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中小学生对父母管教信息的认知、情绪与行为反应倾向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈俊  张积家 《心理学报》2003,35(3):370-378
运用情境模拟的方法,对中小学生对父母管教信息的认知、情绪与行为反应倾向进行了研究。被试是616名中小学生。结果表明:(1)小学中年级以上学生对家长管教信息的情绪有较准确的认知;(2)不同管教信息的教育效能有优劣之分:诱导教诲最能引起被试的正面反应,其次是困扰担忧,伤心失望能引起部分学生的顺从反应,愤怒批评易引起子女的消极情绪和对抗行为。(3)父亲发出的管教信息比母亲更具权威性,更易引起子女积极的情绪体验与行为倾向。(4)学生对家长管教信息的反应具有明显的年龄和性别差异,小学生比中学生更易接受、顺从家长管教,女生比男生易产生更多的积极情绪与服从行为。(5)被试的认知评价与其情绪反应、行为倾向有较高的一致性。学生对父母管教信息的情绪体验和行为反应很大程度上取决于对管教信息的认知。如果学生的认知较为积极,更易引起积极的情绪体验和行为倾向。  相似文献   
Effects of experience on fetal voice recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract - The ability of human fetuses to recognize their own mother's voice was examined. Sixty term fetuses were assigned to one of two conditions during which they were exposed to a tape recording of their mother or a female stranger reading a passage. Voice stimuli were delivered through a loudspeaker held approximately 10 cm above the maternal abdomen and played at an average of 95 dB SPL. Each condition consisted of three 2-min periods: no stimulus, voice (mother or stranger), and no stimulus. Fetal heart rate increased in response to the mother's voice and decreased in response to the stranger's; both responses were sustained for 4 min. The finding of differential behavior in response to a familiar versus a novel voice provides evidence that experience influences fetal voice processing. It supports an epigenetic model of speech perception, presuming an interaction between genetic expression of neural development and species-specific experience.  相似文献   
In modern digital applications, users often interact with virtual representations of themselves or others, called avatars. We examined how these avatars and their perspectives influence stimulus–response compatibility in a Simon task. Participants responded to light/dark blue stimuli with left/right key presses in the presence of a task-irrelevant avatar. Changes in stimulus–response compatibility were used to quantify changes in the mental representation of the task and perspective taking toward this avatar. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that perspective taking for an avatar occurred in orthogonal stimulus–response mappings, causing a compatibility effect from the avatar’s point of view. In the following two experiments we introduced a larger variety of angular disparities between the participant and avatar. In Experiment 3, the Simon effect with lateralized stimulus positions remained largely unaffected by the avatar, pointing toward an absence of perspective taking. In Experiment 4, after avatar hand movements were added in order to strengthen the participants’ sense of agency over the avatar, a spatial compatibility effect from the avatar’s perspective was observed again, and hints of the selective use of perspective taking on a trial-by-trial basis were found. Overall, the results indicate that users can incorporate the perspective of an avatar into their mental representation of a situation, even when this perspective is unnecessary to complete a task, but that certain contextual requirements have to be met.  相似文献   
教师心理素质的隐含研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
张承芬  张景焕 《心理科学》2001,24(5):528-532
本研究旨在运用隐含研究方法揭示教帅应具备的心理素质及其结构。为此,本研究进行了一个预备测试与3个正式测试。研究结果表明:①创造性,责任感,教育效能感等21项特性是教师重要的心理品质;②在这些心理品质中,客观公正性、移情性、角色认同、有恒性、监控陛、责任感、非权势等11项心理品质被教师、家长、学生共同认定为最重要最基本的心理品质;③人们心目中教师心理品质由工作动因,工作行为、行为调控三个维度构成的;④综合三项测试结果,本研究认为教师心理素质是由3个维度、10项基本特性构成的。此外,文章还分析了这一结论与以前研究结果的关系及隐含研究方法对于该项研究的适用性。  相似文献   
The effects of heat on tic symptoms were studied in a sample of 78 adults with Tourette syndrome. 62 men and 16 women completed a survey concerning the type, onset, and course of their tics. 10 adult male subjects also participated in a thermal challenge during which ambient temperature was raised from 22 degrees C to 35 degrees C following a control period. Of the 78, 24% or 19 reported increased tics upon exposure to heat. Compared to the remaining 59 subjects, there were no differences in sex distribution, current age, or overall course of illness. In the thermal challenge, there was general increase in tics that was correlated with sweat rate (r = .55, p = .001). This effect was prominent in 5 of 10 subjects (rs = .29 to .63). There were no mean differences in current age, age of onset, or current severity of symptoms between the five subjects of each group. Tic symptoms in a subgroup of patients with Tourette syndrome may be sensitive to heat. Abnormal heat regulation is not a likely explanation for the observed increase in tics. The increase may be due to normal heat-loss mechanisms through dopaminergic pathways.  相似文献   
A parallel distributed processing (PDP) model is proposed to account for choice reaction time (RT) performance in diverse cognitive and perceptual tasks such as the Stroop task, the Simon task, the Eriksen flanker task, and the stimulus-response compatibility task that are interrelated in terms of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response overlap (Kornblum, 1992). In multilayered (input-intermediate-output) networks, neuron-like nodes that represent stimulus and response features are grouped into mutually inhibitory modules that represent stimulus and response dimensions. The stimulus-stimulus overlap is implemented by a convergence of two input modules onto a common intermediate module, and the stimulus-response overlap by direct pathways representing automatic priming of outputs. Mean RTs are simulated in various simple tasks and, furthermore, predictions are generated for complex tasks based on performance in simpler tasks. The match between simulated and experimental results lends strong support for our PDP model of compatibility.  相似文献   
张力为  符明秋 《心理学报》1999,32(2):190-199
Markus和Kitayama的自我构念理论以文化差异为基础,将人的自我观念分为独立自我和互联自我,研究假说,体育专业的学习由于有更多的社会交互作用,有助于培养学生的互联自我,文理专业的学习由于有列多的独立性,有助于培养学生的独立自我,应用20项陈述测验对258名大学生的研究部分地支持了这一假设;体育专业学生有更多的具体化自我表述,文理专业学生有更多的抽象化自我表述,但是,两类学生在自我定向和社会  相似文献   
本实验旨在探索儿童对抽象图画情绪寓意敏感性的发展规律以及文化因素的影响。被试年龄跨度从 5岁至高中学生。根据被试利用形态、主题、情绪等图片特性作为识辨依据的特点来发现规律。儿童对抽象图画寓意敏感性的发展与表征水平相关。年幼儿童只能利用颜色或图形等单一信息维量进行判断 ,年长儿童及中学生可以综合利用形态、主题、情绪等多个维量判断。在寓意明确的图片识辨中 ,儿童对积极寓意的识辨成绩较优。在双关寓意的图片识辨中 ,儿童组倾向于选择具有积极寓意的线索 ,而中学生组会受到识辨经验的影响。文化与教育方式影响儿童对抽象图画情绪寓意的理解。中国幼教方式有助于儿童对图画认知与情绪成分的识辨。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung. Das hier vorgestellte Modell lernt graduell, Planungsaufgaben aus der Klasse der Maschinenbelegungsprobleme (job-shop-scheduling problems) zu lösen. Mit Hilfe des Chunking-Mechanismus von Soar wird episodisches Wissen über die Belegungsreihenfolge von Aufträgen auf Maschinen memoriert. Bei der Entwicklung des Modells wurden zahlreiche qualitative (z. B. Transfereffekte) und quantitative Befunde (z. B. Bearbeitungszeiten) aus einer früheren empirischen Untersuchung berücksichtigt. In einer Validierungsstudie wurden dieselben Aufgaben von 14 Probanden und dem Modell bearbeitet. Die Passung von Simulationsdaten und empirischen Ergebnissen fiel insgesamt gut aus. Allerdings löst das Modell die Aufgaben schneller und zeigt auch einen etwas besseren Lernverlauf als die Probanden. Das Modell liefert eine Erklärung für das Rauschen, das typischerweise bei Bearbeitungszeiten zu beobachten ist: es handelt sich um erworbenes Wissen, das mehr oder weniger gut und auch unterschiedlich häufig auf neue Situationen übertragen wird. Der Lernverlauf der Probanden entspricht nur für aggregierte Daten einer Potenzfunktion (power law). Der vorgestellte Mechanismus zeigt, wie ein symbolisches Modell der Informationsverarbeitung graduelle Verhaltensänderungen generiert und wie der offensichtliche Erwerb allgemeiner Prozeduren ohne explizites Lernen von deklarativen Regeln erfolgen kann. Es wird nahegelegt, daß es sich hier um die Modellierung einer Form impliziten Lernens handelt. Summary. The model presented here gradually learns how to perform a job-shop scheduling task. It uses Soar's chunking mechanism to acquire episodic memories about the order to schedule jobs. The model was based on many qualitative (e.g., transfer effects) and quantitative (e.g., solution time) regularities found in previously collected data. The model was tested with new data where scheduling tasks were given to the model and to 14 subjects. The model generally fit these data with the restrictions that the model performs the task (in simulated time) faster than the subjects, and its performance improves somewhat more quickly than the subjects' performance. The model provides an explanation of the noise typically found in problem solving times - it is the result of learning actual pieces of knowledge that transfer more or less to new situations but rarely by an average amount. Only when the data are averaged (i.e., over subjects) does the smooth power law appear. This mechanism demonstrates how symbolic models can exhibit a gradual change in behavior and how the apparent acquisition of general procedures can be performed without resorting to explicit declarative rule generation. We suggest that this may represent a type of implicit learning.  相似文献   
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