 9113607), and by a fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
Our primary purpose in this article is to explore some of the issues, practical and conceptual, that arise in the attempt to study and cope with public policy controversies. We have organized the article into four sections. The first considers what problems a frame-critical approach seeks to address and explores, in particular, why social science methods seem unable to contribute to the resolution of public controversies. The second section asks what “frames” are and why they are critical to the study of controversy. Section three gives an overview of the elements in a frame-critical policy analysis and of the relationships between it and frame-reflective policy practice. In conclusion, section four examines the main issues that need to be addressed in analyzing and coping with policy controversies.  相似文献   
Fitting a simplex symmetrically   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for fitting a perfect simplex [Guttman, 1954] is suggested which, in contrast to Kaiser's [1962], is independent of the order of the manifest variables. It is based on a procedure for scaling a set of points from their pairwise distances [Torgerson, 1958; Young & Householder, 1938] which is reviewed in compact notation in the Appendix. The method is extended to an iterative algorithm for fitting a quasi-simplex. Some empirical results are included.This work was done while the author held a Visiting Research Fellowship at the Educational Testing Service. The gracious hospitality of this institution, as well as its scenic surroundings, are beyond praise. An earlier version of this paper (ETS Research Bulletin RB-68-31) was reviewed by Drs. Karl G. Jöreskog and Bruce Bloxom who contributed to its improvement. For a critical reading of the final draft, I owe thanks to Miss Ming-Mei Wang.  相似文献   
Summary Subjects on a horizontally moving parallel swing perceive a change of the position of the body and of the Subjective Vertical (SV). The magnitude of the SV-change was recorded at different body-positions on the swing. The SV-change was smaller when the vertex-base head-axis was oriented parallel or close to parallel to swing movement than when the vertex-base head axis was oriented perpendicular to this movement. Perpendicular orientation implies either head vertex-up or head vertex-down. The results are discussed with respect to other findings on the various sensory input systems.
Zusammenfassung Versuchspersonen auf einer horizontal schwingenden Parallel-Schaukel nehmen eine Änderung der Lage des eigenen Körpers und der Stellung der Subjektiven Vertikalen (SV) wahr. Die Größe der im Schwingrhythmus wechselnden SV-Änderung wurde bei verschiedenen Körperstellungen auf der Schaukel untersucht. Sie war kleiner, wenn die Scheitel-Basis-Achse des Kopfes in oder nahe der Schwingungsrichtung und größer, wenn sie senkrecht oder nahezu senkrecht dazu stand; die senkrechte Stellung konnte entweder Scheitel-aufwärts oder Scheitel-abwärts sein. Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit anderen Befunden über die beteiligten sensorischen Systeme diskutiert.
A least squares method for approximating a given symmetric matrixB by another matrixB which is orthogonally similar to a second given matrixA is derived and then generalized to nonsymmetric (but square)A andB. A possible application to ordering problems is discussed.This work was partially supported as project No. 083 by the Ohio State University, College of Education Research Grants and Leaves Program and subsequently as project I RO3 MH14097-01 by the National Institute of Mental Health. Free computer time was provided by the Ohio State University Computer Center. The writer is also pleased to record his appreciation for the time and assistance awarded to him most generously by Professors D. R. Whitney and J. S. Rustagi of the Ohio State University Mathematics Department.  相似文献   
Uwagi te napisane zostay na prob Redakcji Studia Logica (Red.).Allatum est die 21 Octobris 1967  相似文献   
Several variants of a precued reaction time experiment were performed to assess preparation for Choice (Donders' type B) or Go/No-Go (type C) reaction tasks. On each trial, the imperative stimulus could necessitate either a keypress with the left forefinger, the right forefinger, or no response. A precue given at lead times of 50-750 ms either informed the subject whether the task was a type B task (left or right forefinger response), a type C task (e.g., left forefinger or No Go), or carried no information (all three possibilities remained open). The noninformative cue produced minor facilitation of reaction time at long lead times only. At lead times of 50-250 ms, the other two precues speeded reactions by about 50 ms. At precue intervals of 400-750 ms, Go/No-Go reactions averaged 25 ms faster than Choice reactions in an experiment which utilized appropriate controls for stimulus and task parameters. The mixed-trial design rules out gross motor (e.g., postural) adjustments as an explanation for the advantage of C over B reactions. An interpretation in terms of a two-stage theory of motor preparation is discussed.  相似文献   
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