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中学生知识获得过程是从情景记忆向语义记忆转化的过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋洁  吴艳红  王金凤  朱滢 《心理科学》2003,26(5):784-789
本研究探讨中学生的知识掌握过程。针对2001—2002年度上学期教学内容,对初中二年级学生的四门课程分别进行两次测验。对于每道选择题,学生首先选择正确答案,然后指出记忆的意识状态:记住的、知道的、猜测的。结果发现,学生记忆意识类型的转变(由记住向知道)取决于课程类型、保持时间和学生等级。对于不同课程,学生占优势的意识类型不同,自然学科知道的反应占优势,社会学科记住的反应占优势;优等生知道的反应多于其他学生;随着学习时间的延长,中学生的意识类型发生了由记住向知道的转变,这表明知识掌握过程中,中学生的知识表征发生了由情景记忆向语义记忆的转变。  相似文献   
尚杰 《世界哲学》2005,(1):16-21
通过关于德里达逝世一份意味深长的讣告,2004年10月下旬,以《纽约时报》为载体,引发了一场关于德里达的哲学对我们这个世界究竟意味着什么的讨论.这场讨论的实质在于,德里达的解构精神究竟是一种一味摧毁形而上学的力量,还是通过对这种形而上学传统的分析,指出"一分为二"式的"二元论"的片面性,以致所导致的,从古至今绵延不断的一种固执的思维定式.德里达试图告诉我们,形而上学和古典辩证法传统在把一对和多对范畴相互对应、提升、同化过程中,势必排除或遗漏掉许多可能是更为重要的要素,因为这些要素可能是使事物得以出场和传播的更为真实的方式.解构不是破坏,不是摧毁,不是在消灭一个旧世界的基础上建立一个新世界.应该把解构理解为事物在出场或传播过程中其结构的某种实际上的变形,一种实际效果.  相似文献   
Family theory has refocused attention from deficits to family strengths, and interest in family resilience across cultures has become more widespread. However, few instruments were designed for quantitative research on family resilience. The Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS) was designed to measure family resilience and has been administered in Western populations. The aim of this study was to adapt the FRAS for use with Chinese populations and examine its psychometric properties. The study was conducted using a sample of 991 university students in China (62.9 % female, mean age 20, SD = 1.12). First, the scale was translated and modified into Chinese, and good language equivalency was found. Next, confirmatory factor analysis was used to identify the best-fitting model. Results showed that the 3-factor model consisting of 32 items was an adequate fit. The goodness-of-fit index values for the model were χ 2/df = 5.97, CFI = .84, RMSEA = .08, SRMR = .05. Total scale reliability was α = .95. According to these values it can be said that the modified Chinese version of the FRAS was adapted successfully to the Chinese culture. Moreover, researchers and clinicians can use this instrument to assess family strengths when working with individuals in families experiencing adversity.  相似文献   
Traumatic events are highly prevalent in South African society and psychologists who work with survivors of trauma have been identified as particularly at risk of being adversely affected by their work, and experiencing vicarious trauma. This study aimed to explore the experiences of a group of South African psychologists who work predominantly with trauma survivors. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with six psychologists (females = 67%). The predominant type of trauma encountered by participants in clinical practice was interpersonal trauma in the form of physical and sexual abuse (83%). Data were analysed using thematic analysis. All participants reported symptoms of vicarious trauma including disruption in cognitive schemas, symptoms characteristic of post-traumatic stress disorder, and somatic symptoms. Participants also reported vicarious post-traumatic growth including an enhanced sense of interpersonal connectedness and positive changes in their philosophy of life and self-perceptions. The findings serve to sensitise psychologists to the impact of working with trauma survivors so as to enhance the efficiency of psychological service delivery to traumatised populations.  相似文献   
Social context affects people’s life satisfaction because it provides a natural reference for evaluating their own socioeconomic standing. Given their reference role, social contexts operationalized by space versus time may have very different implications. Our hypothesis is that spatial variation in economic development has little impact on life satisfaction as individuals living in different locales are unlikely to experience this variation personally, but that short-term temporal changes in economic development, on the other hand, do have an impact, as individuals in a given locale experience these changes directly. These two very different implications of spatial versus temporal social contexts are tested with an analysis of repeated survey data in 60 counties of China from 2005 to 2010. The results show that life satisfaction does not vary much with regional differences in economic development but responds positively to the local level of economic development over time. That is, the contextual effects of economic development vary greatly depending on how social context is operationalized. Temporal context matters far more than regional context where individuals’ life satisfaction is concerned.  相似文献   
There are established effects of self- and reward-biases even on simple perceptual matching tasks [Sui, J., He, X., &; Humphreys, G. W. (2012). Perceptual effects of social salience: Evidence from self-prioritization effects on perceptual matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology, Human Perception and Performance, 38, 1105–1117]; however we know little about whether these biases can be modulated by particular interventions, and whether the biases then change in the same way. Here we assessed how the biases alter under conditions designed to induce negative mood. We had participants read a list of self-related negative or neutral mood statements [Velten, E. (1968). A laboratory task for induction of mood states. Behavior Research and Therapy, 6, 473–482] and also listen for 10?min to a passage of negative or neutral music, prior to carrying out perceptual matching with shapes associated to personal labels (self or stranger) or reward (£12 or £1). Responses to the self- and high-reward-associated shapes were selectively slower and less sensitive (d′) following the negative mood induction procedures, and the decrease in mood correlated with decreases in the reaction time bias across “high saliency” (self and high-reward) stimuli. We suggest that negative mood may decrease self- and reward-biases through reducing attention to salient external stimuli.  相似文献   
采用现场研究和自编问卷来考察大学生课堂笔记学习策略的现状与特点。结果表明:(1)大学生都知晓课堂笔记的重要性,价值认知上不存在差异,但记笔记的具体行为存在着课程、性别和学科差异;(2)大学生记笔记的动机,主要是为了应付考试。但笔记利用率很低;(3)大学生记笔记的技术,大多采用传统做法,很少用到更主动概括、更利于认知发展的线性技术和矩阵技术,且文科、理科和艺术类学生没有差别;(4)女生在课堂笔记质量上的得分显著高于男生;(5)课堂笔记质量与学习成绩存在极其显著的正相关。  相似文献   
刘杰 《哲学动态》2007,(11):36-42
玛丽.兰(Mary Leng)是英国当代数学哲学界的青年代表人物之一,她的主要研究兴趣包括数学中的虚构主义、数学反实在论以及数学应用中的哲学问题等,其即将出版的著作为《数学与实在》。2006年5月她专程到山西大学科学技术哲学研究中心讲学访问,在此期间,笔者对她就当代数学哲学中的各种代数式观点进行了专访。问:传统的数学哲学最关注数学基础问题,哲学家与数学家们都试图为数学找到一个坚实而明确的公理基础。逻辑主义、形式主义以及直觉主义者三大基础纲领已经被发展起来,但学界就这一问题始终未达到共识。请问,数学基础问题的研究在当代西…  相似文献   
探讨用于小儿放射检查的安全、有效的麻醉方法。选择60例1岁~8岁ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级小儿,分别采用单纯氯胺酮、咪达唑仑复合氯胺酮和异丙酚复合氯胺酮3种麻醉方法。观察3种麻醉方法的效果和安全性以及不良反应,辩证地分析3种麻醉方法的优缺点,思考小儿放射检查的合适的麻醉方法。  相似文献   
白细胞介素-6和胎盘生长因子对子痫前期影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨影响子痫前期患者发病的因素,对照性检测了子痫前期患者羊水中白细胞介素-6和胎盘中胎盘生长因子的变化。结果显示:子痫前期患者白细胞介素-6和胎盘生长因子均明显下降,且二者下降水平呈高度正相关。故联合检测白细胞介素-6和胎盘生长因子将对评估子痫前期的病情及指导临床决策具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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