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This report examined whether Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) could be used in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in the aftermath of a serious motor vehicle accident. Six individuals reporting either full or severe subsyndromal PTSD completed 10 sessions of VRET, which was conducted using software designed to create real-time driving scenarios. Results indicated significant reductions in posttrauma symptoms involving reexperiencing, avoidance, and emotional numbing, with effect sizes ranging from d=.79 to d=1.49. Indices of clinically significant and reliable change suggested that the magnitude of these changes was meaningful. Additionally, high levels of perceived reality ("presence") within the virtual driving situation were reported, and patients reported satisfaction with treatment. Results are discussed in light of the possibility for VRET to be useful in guiding exposure in the treatment of PTSD following road accidents.  相似文献   
国内城市社区健康教育和健康促进研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
分析了我国城市化加速发展过程中出现的城市社区健康问题及其影响因素。在对社区健康教育与健康促进的作用和意义进行探讨的基础上,提出解决这些城市健康问题的根本途径是城市社区健康教育与健康促进策略,并针对我国城市社区健康教育与健康促进的研究和发展现状提出对策建议。  相似文献   
采用基尼系数方法从人口和地理分布两个方面定量分析重庆市卫生资源配置的公平性.重庆市主要卫生资源中,护士的基尼系数最高;重庆市的三个经济区域中,都市发达经济圈的基尼系数最高;资源按地理配置的公平性要差于按人口配置.重庆市护理人员严重不足且分布不公平,资源地理配置的公平性有待改善.  相似文献   
趋化因子10(CXCL10)是由干扰素诱导产生,过去又把它称为干扰素-γ诱导蛋白10(IFN-γInducible protein 10).其具有强大的招募中性粒细胞、促进多种细胞因子分泌及抑制部分肿瘤生长等多种生物学作用.在慢性炎症、过敏性炎症、自身免疫性疾病、移植物排斥反应和肿瘤等多种疾病的病理过程中起重要作用.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a devastating mental illness and is characterized by hallucinations and delusions as well as social skills deficits. Generally, social skills training designed to help patients develop social skills includes role-playing, but this form of training has typical shortcomings, which are largely due to a trainer's difficulties to project emotion. Virtual reality (VR)-based techniques have the potential to solve these difficulties, because they provide a computer-generated but realistic three-dimensional world and humanlike avatars that can provide emotional stimuli. In this paper, we report on a method of implementing virtual environments (VEs) in order to train people with schizophrenia to develop conversational skills in specific situations, which could overcome the shortcomings of or complement conventional role-playing techniques. The paper reports the efficacy of the proposed approach in a preliminary clinical trial with 10 patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   
正性情绪词与内隐情绪启动效应的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大三学生为被试,以正性情绪词和中性词匹配作为实验材料,采用3种加工类型×2种测验方式,研究个体情绪的内隐特征.结果表明:(1)文字的正性情绪信息对个体的正性内隐情绪具有启动效应.(2)以汉字作为实验材料也可以研究个体的内隐情绪特征.(3)内隐情绪特征的研究对教育内容和教育形式的设计上具有启示意义.  相似文献   
周思来的党内和谐思想是在处理党内矛盾、纠纷和斗争中形成和发展的.其形成和发展大约经历四个阶段:1927-1935是形成时期,已经提出了他的党内和谐思想,即思想和谐是党内和谐的关键,民主是党内和谐的前提和基础.1935-1945年成熟时期,他已经阐释他的党内和谐的内涵:思想一致、组织统一.并且认识到实现党内和谐,关键是要实现思想和谐.1945-1957年进一步发展时期,提出了"求同存异".隶同存异是包含差别性的统一.1958-1976年曲折发展时期,"大跃进"后大声疾呼要发扬民主,重塑党的团结与和谐.周恩来在"文革"中发挥了多层次、多方面的巨大的"中和"作用.  相似文献   
This paper presents the asymptotic expansions of the distributions of the two‐sample t‐statistic and the Welch statistic, for testing the equality of the means of two independent populations under non‐normality. Unlike other approaches, we obtain the null distributions in terms of the distribution and density functions of the standard normal variable up to n?1, where n is the pooled sample size. Based on these expansions, monotone transformations are employed to remove the higher‐order cumulant effect. We show that the new statistics can improve the precision of statistical inference to the level of o (n?1). Numerical studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the improved statistics. Some general rules for practitioners are also recommended.  相似文献   
云南少数民族女性与宗教研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教作为一种社会意识形态,隐含着人类历史的文化基因.男女两性共同创造了历史,也创造了文化.近年来随着女性主义视角下社会性别研究的兴起,学术界对宗教的研究也开拓了新的理论视角与学术旨趣,如女性与宗教这一新动向的出现.云南民族众多,由于其地域文化的多样性和历史发展的不均衡性,其宗教类型齐全,信仰内涵丰富.在此背景下,本文拟对近些年来云南少数民族女性与宗教的相关研究情况,分别作一宗教人类学理论视角下的概述.  相似文献   
入世出世心理对压力和心理健康的中介作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以319名大一学生为被试研究入世出世心理对压力和心理健康的中介作用,结果发现:(1)平常心对压力和生活满意度起部分中介作用,拼搏精神对压力和自尊起部分中介作用。(2)平常心对压力和心理症状总分、自卑、网络成瘾、敌对起部分中介作用,拼搏精神对压力和人际过敏、抑郁起部分中介作用。说明拼搏精神与平常心能缓减压力对心理健康的消极影响,培养拼搏精神和平常心是应对压力的有效途径。  相似文献   
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