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ABSTRACT. Predicting behavior has been a main challenge in human movement science. An important step within the theory of coordination dynamics is to find out the rules that govern human behavior by defining order parameters and control parameters that support mathematical models to predict the behavior of a system. Models to describe human coordination have been focused on interlimb coordination and on interpersonal coordination in affiliative tasks but not on competitive tasks. This article aims to present a formal model with two attractors to describe the interactive behavior on a 2v1 system in rugby union. Interpersonal distance and relative velocity critical values were empirically identified and were included as task constraints that define the attractor landscape. It is shown that using relative velocity as a control parameter the model offers reasonable prediction concerning the decision-making process. The model has the plasticity to adapt to other settings where interpersonal distances and relative velocities amongst system components act as significant task constraints.  相似文献   
This study examines the extent to which male and female university students use verbal sexual coercion and physically forced sex on a dating partner and tests a theoretical model that specifies that corporal punishment, minor forms of neglect by parents, and sexual abuse increase the probability of sexually coercing and sexually assaulting a partner, and that this relationship is partly mediated by antisocial traits and behavior. A path analysis using multinomial logistic regression was used to test the fit of the model to a convenience sample of 13,877 students in 32 nations. Both male and female students perpetrate sexual coercion, but the rates are higher for males. For both men and women, each of the three forms of prior victimization studied were associated with an increased probability of antisocial behavior, which in turn was associated with an increased probability of verbally coercing and physically forcing sex. Most of the direct paths from victimization to sexual coercion were also statistically significant. Because relatively mild victimization such as corporal punishment and seemingly innocuous forms of neglect are highly prevalent, steps to reduce their prevalence could be an import step in primary prevention of sexual coercion.  相似文献   
The systematic importance of the eidetic account of phantasy for Husserlian phenomenology in general is undisputed, but whether this account can be relevant for Aesthetics has often been put into question. In this paper I argue that Husserl’s rich phenomenology of phantasy, and in particular his account of perceptual phantasy, can nevertheless significantly enhance our understanding of how we recognize and imaginatively participate in artistic fictions. Moreover, I show how Husserl’s peculiar formulation of a non-intuitive phantasy at stake in artistic representation anticipates some uses of the imagination in Aesthetics suggested by Ernst Gombrich and Kendall Walton.  相似文献   

El presente artículo tiene corno principal objetivo ser una alternativa a las tradicionales clasificaciones teóricas de la agresión e, incluso, a los estudios taxonómicos empíricos más recientes. Usar estímulos no representativos, ofrecer indicios sobre las dimensiones de juicios preseleccionados, etc. son algunos de los inconvenientes que no permiten considerar a estas dimensiones perceptuales de la agresión como fiables. En este trabajo se pretenden superar estas y otras críticas con el fin de proporcionar las verdaderas dimensiones que subyacen a la percepción social de los episodios agresivos cotidianos. El Escalamiento Multidimensional (Modelo IÑDSCAL) fue seleccionado como el análisis más apropiado para proponer una taxonomía empírica adecuada y comprobar hasta qué punto una misma taxonomía es compartida por diferentes subculturas (Universitaria y Reclusa). El análisis de los datos nos permitió concluir acerca de la existencia de un dominio psicológico en 4 dimensiones para percibir un conjunto de estímulos agresivos, de la existencia de ciertas diferencias entre ambas submuestras y, por último, de la homogeneidad existente dentro de una misma muestra, independientemente de algunas variables de personalidad previamente seleccionadas.  相似文献   

La Psicología Cognitiva es una de las áreas más pujantes de la Psicología actual. Pese a lo fructífero de esta nueva rama de la Psicología, es necesario formular algunas críticas a este enfoque. Este será el tema principal del presente artículo. Las críticas estarán centradas en las llamadas “analogías formales”. Cuando un dominio de fenómenos es difícil y confuso para nuestra compresión, una solución lícita es establecer algún tipo de analogía entre ese dominio y otro dominio que conocemos mejor. Lo que hemos denominado analogías formales sirven de elementos de vertebración teórica de los datos psicológicos pero, por otra parte, mue stran debilidades importantes. Las principales analogías de la Psicología Cognitiva serán analizadas en este artículo mostrando sus debilidades más importantes.  相似文献   

El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión y reflexión en la investigación y teorías que se basan en informes verbales. Reflexionar sobre el valor introspectivo de los informes verbales con respecto a las funciones del procesamiento. Todo esto desde la actual psicología cognitiva. Para ello se revisan todas aquellas investigaciones que se plantean el papel de la conciencia en el proceso y como producto del pensamiento humano, a través de una comunicación externa.  相似文献   

El objetivo del experimento presentado en este artículo fue probar la hipótesis de que el decremento de sensibilidad en tareas de atención sostenida, ocurre porque los recursos atencionales o esfuerzo que demanda la tarea no pueden matenerse durante un tiempo prolongado. Comparamos dos tareas que diferían en carga de memoria y registramos tres grupos de índices de esfuerzo o gasto atencional: rendimiento en una tarea secundaria concurrente, esfuerzo subjetivo y actividad cardiovascular (IBI medio y amplitud espectral del componente 0.10 Hz). En ambas tareas observamos un declive significativo a lo largo del tiempo en eficiencia o ritmo de procesamiento, indicado por la razón entre la precisión y la velocidad. Los datos acerca del esfuerzo subjetivo y el rendimiento en la tarea secundaria no parecen apoyar la hipótesis original. El principal hallazgo fue que la actividad cardiovascular al comienzo de la tarea, medida por la amplitud del componente 0.1 Hz, era un predictor significativo del decremento de eficiencia en ambas tareas de vigilancia. Si esta amplitud es un índice fisiológico fiable de atención, nuestro resultado sugiere que un procesamiento controlado, con esfuerzo, al comienzo de la tarea previene el decremento de vigilancia.  相似文献   
The role of event uncertainty on inferences predictive of threat was investigated in high and low trait anxious individuals. Participants read context sentences predicting threat or nonthreat outcomes. They subsequently named target words that were consistent with or unrelated to prediction. In Experiment 1, with predictability relatively low, anxious participants showed clear threat bias in their inferences: Although nonthreat targets were unaffected by context, shorter naming latencies were found for threat target words that followed a threat predicting context. A low anxiety group showed an opposite effect, that is, facilitation only for nonthreat words, suggesting an avoidance (of threat) bias. In Experiment 2, under higher predictability, this bias disappeared, as both high and low anxious groups performed similarly. The relevance of these data for different models of selective processing in anxiety is discussed. Of particular pertinence is the finding that, with increasing stimulus threat, low anxious participants no longer show avoidance; instead, they infer threat in a way similar to the high anxious. This suggests that the difference between the high and the low anxious persons resides in the threshold at which stimulus threat input is processed.  相似文献   
The simultaneous estimation of autoregressive (simplex) structures and latent trajectories, so called ALT (autoregressive latent trajectory) models, is becoming an increasingly popular approach to the analysis of change. Although historically autoregressive (AR) and latent growth curve (LGC) models have been developed quite independently from each other, the underlying pattern of change is often highly similar. In this article it is shown that their integration rests on the strong assumption that neither the AR part nor the LGC part contains any misspecification. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated due to nonlinearity in the LGC part. As a consequence, the autoregressive (simplex) process incorrectly accounts for part of this nonlinearity, thus rendering any substantive interpretation of parameter estimates virtually impossible. Accordingly, researchers are advised to exercise extreme caution when using ALT models in practice. All arguments are illustrated by empirical data on skill acquisition, and a simulation study is provided to investigate the conditions and consequences of mistaking nonlinear growth curve patterns as autoregressive processes.  相似文献   
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