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林泳海  金莉 《心理学探新》2006,26(3):74-78,92
该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。被试为城市幼儿园34名MD儿童和30名正常儿童,平均年龄约6.0岁。结果发现:学习不良儿童早期数学能力在逻辑、计算和空间保持上有缺陷,与Johnson、Ginsburg等人的研究结果一致。与以往研究有所不同的是:在计数能力上,MD儿童与正常儿童间差异不明显;在数守恒能力上,MD儿童明显低于正常儿童;空间保持缺陷表现突出,表现为书写数字时的镜像反应、图形的错误表征等。  相似文献   
四川大学道教与宗教文化研究所教授、博士生导师郭武先生近著《<净明忠孝全书>研究——以宋、元社会为背景的考察》(以下简称《<净明忠孝全书>研究》),作为香港道教学院丛书之一,于2005年8月由中国社会科学出版社出版。全书32万余字,在充分把握已有成果的基础上,发前人所未发,是净明道研究的新创获。郭著以净明道重要典籍《净明忠孝全书》为主要研究对象,结合宋、元时代的社会文化背景,而对该《全书》所涉及的有关净明道的诸多问题进行了考察,可谓宏博专精、严正明晰。该著内容包括:《导论》、《<净明忠孝全书>的结构与编纂》(第一章)、《<…  相似文献   
黄景春 《中国道教》2006,373(2):28-31
说起谪仙,人们自然而然地想到我国唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白。其实谪仙这个名称并非从李白开始,也不专指李白。谪仙从哪里来谪仙之说是我国古代神仙信仰的产物。神仙包括神和仙两种崇拜对象。神是先天存在的,是各民族文化中所共有的;仙,也叫仙人,是人经过修炼之后,获得长生不  相似文献   
(说明:文中格林的观点代表着神学家们的企图,他从“有关人类的原则”最后引出了“超自然力”,成为其为终极问题的答案,就是要论证世间秩序与自然规律符合上帝的安排设计,而作者是针对他的论点通过反证和举例,以及假设进行了批评和质疑。)  相似文献   
本土化情绪声音库的编制和评定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为情绪研究提供一套本土量化的声音刺激材料,在大量收集各种声音刺激的基础上精选出453个声音,并征集50名大学生对声音的愉悦度、唤醒度和优势度进行了自我报告的9点量表评分。结果表明男女生对部分声音的情绪感受有所不同;聚类分析可将声音聚为6类,大致可引发愉快、悲伤、恐惧、厌恶等情绪,提示可以同时从情绪维度和情绪类型两种途径研究情绪问题,两者结果也有相互比较的可能性;本情绪声音库还有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
大学生人格类型与专业认同间的关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡志海  黄和林 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1498-1501
本研究对旅游管理专业大学生进行了MBTI人格测验,并采用问卷调查与内隐联想测验(IAT)两种方式了解被试的专业认同状况。研究发现样本的专业认同存在显著的外显—内隐分离,在内隐层面上缺乏足够认同。性别、人格类型与专业认同之间存在一定关联,部分人格维度可作为判断大学生专业认同状况的有效变量。  相似文献   
青少年理想身体自我量表编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈红  冯文锋  黄希庭 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1190-1193
对1124名青少年被试进行开放式问卷、封闭式问卷测试和探索性因素分析,结果表明:自编青少年理想身体自我量表具有良好的信度和效度。男性理想身体自我的维度为:性感魅力、运动健康、高大力量、浓眉大眼。女性理想身体自我的维度为性感魅力、匀称健康、苗条飘逸和洋气骨感。在中国文化背景下,青少年理想身体自我是多维度的。男性和女性理想身体有共同维度,均看重健康、性感和头发;也存在不同的维度,即男性身体更强调有力量、强壮和高大,女性身体更强调苗条和匀称。  相似文献   
社会适应性研究述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨彦平  金瑜 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1171-1173
本文对社会适应性的概念界定、基本理论、研究方法、评价量表与内容、影响因素等研究现状做了基本的叙述与分析。从中看出,当前国外的研究主要集中在社会适应性的评价与跨文化的研究上。国内这方面的研究主要集中在量表的研发和特殊儿童与正常儿童社会适应性的比较研究上。该研究的发展趋势是对社会适应行为的影响因素、评价以及怎样培养方面的研究。  相似文献   
Social cognitive theory has supported the view that perfectionism can be a hindrance to creativity, and also considers self-esteem to have a moderating effect on their relationship. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between perfectionism and creativity in college dancers. Two hundred and sixty-six college dance students completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale of Frost, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the New Test of Creative Thinking. The moderating effect was tested with a four-step moderated hierarchical regression analysis. Bivariate analyses showed that creative thinking was, as a dependent variable, significantly related to multidimensional perfectionism and self-esteem in college dancers. Additionally, the hierarchical regression analysis revealed that self-esteem moderated the association between multidimensional perfectionism and creative thinking after controlling for selected socio-demographic characteristics. It can thus be concluded that self-esteem might regulate the positive effect of multidimensional perfectionism on creative thinking. Professional dance instructors who are working with perfectionist dancers should, therefore, seek ways to improve dancers’ self-esteem as one of the strategies to improve their creative thinking.  相似文献   
Sharing economy (SE) is a rapidly growing economic model which has brought people efficiency and convenience; however, it also provides users the opportunity to misbehave, which has raised public concerns about the moral crisis that it might cause. We examined the effect of SE on individuals’ unethical behaviors through four studies. We found consistently that making people believe that they were using shared goods (Study 1) or priming them with abstract SE mindsets (Studies 2–4) reduced, not facilitated, their subsequent cheating on task performances to gain monetary rewards. Moreover, the effect of SE on cheating was mediated by a sense of connecting to others (Study 4). Thinking of using SE enhanced individuals’ interpersonal closeness, which in turn led to less unethical behavior. However, correlational analyses in Studies 3 and 4 showed that people who cheated more in studies in the laboratory also reported using SE more frequently in real life. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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