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主动脉夹层患者手术前的心理危机对其治疗有极大的负影响.本文作者首先列举了主动脉夹层患者手术前心理危机的主要危害,并详细分析了其心理危机的产生原因.然后针对性地提出了该类患者手术前心理危机可能的干预对策,同时列举一些采取了这些心理干预取得显著疗效的医院,充分证明心理干预在该类患者治疗中的重要性,最后面对目前该类患者手术前医疗状况的不足,进行了深刻的思考.  相似文献   
3月12日晚,中国道教协会八届五次会长会议在北京白云观召开。国家宗教事务局副局长蒋坚永亲临会议指导并作重要讲话。中国道教协会会长任法融,副会长张继禹、黄信阳、黄至安、丁常云、唐诚青、赖保荣、刘怀元、林舟、张金涛、张凤林、孟崇然、黄至杰、李诚道,秘  相似文献   
We reply to the Ioannidis's paper "Effectiveness of antidepressants; an evidence based myth constructed from a thousand controlled trials." We disagree that antidepressants have no greater efficacy than placebo. We present the efficacy from hundreds of trials in terms of the percentage of patients with a substantial clinical response (a 50% improvement or more symptomatic reduction). This meta-analysis finds that 42-70% of depressed patients improve with drug and 21%-39% improve with placebo. The response benefit of antidepressant treatment is 33%-11% greater than placebo. Ioannidis argues that it would be vanishingly smaller because systematic biasing in these clinical trials would reduce the drug-placebo difference to zero. Ioannidis' argument that antidepressants have no benefit is eroded by his failures of logic because he does not present any evidence that there are a large number of studies where placebo is substantially more effective than drug. (To reduce to zero, one would also have to show that some of the unpublished studies find placebo better than drug and have substantial systematic or methodological bias). We also present the empirical evidence showing that these methodological concerns generally have the opposite effect of what Ioannidis argues, supporting our contention that the measured efficacy of antidepressants likely underestimates true efficacy. Our most important criticism is Ioannidis’ basic underlying argument about antidepressants that if the existing evidence is imperfect and methods can be criticized, then this proves that antidepressant are not efficacious. He presents no credible evidence that antidepressants have zero effect size. Valid arguments can point out difficulties with the data but do not prove that a given drug had no efficacy. Indeed better evidence might prove it was more efficacious that originally found. We find no empirical or ethical reason why psychiatrists should not try to help depressed patients with drugs and/or with psychotherapeutic/behavioral treatments given evidence of efficacy even though our treatment knowledge has limitations. The immense suffering of patients with major depression leads to ethical, moral, professional and legal obligations to treat patients with the best available tools at our disposal, while diligently and actively monitoring for adverse effects and actively revising treatment components as necessary.  相似文献   
毛泽东的"革命",既是一场驱动着古老中国由传统走向现代的卓绝的努力,同时又强烈地体现出对于"现代性"弊端进行反拨的价值维度:针对现代性过程极易产生的官僚主义政治体制的弊端,他试图通过一场全方位的文化大革命实现权力重组,以巩固其人民民主的政治体制;针对现代性过程中所带来的片面的发展主义的经济模式,他试图通过"抓革命、促生产"来寻找一个"发展"和"公正"的结合点;针对现代性过程中出现的文化精英主义倾向,他试图通过对知识分子再教育来破解精英与大众的对立这一历史性难题。在带领中国走向现代化的过程中致力于超越西方现代性的弊端,进而创造出一种新的社会现代化方案,成为毛泽东"革命"的一个重要主题。  相似文献   
利用128导事件相关电位技术,对19名正常被试在言语、峰鸣声和音乐刺激上产生的脑电早期外源性成分N1进行了考察。实验结果发现,在音素条件和蜂鸣声条件下,左侧额叶N1波幅显著高于右侧。偶极子溯源分析发现音素条件和蜂鸣声条件下的偶极子都位于左脑额叶,而音乐条件下的两个偶极子位于右脑额叶。证明范畴属性对信号加工大脑半球优势的影响在加工的早期就开始发挥作用。  相似文献   
Metaphysics is a repeated act by way of “representation”; the instantaneous judgment is solidified, the inevitable conclusion is made, and at the same time other possibilities are excluded. “Outside thinking” is a blow to the spiritual tradition of metaphysics, which holds that “representation” will lead to a differential activity concerning the relationship between stranger things. Such relationship follows a kind of “horizontal logic,” the latter discards the presupposition on the “origin” of things, that is, it no longer presumes that this point or that point has greater privilege than “other points.” Things do not develop from a central point. Rather, things are the result of innumerable “points” in cooperative relationships between strangers. These cooperative relationships are arbitrary. In “horizontal logic,” many “starting points” or “spiritual T-points” are used as substitutes for a unique “origin.”  相似文献   
康德为道德寻求客观依据而确立的"道德律令"继承了基督教传统"道德金律"的普世性、律法及上帝观念,同时又从实践理性角度赋予了这种基督教传统文化思想以新的时代意义。这种新的解释具有现代科学理性及人文性特征,从而对后之学者在道德问题上的探寻有着深远的影响。  相似文献   
中介效应的检验方法和效果量测量:回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过中介效应检验方法之间的比较和效果量指标之间的比较,建议放弃将总效应c显著作为中介效应检验的前提条件,放弃基于直接效应c'显著性的完全和部分中介的提法,推荐使用偏差校正的百分位Bootstrap法直接对中介效应ab进行检验,使用κ2Rmed2等中介效果量指标并报告效果量的置信区间。作为示例,用R软件的MBESS软件包对某消防员饮食健康调查进行了中介效应检验和效果量测量。随后展望了中介效应检验方法和效果量测量的拓展方向。  相似文献   
王雨函  隋雪  刘西瑞 《心理科学》2008,31(3):667-670
论文回顾了以往对阅读中跳读现象的研究.发现与跳读有关的因素主要包括眼动因素、阅读材料因素和语言因素.文章对有关阅读过程中跳读现象的各种解释理论进行了评述.同时,对开展汉字阅读中跳读现象研究进行了展望,提出考查中文与西文阅读中跳读差异性的重要性.  相似文献   
张日昇  徐洁  张雯 《心理科学》2008,31(3):681-684
心理咨询与治疗研究与实践长期存在脱节现象;心理咨询与治疗研究需要研究方法的多元化与科学化.质性研究方法的应用能在一定程度上解决心理咨询与治疗领域所面临的这两个问题.本文对质性研究方法应用于心理咨询与治疗研究的背景和现状进行综述,以期能对国内心理咨询与治疗研究者提供思考和借鉴.  相似文献   
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