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<正>隋唐时期著名的道医孙思邈,在《千金要方》一书中提出的"口中言少、心中事少、腹中食少、自然睡少,依此四少,神仙快了"的"四少"养生法,即使在1300多年后的今天,也仍然值得我们去学习和实践。  相似文献   
为了弥补当代道德沦丧和意义的缺失,有必要重新寻找社会伦理化可能性路径.社会伦理的内生点从何延出?是先天的"德性"还是后天的"德行"?是个体自觉还是共同体的觉醒?社会制度化、程序化的规范伦理如何能与道德主体相一致?社会伦理能否公共化、普世化?在社会伦理的建构中,无论是东方还是西方的学者,都不同程度地忽视了由德性而德行的中间环节--常德的培养.  相似文献   
长期以来,国内外对于《纯粹理性批判》的研究存在着忽视、甚至是无视"先验方法论"的现象。作为与"要素论"相对应的第二大部分,"方法论"阐发了将此前"批判"的结果建构起理性大厦的基本原则,因而构成了整个批判哲学的"总纲"。作为"方法论"的核心,纯粹理性的"戒律"和"法规"与理性的两大立法(自然的立法和自由的立法)直接相关,因而关系到对《批判》的根本任务、康德形而上学的目标与建构、乃至整个批判哲学体系的理解和把握。  相似文献   
康德关于美的论述没有将"天国"拉回到"人间",但他的美学却揭示了一条理路,致使后来的大陆哲学家,尤其是黑格尔依照这条理路反思思维与存在的统一。由于康德认为美让崇高变得有了意义,且崇高理论对回答康德哲学所逼出的"历史"、"时间"问题没有太多助益,所以其崇高理论远没有他对美的解释那么富有深远的影响意义。  相似文献   
本文认为明末来华的耶稣会传教士利玛窦借助伦理哲学和自然科学传教的方式深受欧洲文艺复兴和宗教改革时代精神的影响,利玛窦首先在非基督教文明中找到中西方共同的人文价值,以此为传播天主教打下基础。利玛窦及其后继者通过交友和理性论辩等途径,使一部分中国士大夫皈依了天主教。在利玛窦的传教方式中,手段与目的之间达到统一与和谐。  相似文献   
学生智力与反应时的关系的教育神经心理学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较不同智商者的大脑两半球的反应时发现,小学生中智力较高者大脑西半球的反应时较智力较低者明显为短,说明智力水平与大脑反应明显相关;选择反应时与智力水平的关系较简单反应时尤为密切。但正确反应率在两组之间未见有明显差异。  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effectiveness of recasts and prompts on the acquisition of the English third-person singular form and the mediating role of cognitive style on the effects of feedback. One hundred and seventy-five college students from four intact classes were assigned to four groups: form-focused instruction with recast (FFI-recast), FFI with prompt (FFI-prompt), FFI, and control. The group embedded figures test (Witkin et al. in Rev Educ Res 47:1–64, 1977) was adopted to test learners’ cognitive style (field dependence/independence). The results show that the FFI-prompt group outperformed the FFI-recast group and the control group on the immediate post-test; the FFI-prompt group also achieved significantly higher scores than the other groups on the delayed post-test in the written test. However, no significant difference was found among groups in the text-completion test. Regression analyses reveal that in the text-completion test, field dependence/independence mediates the effect of recasts on the immediate post-test.  相似文献   
Preferential attention to living creatures is believed to be an intrinsic capacity of the visual system of several species, with perception of biological motion often studied and, in humans, it correlates with social cognitive performance. Although domestic dogs are exceptionally attentive to human social cues, it is unknown whether their sociability is associated with sensitivity to conspecific and heterospecific biological motion cues of different social relevance. We recorded video clips of point-light displays depicting a human or dog walking in either frontal or lateral view. In a preferential looking paradigm, dogs spontaneously viewed 16 paired point-light displays showing combinations of normal/inverted (control condition), human/dog and frontal/lateral views. Overall, dogs looked significantly longer at frontal human point-light display versus the inverted control, probably due to its clearer social/biological relevance. Dogs’ sociability, assessed through owner-completed questionnaires, further revealed that low-sociability dogs preferred the lateral point-light display view, whereas high-sociability dogs preferred the frontal view. Clearly, dogs can recognize biological motion, but their preference is influenced by their sociability and the stimulus salience, implying biological motion perception may reflect aspects of dogs’ social cognition.  相似文献   
Neuroimaging research has suggested that activity in the amygdala, center of the socioemotional network, and functional connectivity between the amygdala and cortical regions are associated with caregiving behaviors in postpartum mothers. Anxiety is common in the early postpartum period, with severity ranging from healthy maternal preoccupation to clinical disorder. However, little is known about the influence of anxiety on the neural correlates of early caregiving. We examined these relationships in a community cohort of 75 postpartum women (ages 18–22; predominantly low-SES, minority race) who listened to infant cry sounds while undergoing an fMRI assessment. Maternal self-reported symptoms of anxiety were mostly within the subclinical range. Positive and negative caregiving behaviors during filmed face-to-face mother–infant interactions were coded by independent observers. The results from whole-brain analyses showed that anxiety severity moderated the brain–maternal behavior relationships. Specifically, our results showed that the higher a mother’s anxiety, the stronger the association between positive caregiving (i.e., maternal warmth and involvement) and amygdala–right posterior superior temporal sulcus (amygdala–RpSTS) functional connectivity. These results remained significant when we controlled for symptoms of depression and contextual variables. These findings suggest that functional connectivity between the amygdala and a social perception region (RpSTS) plays a particularly important role for anxious mothers in facilitating their positive parenting. These findings extend our understanding of the specific neural circuits that support positive maternal caregiving in the context of maternal anxiety, and they may help inform the future design of personalized and effective interventions.  相似文献   
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