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The serial reaction time (SRT) task is a commonly used paradigm to investigate implicit learning. In most studies the settings originally introduced by Nissen and Bullemer are replicated, i.e., subjects respond to a visuo-spatial sequence of stimulus locations by pressing spatially compatible arranged keys. The present experiment was designed to explore to what degree the sequential learning observed under these conditions depends on the use of locational sequences. Under otherwise identical conditions, first the S-R compatibility was reduced by using symbols instead of locations as stimuli, and second, the connectibility, i.e, the ease of connecting successive stimuli into coherent pattern, was varied. Effects on reaction times (RT) in the SRT task and on explicit memory in a generation task were evaluated. The results indicate that the connectibility of the stimuli has no effect at all and that S-R compatibility influences only the general RT level but does not seem to modify the learning process itself. Thus, the data are more consistent with the notion that learning is based primarily on the sequence of responses rather than on the sequence of stimuli. Moreover, a post hoc classification of subjects with regard to the amount of explicit sequence knowledge they have acquired reveals a striking modification of the general result: The RT difference between responses to locations and symbols vanishes in the course of learning for the complete explicit knowledge group. In order to account for this effect, we presume that the response control of these subjects shifts from stimuli to motor programs, so that RTs become increasingly independent of the stimuli used.  相似文献   
The ability to recognise kin has been demonstrated in several animal species. However, the mechanisms of kin recognition often remain unknown. The most frequently discussed sensory modalities to recognise kin are visual, olfactory and acoustical cues. Three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) are able to differentiate between kin and non-kin when presented visual and olfactory cues combined. To elucidate, which cues they use to recognise kin female sticklebacks were given the choice between two identical computer animations of courting stickleback males. Next to one animation, water conditioned by a brother was added, while near the other, water from an unrelated male was added. In half of the experiments, the brother was familiar while in the other half he was unfamiliar to the female. Both scenarios were carried out with both outbred and inbred fish. The results showed that the females adjusted their choice behaviour according to relatedness. Furthermore, they were able to recognise both familiar as well as unfamiliar brothers. Inbreeding did not affect this ability. Hence, three-spined sticklebacks are able to recognise their relatives using olfactory cues alone. The cognitive mechanisms underlying this ability were independent from familiarity and not impaired by inbreeding.  相似文献   


Psychological distress among students is receiving growing attention in the scientific community as well as in the general public. There are counseling services available in student societies and universities which address psychological distress among students but scientific research in this area is rudimentary and poorly represented.

Problem in question

In order to present the prevalence, extent and type of psychological disorders in students and the alterations over time, an investigation was carried out to show which psychological complaints and disorders were present in students who consulted a psychotherapeutic counseling center. These data were compared with the psychological complaints of a student field study population. Furthermore, alterations in the psychological complaints and disorders of students over periods of 10 and 15 years will be presented.


The prevalence and change over time of psychological syndromes in students were identified by a comparison between an unselected sample of counseling center clients and several student field samples from the previous 15 years. The type of distress and severity of symptoms were measured with a Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R), the Psychosocial Complaints List (PSB), the Satisfaction With Life And Studies Scale (LSZ), the diagnostic assessment according to International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10), the Complaints Severity Score (BSS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF).


Previous results of investigations which showed that 20–25% of students suffer from psychological disorders could be confirmed in this study. However, 60–65% of the clients of a counseling center suffered from clinically relevant psychological disorders, which is significantly higher. The most common disorders were depressive moods, lack of self-confidence and exam anxiety, which can mostly be diagnostically assigned to adjustment, depression and anxiety disorders. The comparison with previous studies showed that the types and severity of psychological distress among students have remained stable over the last 15 years, with the exception of test anxiety which increased by 51% from 1993 to 2008. With respect to alcohol abuse, considerably less impairments were found than had been assumed based on the earlier investigations.


Psychological complaints and disorders are frequently found among students and they cause individual suffering as well as economic expenses. Noticeable was the obvious increase in clinically relevant exam anxiety. Psychological-psychotherapeutic counseling centers make an important contribution to screening, clinical assessment, primary health care and prevention of severe mental disorders among students and have shown a continuously increasing number of cases in recent years. Further studies especially in a process-outcome design of the mostly eclectic counseling centers are needed and possibilities will be presented.  相似文献   
Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Berührung, den Berührungssinn oder die Haut als dessen Organ ph?nomenologisch und psychodynamisch zu erfassen sowie zu überlegen, wie der Erfahrungsraum der Berührung sich gestaltet und wie diese Dimension des Fühlens in der psychoanalytischen Psychotherapie sich umsetzt. Die ph?nomenologischen Analysen folgen v. a. den franz?sischen Ph?nomenologen und Philosophen Maurice Merleau-Ponty und Emmanuel Levinas, die psychodynamischen Analysen u. a. Didier Anzieu und Danielle Quinodoz. Der Erfahrungsraum der Berührung wird in folgenden Schritten nachgezeichnet: Einleitend wird zu fragen sein, was die Sprache an Erkenntnissen über die Berührung bereith?lt. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die ph?nomenologischen Analysen beschrieben, die den Erfahrungsraum der Berührung (synchron) erfassen. Dabei werden die Verbindungen zwischen dem Selbst und dem Objekt (Personen) im Mittelpunkt stehen, aber auch die Qualit?ten oder die Regulationsvorg?nge, die in der Berührung und durch die Berührung erbracht werden, und schlie?lich die Zeitlichkeit oder die in dem Prozess der Berührung mitschwingenden Zeiterfahrungen. Die Dimensionen der Unmittelbarkeit, der Wechselseitigkeit und des Abstands werden dabei entscheidend sein; sie werden anhand von exemplarischen Darstellungen von Berührungsmustern in der Kunstgeschichte erl?utert. In einem dritten Teil wird eine Fallvignette aus den Behandlungen der Basler Psychotherapeutischen Tagesklinik zum Ausgangspunkt genommen, um zu zeigen, wie die frühesten Berührungserfahrungen das Selbstverst?ndnis bilden und zur Ich- St?rke beitragen, und wie Psychotherapie, durch eine Berührung mit Worten, bei dem Wiederfinden oder dem neuen Entdecken von Berührung hilft. Anstelle einer Zusammenfassung wird ein Gedicht zum Thema der Berührung erneut die Frage stellen, ob Worte berühren k?nnen.  相似文献   
What happens when the analyst has the impression of being annihilated by the patient? Analysts have a tendency to use more general, i.e. simplifying, constructions such as destructiveness, psychosis or death instinct as explanatory models. In the authors' view, these constructions in the end evade rather than mirror clinical reality. More recent research points to promising possibilities of differentiation, e.g. psychotic mechanisms which are‐as yet undiscussed‐based on Freud's notion of the partial ‘rent in the relation between ego and external world’. These findings emphasize the restitutive function of a symptom or disturbance, i.e. destruction of a relationship which hinders the therapeutic process and which is not understood initially, instead of solely stressing the destructive meaning in a tabooing gesture. The concept of performance attempts to replace simplifying models with a discriminant process, and will be preliminarily defined and explained in delineation to terms already in use such as acting out, enactment, and role responsiveness. The authors explore the question of how the perception of unthought certainty in the performance can either be recognized as a blueprint, i.e. organizing activity, or as the destruction of the relationship so that a new one can emerge. The evidence from a detailed clinical example shows that many treatments can fail at this point and demonstrates how an understanding of performance in this sense offers a chance for integrating processes that otherwise impede treatment.  相似文献   
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