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主动性控制和反应性控制是认知控制研究的新视角。前者通过在反应前维持目标相关信息的表征来预防冲突, 后者在反应时重激活目标相关信息以解决冲突。个体能够在这两种认知控制间进行权衡从而形成最优反应。通过AX-CPT等实验范式, 辅以ERP、fMRI技术可分离两种认知控制, 并观察到认知控制相关的脑区在激活时间和强度上的差异。个体生理发展、认知因素(期望、流体智力、训练)、非认知因素(情绪、动机等)均能影响认知控制的权衡。未来的研究应多关注这一权衡的内在神经机制和认知机制, 并与传统认知控制研究相结合, 在理论和应用上取得更进一步的发展。  相似文献   
个体对未来时间的感知会影响其社会动机、社会目标追求、情绪管理以及认知过程, 研究者对此提出了社会情绪选择理论, 认为对未来生命中所剩时间的感知是个体动机的组成部分, 影响着社会目标的优先性选择。当知觉到未来时间非常有限时, 优先选择以情绪调节为目标; 反之, 则偏向选择以获取知识为目标。社会情绪选择理论概述介绍了相关的基本假设和理论要点, 对其主要研究领域进行述评, 并指出未来研究中值得注意的几个方面。  相似文献   
以母语为藏语,第二语言为汉语的熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者为被试,采用词汇判断任务,在无切换、预期切换和无预期切换三种条件下,考察藏汉两种语言之间的语码切换及其切换代价。结果表明:(1)在三种条件下,熟练和非熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时均显著短于对藏语词的反应时,汉语词的错误率也显著低于藏语词;(2)切换条件下的反应速度显著慢于无切换条件,切换条件下的错误率显著高于无切换条件,存在显著的切换代价;(3)熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词的反应时显著短于非熟练藏汉双语者,熟练藏汉双语者对汉语词反应的错误率也显著低于非熟练藏汉双语者。本研究表明,藏汉双语语码切换过程中存在切换代价,支持抑制说;熟练藏汉双语者语码切换代价更小。  相似文献   
采用移动窗口阅读技术探讨记叙文理解中因果关系对于空间信息加工的作用。实验1和2的自变量是故事中空间信息与故事结果的因果关系,采用相关样本t检验对不同条件下探测词的反应时进行统计分析,结果表明因果关系不仅会影响文本明确提及的空间信息的加工而且能够促进隐含的空间关系建构情境模型。实验3的自变量是故事中物体与位置词的空间关系,采用相关样本t检验对不同条件下位置探测词的反应时进行统计分析,结果进一步表明空间情境模型是读者为保持故事因果连贯回溯建构的而不是在阅读进程中的实时建构。实验4中空间关系的复杂程度增大,结果发现当故事中空间信息的文本距离较远时即使有保持因果连贯的需要,读者仍无法回溯建构空间模型。  相似文献   
清末民初时,海内外客人至五台山的道路有东、西、南、北四条。其中,南路有三个大门,一是济胜桥,二是阁子岭,三是阳岭。原来,每个大门附近都有一个具有接待性质的寺庙,可惜,现在仅存阳岭旁边的尊胜寺了。幸有,好客的五台县僧俗,为了方便游人休憩,饱览五台优美的自然风光和人文景  相似文献   
有关司法介入医疗纠纷案件的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法程序是法律保障公民权益的最有效方式,在司法介入医疗纠纷案件时应当持有审慎的态度,坚持必要的原则,把握司法介入医疗纠纷案件的范围、时机,完善司法技术,注意司法处理结果的影响,以保证医疗纠纷案件的公正,并且最大限度避免司法程序带来的负面效应.  相似文献   
Stereotyping involves two processes in which first, social stereotypes are activated (stereotype activation), and then, stereotypes are applied to given targets (stereotype application). Previous behavioral studies have suggested that these two processes are independent of each other and may have different mechanisms. As few psychophysiological studies have given an integrated account of these stages in stereotyping so far, this study utilized a trait categorization task in which event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to explore the brain mechanisms associated with the processes of stereotype activation and its application. The behavioral (reaction time) and electrophysiological data showed that stereotype activation and application were elicited respectively in an affective valence identification subtask and in a semantic content judgment subtask. The electrophysiological results indicated that the categorization processes involved in stereotype activation to quickly identify stereotypic and nonstereotypic information were quite different from those involved in the application. During the process of stereotype activation, a P2 and N2 effect was observed, indicating that stereotype activation might be facilitated by an early attentional bias. Also, a late positive potential (LPP) was elicited, suggesting that social expectancy violation might be involved. During the process of the stereotype application, electrophysiological data showed a P2 and P3 effect, indicating that stereotype application might be related to the rapid social knowledge identification in semantic representation and thus may be associated with an updating of existing stereotypic contents or a motivation to resolve the inconsistent information. This research strongly suggested that different mechanisms are involved in the stereotype activation and application processes.  相似文献   
Electronic word‐of‐mouth (WOM) communication influences potential consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions toward a product. Since consumers frequently assess online information based on their relationships with communities, rather than with individuals, online communities themselves function as referents for assessing information quality. This study examines whether consumer perceptions toward virtual communities (i.e., sense of virtual community or SOVC) moderate the perceived influence of product comments on attitude and purchase intention. This study manipulated 2 scenarios involving positive comments and negative comments regarding a newly issued game product. Analytical results indicated that SOVC reinforced the influences of online comments on attitude and purchase intention. Thus, marketers should consider the role of virtual communities when implementing WOM strategy online.  相似文献   
Distinguishing between relational and physical aggression has become a key feature of many developmental studies in North America and Western Europe, but very little information is available on relational and physical aggression in more diverse cultural contexts. This study examined the factor structure of, associations between, and gender differences in relational and physical aggression in China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States. Children ages 7–10 years (N = 1,410) reported on their relationally and physically aggressive behavior. Relational and physical aggression shared a common factor structure across countries. In all nine countries, relational and physical aggression were significantly correlated (average r = .49). Countries differed in the mean levels of both relational and physical aggression that children reported using and with respect to whether children reported using more physical than relational aggression or more relational than physical aggression. Boys reported being more physically aggressive than girls across all nine countries; no consistent gender differences emerged in relational aggression. Despite mean‐level differences in relational and physical aggression across countries, the findings provided support for cross‐country similarities in associations between relational and physical aggression as well as links between gender and aggression. Aggr. Behav. 38:298‐308, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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