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组织政治技能是个体在组织中生存和获得职业发展的重要能力之一,也是组织行为学研究中的重要领域。研究主要从中国文化的视角,探讨组织政治技能对个体自身的影响作用。结果显示,组织政治技能与工作满意度之间存在线性关系,而非曲线关系;组织政治技能中的处世圆通和面子和谐两个维度有利于缓解工作压力,而人际敏锐可能增加个体的工作压力感;自我评价对于组织政治技能与工作压力和工作满意度之间关系的中介效应不显著;工作压力在处世圆通、人际敏锐和面子和谐三个维度与工作满意度之间起完全中介作用。这些结果表明,组织政治技能对于个体来说是非常重要的能力,可以帮助个体缓解工作压力,提高工作满意感,进而促进个体的职业发展。  相似文献   
为了更为深入地了解当前流行于青少年群体的动漫中存在的暴力内容的特点,本研究通过提名法选取了初中生最为喜爱的三部动漫影片,并采用质性的内容分析法对其暴力特点进行了分析,结果发现初中生最喜爱的三部动漫影片均为涉及较多暴力场景的动漫,且这些影片中的暴力特点主要表现为施暴者多为有魅力的英雄人物;暴力是正义的、非现实性的和缺乏幽默感的;对暴力场景进行较多的特写且较少出现血腥场景;很少描述受害者的痛苦和对受害者的态度;暴力往往会造成较大的身体伤害,但很少对施暴者进行惩罚。  相似文献   
自杀问题是当下社会中存在的精神卫生症候之一,从关怀哲学的视角探究自杀防控理念的历史源流、现实境遇、临床困境与价值诉求,经由医患关怀的和谐转化,医务人员可以在防控自杀病人的进程中达到“关怀”与“防控”的知行统一,一方面为自杀病人提供文化关怀的防控脉相,另一方面为医护人员在自杀防控的实践运用层面提供参考.  相似文献   
Many adolescent patients with chronic medical conditions do not manage their illnesses very closely and often put themselves at risk for serious health complications. Setting aside cases of nonadherence that are due to practical difficulties involving the implementation of a management plan, a deeply problematic question remains. How should health care providers respond to adolescent patients who express a conscious and value-driven decision to pursue other goals and interests that are incompatible with their doctors' recommended directives? Using two guiding ethical principles, the "relevant difference principle" and the "principle of noninterference," as well as available empirical data on adolescent decision making and risk perception, the paper concludes that most adolescents ages 14 and older should be allowed to make self-determining decisions regarding the management of their chronic medical conditions.  相似文献   
Parent-child similarities in traditional mate preferences were examined in Chinese immigrants to North America. Adult children (n = 63) rated their preferred mate characteristics. Children then completed measures of interdependence, family allocentrism, Chinese identity, and Asian values. Their parents (n = 63) also rated their own preferences for their child's spouse and their own Asian values. Parents reported greater preference for traditional mate characteristics than did their children. Parents' preferences were related to parents' own Asian values. Children's traditional mate preferences were predicted by their parents' preferences and their own family allocentrism. Family allocentrism was a marginally significant partial mediator of parent's influence on children's preferences. Family connectedness may, therefore, facilitate intergenerational transmission of values in immigrant Asian families.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine cultural influences on conceptual orientations of learning in U.S. and Chinese preschoolers. A sample of 188 preschoolers 4-6 years of age provided free-narrative responses to 2 story beginnings about the learning behavior of 2 protagonists, 1 who worked hard and 1 who gave up. Results showed that despite some differences in the younger age groups, children from both cultures valued learning similarly at age 6. However, important cultural differences emerged in children's construals of the learning process. U.S. children showed a heightened awareness of the mind/task attributes of the learner, that is, ability, task attempting, and strategy use. By contrast, Chinese children perceived more the learner's dispositional qualities of diligence, persistence, and concentration. These trends increased as children's age increased. The U.S. findings are interpreted as reflecting the U.S. cultural emphasis on learning as a task, and the Chinese results, as reflecting the Chinese cultural focus on learning as a process of cultivating personal virtue.  相似文献   
Developmental psychologists have describedimitation as a process that suggests perspective-taking abilities. However, imitative behavior has been found in animals, which are generally not considered capable of taking the perspective of another. Previous studies with birds have demonstrated the imitation of a single response (sometimes referred to asaction-level imitation). In the present experiment, we examined the extent to which pigeons would imitate an unfamiliar sequence of two behaviors (sometimes referred to asprogram-level imitation). Our results indicate that, although there are individual differences, pigeons show a significant tendency to match a demonstrated sequence of behavior involving, first, a response to a treadle (pecking at it or stepping on it) and, second, pushing aside a screen that blocks access to food (a left-vs.-right push).  相似文献   
本文首先从佛教量论的角度对翻译的实质做出界定,指出翻译的实质是一种为他(社会性)的比量活动。根据翻译为他比量的实质,可以引导出翻译的两种类型:比知翻译和喻知翻译。比知翻译是具有事先直接约定性的语言传递活动;喻知翻译是没有事先直接约定的语言传递活动。根据从佛教量论对翻译实质和类型的规定,本文分析了不可译性问题,揭示出不可译性在认识论上的误区,指出不可译性是不可知论或怀疑论在翻译领域的显现。  相似文献   
To test the relation between sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) and DSM-IV ADHD symptoms, parent and teacher ratings of the 18 DSM-IV ADHD items and five potential SCT items were obtained in a community sample of 8-18 year-old twins that was overselected for ADHD and learning disabilities (n = 296). Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a three-factor model provided the best fit to the data for both parent and teacher ratings. DSM-IV inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms loaded on two factors consistent with the DSM-IV model, and five SCT symptoms loaded primarily on a third factor. The SCT and inattention factors were highly correlated, whereas SCT and hyperactivity-impulsivity were weakly related. Both raters indicated that children meeting symptom criteria for the combined and inattentive subtypes exhibited significantly more SCT symptoms than those meeting symptom criteria for hyperactive-impulsive type and the comparison group without ADHD. Children meeting symptom criteria for the inattentive type exhibited significantly more SCT symptoms than those meeting criteria for the combined type, based on teacher ratings. These results suggest that SCT is an internally consistent construct that is significantly associated with DSM-IV inattention.  相似文献   
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